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Faked Injuries by SC


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isnt it a sad indictment of humanity when integrity has disappeared to the point we are even having this conversation? I imagine Shug Jordan turning circles in his grave over things like this.

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I think I saw on the Gamecock message board last night and in the SC newspaper that the Off Lineman with the "back injury"  is probably going to miss the rest of the season... oops. 


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. I don't know how you would police this, if a player is hurt and down, it looks the same as a player faking an injury

and here in lies the problem.  No one,  not the universities, coaches,  SEC, NCAA, parents, fans, me, you.... NOBODY is willing to roll the dice on a player's injury being serious, monor or fake.

When a college player goes down, you have to assume the "realistic" worst.  He twisted his leg alittle bit,  but that could be anything from shredded ligaments to itching the skin from his pants.  In modern times, the risk of being sued is there if you do not assume the worst,  and prove otherwise. 

Coaches would be tempted to play players who got borderline serious injuries, ratrher than bring them in and checking them out.  Players would too.

So you could really only flag the players who seemed to be faking... and within the final 2 minutes of each half. becasue that is when the fake rest iismost detrimental to the outcome of the game.   Now we are getting into the refs controling the outcome of games.  We are talking about giving the refs more power to make judgement calls.  The line is so fine.... fake, real, minor ,exagerated?

That is why I suggest that a player sit for the entire series. What injury can be assessed in the 30 seconds that it takes to run a play. If they are serious about the health of these kids, then take the time to let them sit and be evaluated.

That would take it out of the hands of the refs.

Not disagreeing,   Just worried about the QB getting an honest but simple injury and being held out for a series, when his injury was honestly minor.  That can change a game and punish an honest noninjury faking  team for no reason.    somehow just the fakers (team) need to be punished.   I just do not know how you could do that.

Aren't most (or all) of these fake injuries done by the defense?

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. I don't know how you would police this, if a player is hurt and down, it looks the same as a player faking an injury

and here in lies the problem.  No one,  not the universities, coaches,  SEC, NCAA, parents, fans, me, you.... NOBODY is willing to roll the dice on a player's injury being serious, monor or fake.

When a college player goes down, you have to assume the "realistic" worst.  He twisted his leg alittle bit,  but that could be anything from shredded ligaments to itching the skin from his pants.  In modern times, the risk of being sued is there if you do not assume the worst,  and prove otherwise. 

Coaches would be tempted to play players who got borderline serious injuries, ratrher than bring them in and checking them out.  Players would too.

So you could really only flag the players who seemed to be faking... and within the final 2 minutes of each half. becasue that is when the fake rest iismost detrimental to the outcome of the game.   Now we are getting into the refs controling the outcome of games.  We are talking about giving the refs more power to make judgement calls.  The line is so fine.... fake, real, minor ,exagerated?

That is why I suggest that a player sit for the entire series. What injury can be assessed in the 30 seconds that it takes to run a play. If they are serious about the health of these kids, then take the time to let them sit and be evaluated.

That would take it out of the hands of the refs.

Not disagreeing,   Just worried about the QB getting an honest but simple injury and being held out for a series, when his injury was honestly minor.  That can change a game and punish an honest noninjury faking  team for no reason.    somehow just the fakers (team) need to be punished.   I just do not know how you could do that.

Aren't most (or all) of these fake injuries done by the defense?

I would think most would be by defense,  but  I imagine it happens some to stop the clock on O too.

the point was more that it could take out a key cog who was not trying to fake an injury.  War Eagle

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