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Are you really ALL IN ?


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His teams could probably take many NFL teams to the wire.

Uhhh... no.

Ok, bad analogy, but you can't argue with resuts. Everyone touts the SEC West being the hardest conference in college football, and I believe this to be true. His record at bammer is 61-12 overall w/ 2 NC's (poised for a 3rd), and he is 35-8 in the conference. The man is the devil, but he can coach football.

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What? Another thread questioning our fanhood? Say it ain't so... :banghead:

Look, when it's good, everybody's happy.

When it's bad, everybody points fingers.

We all want AU to succeed, and I can guarantee that there is not one member of the Auburn Family who is happy about the on field production of the year.

We can all hold hands and sing Kumbaya when we're back competing with the SEC West teams once more. As of now, we support the team and our kids every week. That does not mean we can not critique the coaches' decisions or how the program is ran. Continue the support, love AU, and wish for better days.

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His teams could probably take many NFL teams to the wire.

Uhhh... no.

Thanks, Jarhead. I laugh at all these references. There are 1600 or so NFL players. There are probably in the neighborhood of 12,000 Div I college players (counting walk-ons). High School? Hundreds of thousands. Bottom line: Every last athlete in the NFL is a stud. Alabama would be dominated at the line of scrimmage by the worst NFL team. Period. No criticism of Alabama, which looks like the most dominant SEC team I've seen in my lifetime. Pains me to say that, as I'd held since 2004 that the Campbell-Brown-Williams-Rogers team was the best I'd seen, including over all those national champions. But this team Alabama team is sick good. Just not NFL good.

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It remind me of last year of Shula era. Several times, I went on Bammer forum pretend to be one of them and speak up for Shula and on how he is such a class act and Bama man and we all have to give him more time. yada yada...... man time has changed.

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What? Another thread questioning our fanhood? Say it ain't so... :banghead:

Look, when it's good, everybody's happy.

When it's bad, everybody points fingers.

We all want AU to succeed, and I can guarantee that there is not one member of the Auburn Family who is happy about the on field production of the year.

We can all hold hands and sing Kumbaya when we're back competing with the SEC West teams once more. As of now, we support the team and our kids every week. That does not mean we can not critique the coaches' decisions or how the program is ran. Continue the support, love AU, and wish for better days.

What we as a fan base are saying: There is a difference between being bad and what we are witnessing every Sat on the playing field. It isn't just a bad season here and there, this is the worst mess in a generation of Auburn football.

Even the Auburn broadcasters have stated: "We have more talent on the field than any team we have played this year except LSU and we are 1-5. Keep in mind that one win came with a Hale Mary pass completion, and La Monroe missing their overtime field goal.

Get it?

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What? Another thread questioning our fanhood? Say it ain't so... :banghead:

Look, when it's good, everybody's happy.

When it's bad, everybody points fingers.

We all want AU to succeed, and I can guarantee that there is not one member of the Auburn Family who is happy about the on field production of the year.

We can all hold hands and sing Kumbaya when we're back competing with the SEC West teams once more. As of now, we support the team and our kids every week. That does not mean we can not critique the coaches' decisions or how the program is ran. Continue the support, love AU, and wish for better days.

What we as a fan base are saying: There is a difference between being bad and what we are witnessing every Sat on the playing field. It isn't just a bad season here and there, this is the worst mess in a generation of Auburn football.

Even the Auburn broadcasters have stated: "We have more talent on the field than any team we have played this year except LSU and we are 1-5. Keep in mind that one win came with a Hale Mary pass completion, and La Monroe missing their overtime field goal.

Get it?

Oh, no. I know exactly what you're saying, and I agree with every statement here criticizing our coaches. They have put their backs against a wall and deserve every bit of satisfaction, judgement, and criticism thrown their way.

It just makes me scratch my head when people start to judge the support of a fanbase. Start with judging the coaches before you judge the fans. It's always easier pulling for a winner and always tougher when pulling for a non-successful team.

Carry on.

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I just don't know what to think anymore. I thought there was no way this could happen...not after winning a title less than 2 years ago. There are so many things wrong with this team. No leadership, bad play calling, bad play by the players, no QB, the OL blocking has regressed, the defense is still terrible, the players tweeting, the players speaking out in public, the coach's wives not helping the situation, the coach apologizing to the fans after games... It has gone from bad to unimaginable.

If we were just losing close games, that would be one thing. We are quitting in the 4th quarter. It looks like the team wants off of the field.

I think that the team gave it all they had in the LSU game. After that, I think Chizik lost the team and is having trouble getting it back.

Forget the fans... the real question - is the team all in? Are they giving it everything they have? It certainly does not appear that way. They look like a bunch of lost kids that need someone to lead them, tell them what to do, and show them how to get out of this mess.

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Ok, bad analogy, but you can't argue with resuts. Everyone touts the SEC West being the hardest conference in college football, and I believe this to be true. His record at bammer is 61-12 overall w/ 2 NC's (poised for a 3rd), and he is 35-8 in the conference. The man is the devil, but he can coach football.

Totally agree. The man has fundamentally changed defense in the SEC during the 2000's-2010's the same way Spurrier changed offense in the SEC during the 1990s.

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