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If you were Gene Chizik?


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CSL is not the problem, imo. Wide open wrs missed, fumbles, etc. How is that on the oc? Gus looked pretty pedestrian last year too. Hell maybe I was too hard on roof. There is one common denominator between them all: Gene Chizik.

Seriously. How would you describe our offense? What would you call it? Spread? Pro? West Coast? Madden? Multiple? Explain to me what we are trying to do on offense and I'll suspend my belief that Loeffler is the nuttiest turd since Tony Franklin. Heck, what's Tony doing next week anyway?

I would simply describe it as a mess. How can you look at that every day in practice and actually think it will work on Saturday?

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If I were Gene Chizik I would try to find some fans that weren't whiny-a$$ crybabies. I wonder if U. South AL fans or Jacksonville St. fans would adopt us.

Good point Grumps, all is well on The Plains. Wouldn't change a thing, couldn't be happier.

I don't care if I am in the minority. I think that my job is to support the team, so that is what I am going to do. I think that Auburn fans are doing at least as bad a job as the Auburn coaches and players are doing. Maybe if they saw that we were giving our best at doing our job that it would inspire them to do the best at their jobs. I will continue to pump the sunshine about my team. Deal with it.

Glad theres a few sunshine pumpers left, and I would assume that as respectable human beings, that the coaching staff would do THEIR JOBS to the best of their ability, I could understand your statement if they were volunteering their time, but this is what they actually do lol. Also, that is called being a bad employee if in fact they are not doing their best. Does not matter what another person is doing, you don't do your job and you get fired.

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What realistic change or changes do you feel like you can make right now tonight to try and turn this team in the right direction?

MY Answer;

First I would have a meeting with coach Loeffler and inform him that coach Luper will take over the

OC duties but he will remain onboard as the QB coach. Then I would inform the remaining coaching

staff of my decision. Next I would inform the team of our new offensive direction and let them know

that everybody slate is clean. From this point on every player and coach will be accountable for every play and preparation that is and not made on the field. Finally I would have a previous player to give the final motivation speech before each game.

I have been saying this as well in other threads. CGC needs to Git 'er dun.

1.) Loeffler=Gone. Trooper takes control of offense remainder of season

2.) Team curfew of 11:00pm all nights or earlier. Severe punishment of running stadiums if missed.

3.) Buy the entire student section alcohol and chicken biscuits to make them want to actually come watch future games.

So you want to get rid of our current OC and give the reigns to someone that has NEVER EVER been an OC? That's pretty stupid.

Maybe not Taylor but Luper. Oh and it's so awesome when Mods stoop to name calling. That isn't intelligent (i.e. You are stupider) LOL!

Hire Doug Barfield

Only you Golf, only you.

It's even more awesome when a poster struggles with simple reading comprehension. I never called anybody stupid...I called the idea stupid. There is a difference. Please learn reading comprehension. It's not that hard.

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If I were Gene Chizik I would try to find some fans that weren't whiny-a$$ crybabies. I wonder if U. South AL fans or Jacksonville St. fans would adopt us.

Good point Grumps, all is well on The Plains. Wouldn't change a thing, couldn't be happier.

I don't care if I am in the minority. I think that my job is to support the team, so that is what I am going to do. I think that Auburn fans are doing at least as bad a job as the Auburn coaches and players are doing. Maybe if they saw that we were giving our best at doing our job that it would inspire them to do the best at their jobs. I will continue to pump the sunshine about my team. Deal with it.

Not trying to bust your chops. I love my tigers as much as the next guy and support them to the end. Because I am frustrated and talk with other Auburn fans on this site about what I see does not make me any less supportive. If 3.5 million American dollars doesnt get a coach off his tail I don't think walking by a couple fellas singing the fight song will do much good.

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If I were Gene Chizik I would try to find some fans that weren't whiny-a$$ crybabies. I wonder if U. South AL fans or Jacksonville St. fans would adopt us.

Good point Grumps, all is well on The Plains. Wouldn't change a thing, couldn't be happier.

I don't care if I am in the minority. I think that my job is to support the team, so that is what I am going to do. I think that Auburn fans are doing at least as bad a job as the Auburn coaches and players are doing. Maybe if they saw that we were giving our best at doing our job that it would inspire them to do the best at their jobs. I will continue to pump the sunshine about my team. Deal with it.

