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Why John Kerry, the Left, just don't get it.


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George Bush says he wants an ownership society. What he REALLY means is.... you're on your own! - John Kerry ( at a campaign rally speech )

Yes, Mr Kerry. we WANT to be " on our own ". But for some reason, that prospect absolutely terrifies your party and the kool aid drinking myrmidons who follow you. It scares YOU because, if more people were left to fend for themselves, make valuable life changing decissions and were free to choose their own health care, their own retirement fund, the education for their children, then where would that leave YOU ? The extreme Left wing of the Democrat party, which is what Mr Kerry represents , is obsessed w/ power and control. They want womb to tomb control of every citizen, and are doing everything they can to make this plan come to pass. And of those who VOTE for these Democrats ? They don't want the burden of having to think. To them, everything should be equal, 'fair' and every step should be taken to make sure that no one is perceived to be 'better' than anyone else, least their feelings get hurt. Horrors! Can't allow for that to happen!

Yes, Mr Kerry..we DO want to be left on our own. We want to be left to have the FREEDOM of making our own choices on those things which are most important to us and our families. It is a bewildering yet staggering admission that you would actually come out and ridicule the President for standing up for the very things this country was founded on.

Neal Boortz gets to the point....

Why do Democrats scoff at George Bush's idea of an "ownership society?"  That one's easy.  The more you own, the more self-reliant you are.  The more self-reliant you are the less you need government.  The less you need government, the less you need Democrats.  You can now move on to Political Science 202.

Vote on Nov2, and FREE us from the tyranny of the Left!!!!

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This Kerry character is even more devious and evil than Clinton. In his heart, Clinton just wants to be the centre of attention. Kerry, in contrast, wants to destroy America.

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This Kerry character is even more devious and evil than Clinton. In his heart, Clinton just wants to be the centre of attention. Kerry, in contrast, wants to destroy America.


Kerry's devious plan to destroy America was an internal memo. How'd you get your hands on it? :angry:;)

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