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Craig Sanders


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he'd really be the "man" if we let him play more than 12-16 plays a game. Makes you wonder who watches film, who decides who starts, and who decides when people sub in. Speed and pursuit are 10x better when he's in.

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That four-defensive end package where Nosa Eguae and Craig Sanders move inside and Corey Lemonier and Owens are the ends is Auburn’s “cheetah” package. It’s basically for must-pass situations where the group can pin its ears back and rush the quarterback. It worked. Lemonier had three hurries on the last drive alone (one was negated by Sanders’ roughing the passer penalty).

Read more: http://www.wareagleextra.com/2011/10/02/late-night-notes-beat-up-dyer-is-ok-after-heavy-workload-chizik-expects-it-to-continue/#ixzz1ZjtatWJ1

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Sanders is a pure monster, but I think the coaches are playing him perfectly right now.  If he was to be in for most of the plays, other teams would scheme against him to try and shut him down.  As it is right now, the coaches put him out there in specific situations, and the other team has no idea until he blows up the QB/RB for a 6 yard loss, or hits them so hard that they feel like taking themselves out of the game.  Craig will make a name for himself in his years at Auburn, and right now, he is playing like a man possessed.  His energy while on the field is a catalyst for everyone else.

War Eagle, Craig!!!

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That four-defensive end package where Nosa Eguae and Craig Sanders move inside and Corey Lemonier and Owens are the ends is Auburn’s “cheetah” package. It’s basically for must-pass situations where the group can pin its ears back and rush the quarterback. It worked. Lemonier had three hurries on the last drive alone (one was negated by Sanders’ roughing the passer penalty).

Read more: http://www.wareagleextra.com/2011/10/02/late-night-notes-beat-up-dyer-is-ok-after-heavy-workload-chizik-expects-it-to-continue/#ixzz1ZjtatWJ1


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Other than his boneheaded penalty in which he roughed the passer I thought he did a good job. That was a big penalty though and he needs to know better in that situation.

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was not worthy of a flag and i do not fault sanders on that play he made lunging (not quite diving) tackle around his waist/thighs ... very shortly after pass release from a right handed quarterback running away to his right ... should have kept the hanky in his pocket.

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Boneheaded?  He was trying to make a play.  When you get 270+ pounds moving, it's hard to stop on a dime.  He plays smart.  Boneheaded is a very poor choice of words.

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Other than his boneheaded penalty in which he roughed the passer I thought he did a good job. That was a big penalty though and he needs to know better in that situation.

I think the call against Sanders was poor. He was right on Garcia when Garcia released the ball. That was a raw deal we got. JMO.

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I agree, that was a bullcrap penalty. He hit Garcia just after the ball left his hand. The head ref needs glasses. Between that play and the multiple times Lemonier was tackled/held, it was horrible.

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It wasn't so simple against South Carolina. Auburn blitzed, pulled its two defensive tackles and played with four defensive ends on some occasions, and ran a safety deep in the secondary before the ball was snapped to try to confuse quarterback Stephen Garcia. That seemed to work as Auburn held an opponent to a season-low 289 yards. 

"What we're trying to do in pass-rush situations is to get our most athletic and our speed out there. I think we got good pressure with that group," Roof said

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He wasn't trying to make a play he was hitting Garcia after he threw the football, was it a borderline call? Yes. Was it necessary for Sanders to hit Garcia on the play? No. On third and long IMO you avoid borderline calls. If you don't give the referee the opportunity to make that call it doesn't happen. It was not as if Sanders got there JUST as Garcia released the ball the ball had been released, I have no problem with that happening early in the ball game setting a tone, but late in the ball game he needs to layoff Garcia. So yes I stick with boneheaded decision on Sanders part.

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Craig Sanders will be an all SEC defensive lineman starting next season and will be an All American DL before he moves on the the NFL.  By season's end, he will be a nightmare for our opposition. You heard it from the "Doc"!



:believe: :believe: :believe:

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He wasn't trying to make a play he was hitting Garcia after he threw the football, was it a borderline call? Yes. Was it necessary for Sanders to hit Garcia on the play? No. On third and long IMO you avoid borderline calls. If you don't give the referee the opportunity to make that call it doesn't happen. It was not as if Sanders got there JUST as Garcia released the ball the ball had been released, I have no problem with that happening early in the ball game setting a tone, but late in the ball game he needs to layoff Garcia. So yes I stick with boneheaded decision on Sanders part.

Your assessment of the play is boneheaded--he had already lunged at him before Garcia threw the ball
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Dude, you have some bad form. Here's a hint. 13mama, a member of this board, happens to share some lineage with Sanders. Care to guess what it is?

