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For those of you that were at the game today


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We were lucky to win. Terrible defensive breakdowns, confusion in defensive alignment, can't tackle (evn a dang PUNTER), predictable play calling, ULM defense knew our run plays, we played a freaking 2 deep zone INSIDE the 10, we have a MONSTER at FB that we won't give the ball to on short yardage, KF looks at 2 receivers...43 and 80... Cover those 2 and we're really screwed. Our D-line was getting pushed around at times by a mid major o-line....imagine what a real sec line will do to us!

We'll lose to LSU, Arky, Vandy, UGA, nd bama by 50 each.

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Well we aren't very good. Lol. That's about all that can be said I think. The team has a very lackluster attitude. When things go wrong they fall apart pretty much. Our runningbacks are really promising when they hold on to the ball. Teams are gonna 3 and 4 yard us down the field all season I'm afraid. Frasier has bursts of well playing but he just can't scan the field yet which will come with experience. He reminds me of a young Jason Campbell. We tackled better. I personally think the only coach on the staff earning his pay is Jay Boulware. Our special teams looks great and we all know our tight ends are good. I know I sound very negative and some of yall are gonna hate it but I just traveled up from Gulfport,MS a week after getting home from Afghanistan and watched us go into overtime with a team we used to beat senseless every time we played them and It's just mentally draining to me. Lol. But WDE forever!

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It felt sorta surreal. There was practically no energy in the crowd. It was hot as Hades. I felt like the fumble was huge. We really seemed to be building momentum. It felt like the whole team lost intensity in the fourth quarter. I felt overall the play was better, but not ops enough to win in the sec. There were some bright spots. I thought some of the officiating stank like tootsie rolls. Concessions are much improved at the game. Auburn is still the prettiest campus around. It was very hot today. The playcalls on offense are hard to watch...not that I'm any expert. I worry about most of our running yards coming on cut backs that I fear won't be there against better D lines. And oh yeah, it was hot.

War Eagle!

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Love Blakley, but carry the ball on the sideline side. We score there and it is an entirely different game. The Defense had bright spots, the offsides penalty sucked and was a huge call. KF played better, his Int was a rookie mistake. His TD before the half was the play of the game. We needed a win. Play LSU, beat Arkansas, then we can talk.

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Another question for those at the game. KF had plenty of time to throw. Are our receivers open or does KF just not see them?

They are open. On the interception there were 2 guys open. On the final drive he had multiple open receivers. He just doesn't look confident and seems to lack that vision. I am really cheering for him because I like him as a person but he looks down right terrified out there sometimes. I am really concerned about next weekend....

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Another question for those at the game. KF had plenty of time to throw. Are our receivers open or does KF just not see them?

I wasn't at the game but it is obvious to me that Frazier is concentrating on the rush while occasionally glancing at the receivers. It should be the other way around. I think that is his biggest problem at the moment.

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Pathetic... I am sorry I have tried to be polite and reasonable but this might be the worst Auburn football team I have seen.... I am just glad we pulled it out

This is exactly what I think and saw from the student section today.

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I don't care what you want to call him...Kiehl, Kyle, Mr. Frazier...when it's an obvious passing down, he has no idea how to go through his progression...he looks like this is his forst day in the offeense. I cannot understand how a QB that came grew up in the spread and is accustomed to run the ball when needed, looks scared to death to cross the line of scrimmage....

Plain and simple. we are screwed this year. As you can see by how many post I have sent, I normally just read and observe everyones opinions on the game, but enough is enough....We won this game today not because Cody kicked a field goal, but because ULM MISSED their field goal. Had they made their's and we made ours, we could possibly be 0-3 right now, because the ULM offense was on fire late in the game.

I knew when we fumbled on the 3 yard line, that it would come back to haunt us...that would have put us up by 3 TD's at that point.

I'm tired of beign out-coached and out-schemed. IF we cannot play press coverage, then we will win one more game this year. When a team has 4th down and4 for a first, and the CB's are lined up 5 yards deep, what in the H*ll do you tink his first step will be???? he will back peddle 2-3 steps and the WR will sit at the 1st down marker....THIS my friend is Junior High football that you are witnessing, and paying 75 plus dollars to watch in person.....unbelievable.

Can the true freshman REALLY do worse then this????? Let me remind you of Utah State's TRUE freshman QB last year that threw the ball and made our D look like it was a high school team.....

