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Found it! Gangsta video


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Maybe I should've highlighted it in yellow. And Red, you make judgments all the time. We all do.

Huge difference between making a judgement and being judgemental.

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Maybe I should've highlighted it in yellow. And Red, you make judgments all the time. We all do.

Huge difference between making a judgement and being judgemental.

Very much so. For example, 76, did you happen to listen to any of the lyrics of the song? If you had, then you would have heard the condemnations of the very thug life that the critics of this song have been attributing to it. It's talking about kicking back and not making something where there's nothing and letting life come to you. But because there is profanity in the song, and because it uses the word "gangsta" to describe someone who isn't out making a fool of him/herself, it is automatically low class and trashy.

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NO, I didn't listen to the song. I hate rap ! But hey don't label "gangsta" if it aint talking about a drive by or beatin' down a certain garden tool. Those are the rules. :-X

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You know unless a song is written about a real life event, by and large it is considered fiction.

In the same way that movies portray criminals and corruption among the police forces. It might or might not be ficition.

Ahhhhhh, if life were only as simple as the pictures we like to paint with our opinions. :-\

I'm glad driving while anglo-saxon isn't a problem. :laugh:

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^^^^^Likes Gangsta Rap^^^^^^^^^^

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:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:


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