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Updyke lawyer asks to withdraw as counsel


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Threatt was on one of the shows that Updyke was on---Finebaum's crappy show. Now suddenly he wants to be excused as the man's attorney because he appeared on a radio show against Threatt's advice? I wonder if the attorney doesn't want to lose another high-profile case since he was Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford's attorney (who's doing time in prison) and I heard he was Governor Siegelman's (probably misspelled) attorney as well.

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IMO this is just another stall tactic. They are doing everything they can to stall the trial thinking that the more time that passes the better off it is for updyke. I don't agree with that, but I have thought this would happpen.

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I wouldn't have a lawyer that doesn't have enough fashion sense to wear brown shoes with a charcoal gray suit. :)

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Maybe I could call the presiding judge and volunteer to represent him for free.  I'm not an attornery but I did stay at the Holiday Inn Express in Auburn a while back. 

After the trial, as Updyke is led away in cuffs, shackles, and a jumpsuit, I can just hear myself saying "Harv, I'm really sorry about that bud.  I did the best that I could..."  Evil snicker...

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Updyke called in to one of those radio shows and apologized to the Auburn fans.  I would have dropped him too.  Especially if he did it without my knowledge.  It'll be tough for any lawyer to spin that confession.

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I know he did a crazy, hateful thing.  He may well have destroyed something dear to all of us.  But, the man went against what his attorney advised him to do and called the finebaum show and asked for forgiveness.  He said he wasn't asking for sympathy, only forgiveness.  Whether or not it was sincere is for a power much higher than me to decide.  Our program tries very hard to promote Christian values among it's players as well as fans, so I forgive him. By no means am I a saint, but I am a believer and when a man asks for forgiveness, I, for my own good as well as his, need to forgive him.  He's not gona get invited to my house for dinner for sure but I feel like I need to realize that a crazy person done a crazy thing or it's just going to be another step towards turning the best rivalry in all of sports into possibly the worst

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I know he did a crazy, hateful thing.  He may well have destroyed something dear to all of us.  But, the man went against what his attorney advised him to do and called the finebaum show and asked for forgiveness.  He said he wasn't asking for sympathy, only forgiveness.  Whether or not it was sincere is for a power much higher than me to decide.  Our program tries very hard to promote Christian values among it's players as well as fans, so I forgive him. By no means am I a saint, but I am a believer and when a man asks for forgiveness, I, for my own good as well as his, need to forgive him.  He's not gona get invited to my house for dinner for sure but I feel like I need to realize that a crazy person done a crazy thing or it's just going to be another step towards turning the best rivalry in all of sports into possibly the worst

I pity the poor, miserable wretch.
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Harvey Updyke is the face of and the product of the insane/mentally disturbed/unbalanced portion of the U of A at Tuscaloosa (UAT) fan base.  He is no different than 100s of thousands of them and a message should be sent that either that behavior will not be tolerated or that Auburn and Auburn people are open game to whatever hateful garbage they want to throw at us, which seems to be the current situation. The rest of the UAT fan base will publicly throw the Updyke types under the bus when they perceive negative national publicity but it is just a show as they encourage and create the Updykes at other times.

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I know he did a crazy, hateful thing.  He may well have destroyed something dear to all of us.  But, the man went against what his attorney advised him to do and called the finebaum show and asked for forgiveness.  He said he wasn't asking for sympathy, only forgiveness.  Whether or not it was sincere is for a power much higher than me to decide.  Our program tries very hard to promote Christian values among it's players as well as fans, so I forgive him. By no means am I a saint, but I am a believer and when a man asks for forgiveness, I, for my own good as well as his, need to forgive him.  He's not gona get invited to my house for dinner for sure but I feel like I need to realize that a crazy person done a crazy thing or it's just going to be another step towards turning the best rivalry in all of sports into possibly the worst

I pity the poor, miserable wretch.

As have I...we must forgive in order to be forgiven...


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Poor Ol' Harvey he's just too stupid to know better. I think Harvey has been the guy that his buddies would get to do the crazy stuff since high school. I still think his old high school buddy/landlord probably put him up to do this because he had access to the poison and Harvey didn't. Get Harvey to turn on him and then take down the REC jerk that was really behind this attack. He is wealthy and has a lot to loose. The civil suits alone should have him living in Harvey's old shack by the lake. Turn on them Harvey, they aren't your friends and you are on your way to prison if you don't offer them up.

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His health is reported to be really bad. I honestly think their plan is to stall as long as possible so that he can die without going to prison, the way he talks he might not finish the year, a few months may be enough. I think I have moved on now from hatred to pity. I just want to move on and see what we're going to do to preserve our tradition once the trees go. 

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His lawyer was just mad because he didn't get to be on the call with him. Threat loves the attention as much as Updyke.

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His health is reported to be really bad. I honestly think their plan is to stall as long as possible so that he can die without going to prison, the way he talks he might not finish the year, a few months may be enough. I think I have moved on now from hatred to pity. I just want to move on and see what we're going to do to preserve our tradition once the trees go.   

I think you're right about the plan to stall the legal proceedings as long as possible. He has no money, so Auburn fans will have to pay for his defense with a portion of our tax dollars. He should just plead guilty, take his punishment like a man, and let everyone begin the healing process if he really is sincere.

I am still working on forgiving him. The last photos of the trees broke my heart again so it may take me a while to get to that place.

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