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What's your odds on KF starting Saturday?


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Well considering I don't think KF should have been pulled in the Arky game after having a decent first half, I would say a good chance. If KF doesn't have a shoulder issue this week I would give it a 75% chance. I would like to see KF operate in a running game plan and utilize his athletic ability as a roll out option QB.

^^^More important question might be

If he plays, what's the playbook?

Rely on the power running game, which we showed some evidence of committing to at Ole Miss, but do it more. Include KF as part of that running game as a roll out option QB which is what he is and would be a good one. Utilize the short/intermediate passing game with an occasional shot at the long ball. Don't get pass happy like CSL tends to do on the regular. Use KF the same way the Redskins use RG3.

I'd love to see it. However, the fact that we haven't yet makes me wonder if we ever will. You nailed it on the pass happy. Too much too often. AND NO MORE JET SWEEPS ON 1ST DOWN!

I think StatTiger posted a stat that something like 25% of OMac's runs have gone for a loss. I am sure those jet sweeps are the culprit there.
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I thought CM did a good job in the first half Saturday and his teammates rallied around him. What I want to know is.....WTH HAPPENED AT HALFTIME??!! We looked like a totally different team in the second half. The O-line turned back into matadors and our O fell apart! Ole Miss made all the adjustments and we fell on our arses! No excuse!

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I thought CM did a good job in the first half Saturday and his teammates rallied around him. What I want to know is.....WTH HAPPENED AT HALFTIME??!! We looked like a totally different team in the second half. The O-line turned back into matadors and our O fell apart! Ole Miss made all the adjustments and we fell on our arses! No excuse!

I LOL'd at that. thanks for the laugh. It really makes no difference who starts. If we don't execute, its a mute point.
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Jonathan Wallace will start against Vandy...no link I am just telling you. From what I understand he has taken 70% of the first team snaps this week and yes you will see him pass. The running game will provide about 75% of the offense Saturday.

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If that is case - I will crack my first beer open in JW's name and wish him well. We heard that this guy is a real football nerd in his studies. He has the frame to be a true dual threat. I have not seen him throw so I will reserve judgement until such time. If he can prove he can throw ----- the OMac jet sweep we all just love may actually work!

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