I need and want a change, period.

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I don't care what you want to call him...Kiehl, Kyle, Mr. Frazier...when it's an obvious passing down, he has no idea how to go through his progression...he looks like this is his forst day in the offeense. I cannot understand how a QB that came grew up in the spread and is accustomed to run the ball when needed, looks scared to death to cross the line of scrimmage....

Plain and simple. we are screwed this year. As you can see by how many post I have sent, I normally just read and observe everyones opinions on the game, but enough is enough....We won this game today not because Cody kicked a field goal, but because ULM MISSED their field goal. Had they made their's and we made ours, we could possibly be 0-3 right now, because the ULM offense was on fire late in the game.

I knew when we fumbled on the 3 yard line, that it would come back to haunt us...that would have put us up by 3 TD's at that point.

I'm tired of beign out-coached and out-schemed. IF we cannot play press coverage, then we will win one more game this year. When a team has 4th down and4 for a first, and the CB's are lined up 5 yards deep, what in the H*ll do you tink his first step will be???? he will back peddle 2-3 steps and the WR will sit at the 1st down marker....THIS my friend is Junior High football that you are witnessing, and paying 75 plus dollars to watch in person.....unbelievable.

Can the true freshman REALLY do worse then this????? Let me remind you of Utah State's TRUE freshman QB last year that threw the ball and made our D look like it was a high school team.....

I need and want a change, period.

Every QB makes our defense look like a high school team. It is the defense we are running.. Zone coverage.. no jam on receivers at the line of scrimmage and somehow the middle of the field is always open.. been this way since Chizik arrived.

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I agree 100% AUMarine....If I were the QB, I would only have 3 step drops in my offense when playing AU, because there is NO PRESSURE from th middle of the D-line. The only guy to put a paw on the qb is the DE's and they over run the QB half the time. Any smart QB is taught to feel the pressure and step up into the pocket...and since we have no middle pressure from the DT's, all he has to worry about is the DE's.

Holland got his tail chewed out by BVG today for probably calling the wrong defense....this will continue unless someone steps up. I would rather undersized LB's making the right call, then having his style of LB's making the wrong calls.

My frustration is growing...and it seems more so today after a win, rather then last week after a loss.....I'm so confused by how the team got so bad so quick.

Winning the NC in 2010 MIGHT buy Chizik another year.....after that we will crank up the jets and begin our search for a new HC.

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it's really the 2010 season so much as the 2011 season. How do you go 8 - 5 and then get worse the next year? playing the same people?

Coaching is the only logical explanation.

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Seriously though, I was listening at times in the woods planting food plots and painting shooting houses. I heard Rod Bramblett say that a lot of people had left early. There must be a lot of Auburn fans that are frustrated like you all.

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Love Blakley, but carry the ball on the sideline side. We score there and it is an entirely different game. The Defense had bright spots, the offsides penalty sucked and was a huge call. KF played better, his Int was a rookie mistake. His TD before the half was the play of the game. We needed a win. Play LSU, beat Arkansas, then we can talk.

This....other than being pissed. The people leaving before overtime. All In means All In! Not just when we are undefeated or great.

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In my opinion we are missing dyer, as a football player only. He is sorely missed on the field. I'm not saying that Blakely and Mason are not good, they are. They're just not as good as dyer.

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Well I was there and although I am frustrated as everyone else, I saw a different game from most that have posted. ULM dominated our defense on that first drive but after that I thought the D played pretty good. They did have a few busts (long QB run for TD) but they were in place for the most part. I would have liked to see more pressure on their QB but he was in the shotgun the whole time and got rid of the ball quickly. Our DBs got better as the game went on and they broke up a lot of passes.

The offense really worries me and that is because of KF. At first I thought it was coaching and still could be to some degree. But how can you tell if the players (QB mostly) is too indecisive to make plays? He just looks shell shocked most of the time. WRs were open in windows but he always waited too late. He should have had 2 INTs and they were both between the numbers of the defenders. I realize that he has got to go through this to get better but it is hard to watch. I wish we would take the no contact jersey off of him in practice so he could get use to live reps without us losing games but...

Overall I think the offense just needs leadership at the QB position. Until we get that, we will struggle. It will be interesting to see how we deal with LSU. If KF was watching the rush of MSU what will he do with LSU? Either way, now is the time for Auburn fans to be ALL IN and endure! Brighter days are ahead.

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