Glad theres a few sunshine pumpers left, and I would assume that as respectable human beings, that the coaching staff would do THEIR JOBS to the best of their ability, I could understand your statement if they were volunteering their time, but this is what they actually do lol. Also, that is called being a bad employee if in fact they are not doing their best. Does not matter what another person is doing, you don't do your job and you get fired.

You sound like Clint Eastwood at the Repub convention! :big:
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If I were Gene Chizik I would try to find some fans that weren't whiny-a$$ crybabies. I wonder if U. South AL fans or Jacksonville St. fans would adopt us.

Good point Grumps, all is well on The Plains. Wouldn't change a thing, couldn't be happier.

I don't care if I am in the minority. I think that my job is to support the team, so that is what I am going to do. I think that Auburn fans are doing at least as bad a job as the Auburn coaches and players are doing. Maybe if they saw that we were giving our best at doing our job that it would inspire them to do the best at their jobs. I will continue to pump the sunshine about my team. Deal with it.

Not trying to bust your chops. I love my tigers as much as the next guy and support them to the end. Because I am frustrated and talk with other Auburn fans on this site about what I see does not make me any less supportive. If 3.5 million American dollars doesnt get a coach off his tail I don't think walking by a couple fellas singing the fight song will do much good.

I don't think it is a couple of fellas anymore...just me! :big:
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If I were Gene Chizik I would try to find some fans that weren't whiny-a$$ crybabies. I wonder if U. South AL fans or Jacksonville St. fans would adopt us.

Good point Grumps, all is well on The Plains. Wouldn't change a thing, couldn't be happier.

I don't care if I am in the minority. I think that my job is to support the team, so that is what I am going to do. I think that Auburn fans are doing at least as bad a job as the Auburn coaches and players are doing. Maybe if they saw that we were giving our best at doing our job that it would inspire them to do the best at their jobs. I will continue to pump the sunshine about my team. Deal with it.

Not trying to bust your chops. I love my tigers as much as the next guy and support them to the end. Because I am frustrated and talk with other Auburn fans on this site about what I see does not make me any less supportive. If 3.5 million American dollars doesnt get a coach off his tail I don't think walking by a couple fellas singing the fight song will do much good.


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If I were Gene Chizik I would try to find some fans that weren't whiny-a$$ crybabies. I wonder if U. South AL fans or Jacksonville St. fans would adopt us.

Good point Grumps, all is well on The Plains. Wouldn't change a thing, couldn't be happier.

I don't care if I am in the minority. I think that my job is to support the team, so that is what I am going to do. I think that Auburn fans are doing at least as bad a job as the Auburn coaches and players are doing. Maybe if they saw that we were giving our best at doing our job that it would inspire them to do the best at their jobs. I will continue to pump the sunshine about my team. Deal with it.

Not trying to bust your chops. I love my tigers as much as the next guy and support them to the end. Because I am frustrated and talk with other Auburn fans on this site about what I see does not make me any less supportive. If 3.5 million American dollars doesnt get a coach off his tail I don't think walking by a couple fellas singing the fight song will do much good.

I don't think it is a couple of fellas anymore...just me! :big:

Nah, we're still here with ya grumps. We just approach loving our boys in different ways. War Eagle!

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If I were Chizik I would swap schemes over to the triple option. That way we would have a valid excuse for being inept in the passing game.

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I think u can support and cheer for ur team and still express frustration with the direction of the program. I got to the game 2 hours before kickoff and stayed till the very end. I did my job. It's time the guys getting paid millions get the kids who are going to school for free to do theirs.

I am firmly in the fire chizik camp doesnt mean I won't be there rest of the season

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1.) Loeffler=Gone. Trooper takes control of offense remainder of season

2.) Team curfew of 11:00pm all nights or earlier. Severe punishment of running stadiums if missed.

3.) Buy the entire student section alcohol and chicken biscuits to make them want to actually come watch future games.

So you want to get rid of our current OC and give the reigns to someone that has NEVER EVER been an OC? That's pretty stupid.

I mentioned on AE one time that I thought Trooper would make a bad coordinator but a pretty good HC at a smaller school. Kiehl Frazier'd Dad told me that was the stupidest post he'd ever read. Superclassy guy!! He could always say whatever he wanted to folks without any retribution because of his VIP level. Kinda like shooting fish in a barrel really. Hadn't heard from him in a fine. So sad. That is all.
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