Now that might not be important to you, but I assure you, it is to far and away the majority of members on this board.

You can like it or not, but your choice of words to describe his play, does a much better job of describing your post.

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He wasn't trying to make a play he was hitting Garcia after he threw the football, was it a borderline call? Yes. Was it necessary for Sanders to hit Garcia on the play? No. On third and long IMO you avoid borderline calls. If you don't give the referee the opportunity to make that call it doesn't happen. It was not as if Sanders got there JUST as Garcia released the ball the ball had been released, I have no problem with that happening early in the ball game setting a tone, but late in the ball game he needs to layoff Garcia. So yes I stick with boneheaded decision on Sanders part.

Your assessment of the play is boneheaded--he had already lunged at him before Garcia threw the ball

Your assessment of my assessment is boneheaded.

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On the replay, just watched the very play right now under discussion.

Sanders had already launched himself with his head down around the waistline, when Garcia released the ball.. Even the announcers mentioned ,"at best, that is a questionable call".

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Dude, you have some bad form. Here's a hint. 13mama, a member of this board, happens to share some lineage with Sanders. Care to guess what it is?

Now that might not be important to you, but I assure you, it is to far and away the majority of members on this board.

You can like it or not, but your choice of words to describe his play, does a much better job of describing your post.

First and formost please point out where I have personally attacked Craig Sanders? Also point out where I've attacked him as a player? I simply stated he made one boneheaded play. Nothing more nothing less. Man you guys take things mighty personal! No disrespect to Craig's mother, and no disrespect to Craig but it was a boneheaded play. You can like it or not but me describing one play is completely different than me attacking a young mans personality which is what is implied in your post.

Excuse me for being of the opinion that receiving a 15 yard penalty on the final drive of the game for roughing the passer on a play in which he did hit the quarterback after he threw the ball is boneheaded.

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On the replay, just watched the very play right now under discussion.

Sanders had already launched himself with his head down around the waistline, when Garcia released the ball.. Even the announcers mentioned ,"at best, that is a questionable call".

Point being why place yourself in the situation of a questionable call on the FINAL DRIVE OF THE GAME!

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Sanders left his feet before the pass was thrown, a bonehead play and a poor call made by a referee are two very different things.

Pardon me (not really I don't give a damn) for pointing out his mother might not enjoy it. You could have chosen a better word and frankly, I'm completely uninterested in what you think of me or my opinion.

On the replay, just watched the very play right now under discussion.

Sanders had already launched himself with his head down around the waistline, when Garcia released the ball.. Even the announcers mentioned ,"at best, that is a questionable call".

Point being why place yourself in the situation of a questionable call on the FINAL DRIVE OF THE GAME!

It is called effort and I'll take what he did, over your posting style every time. HE LEFT HIS FEET, on a QB who was out of the pocket, before he passed the ball.  It wasn't a head shot, it wasn't an illegal hit. You may not like being wrong, but you are.
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Sanders left his feet before the pass was thrown, a bonehead play and a poor call made by a referee are two very different things.

Pardon me (not really I don't give a damn) for pointing out his mother might not enjoy it. You could have chosen a better word and frankly, I'm completely uninterested in what you think of me or my opinion.

On the replay, just watched the very play right now under discussion.

Sanders had already launched himself with his head down around the waistline, when Garcia released the ball.. Even the announcers mentioned ,"at best, that is a questionable call".

Point being why place yourself in the situation of a questionable call on the FINAL DRIVE OF THE GAME!

It is called effort and I'll take what he did, over your posting style every time. HE LEFT HIS FEET, on a QB who was out of the pocket, before he passed the ball.  It wasn't a head shot, it wasn't an illegal hit. You may not like being wrong, but you are.

Cool, I'm certainly happy to know where I stand with you. Sorry you don't enjoy my "posting style"

To be honest I'm at a loss for words, fact of the matter was it cost the defense 15 yards on a game deciding drive, I still fail to see in what way I personally attacked Craig Sanders, other than calling one thing he has done throughout his career boneheaded, but I'm sure it's cool with you if I called Florence or Fishers plays boneheaded because Erique's mother or Jeff Fisher don't post on this board, I don't mean ANY disrespect to Craig or his mother, and frankly I fail to see how someone could construe me criticizing the play as disrespectful to either. Whether you like it or not it was a flag that could have been avoided, and also a flag that could have cost us the game. FACT.

P.S. Sorry you don't want to be my friend

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I'm perfectly happy that way. Watch the play before defending the indefensible. You are assigning blame to entirely the wrong person on the play. He did precisely what he should have done.

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