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Are you really ALL IN ?


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I'm all in and will cheer for Auburn every day. However, it's important to remember that at it's core Auburn football is a business. The coaches are employees that are paid a lot of money to coach up football players and deliver an entertainment product to fans that pay money to see it. They may be fine people, but if the job isn't being done then it's fair for fans to desire and call for changes.

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I have put one child thru to degree and well into 3 yrs on my second. I have cheered for the tigers since 68 when I attended my first game. I attended every game including the BCS in 10. I have attended every game this year and intend on seeing the rest IN PERSON. I have a right to my opinion. My coaches are employees. They are well paid employees. None but one attended this university. They are not living up to their contractual agreements. Change is in order. I will continue to support my school and my team.

Well said.

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What was the average age of the offensive lineman that started against Ole Miss? How many underclassmen do we have that see considerable playing time?

Can you name me the last school that won an SEC title playing almost all freshman and sophmores on the offensive and defensive line?

Chizik won an SEC title and NC when he had a solid senior base. Why not give him the chance to see if he can do it again?

The heart and soul of this team is the underclassmen and even the recruits for next year. If you can't see this then you and I will never agree on any topic concerning Auburn football right now. Chiz has recruited with the best of them. Can I answer why are JR class is not more productive? NO (you have to keep in mind that the senior class we have right now is a "filler" class)

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Being an Auburn fan is not a religious cult. No matter if some lady tells you its satan's fault her husband has pissed away more talent than any AU coach in history, its not a sin to be unhappy with watching one of the highest paid coaching staffs in America field by far the worst coached team in the SEC. If by being "all in" you mean that I shouldn't want the bums responsible for the damn mess that will be seen the next few Saturdays at 11am to no longer be our employees, then hell no I ain't all in. And why the hell wouldn't people have left the Arkansas game early? People aren't gona pay to get nauseated.

If you need UGA tix, go to auburn that day. They will be pretty close to free by then. I guarantee you will be able to get them for 20$.

So what are you doing to make Auburn better? I know that this may take some time but I will wait.

Well, I write and sign checks to them, I have donated seed and irrigation technology for the spring commercial vegetable trials for the last 4 years, I pay to attend games(which I think is really the only criteria needed to complain about these hacks, but since you asked...), I buy Auburn gear, blah blah. I have a right to demand better. What really bothers me is that you don't think you have a right to demand better. You are on an AU football message board so obviously you care enough to have a right to demand better too. Don't sell yourself short

So if Jay Jacobs, Chiz and his entire staff keep their jobs and Auburn has a 9 or 10 win season next year????????????????

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Why not give him the chance to see if he can do it again?

If we win out. Yes. But it won't happen.

We are looking at 2 more wins at best, Alabama a&m and New Mexico State.

We are out matched by Texas a&m (wow), Georgia and certainly by the turds. We aren't even picked to beat Vandy. Let me say it again...WE ARE PICKED TO LOSE AT VANDY.

What scares me is if we lose to Vandy, the team falls further apart and we lose to a cupcake.

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12 games this season, season end will have attended 7 I have has season tickets since 1992 I support our players and like Chiz but fans like myself are not going to accept winless conference seasons.

You go 8-5 and lose 3 games in the last minute that's far different then being completely uncompetetive.

By the way going to Nashville Sat.

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Being an Auburn fan is not a religious cult. No matter if some lady tells you its satan's fault her husband has pissed away more talent than any AU coach in history, its not a sin to be unhappy with watching one of the highest paid coaching staffs in America field by far the worst coached team in the SEC. If by being "all in" you mean that I shouldn't want the bums responsible for the damn mess that will be seen the next few Saturdays at 11am to no longer be our employees, then hell no I ain't all in. And why the hell wouldn't people have left the Arkansas game early? People aren't gona pay to get nauseated.

If you need UGA tix, go to auburn that day. They will be pretty close to free by then. I guarantee you will be able to get them for 20$.

So what are you doing to make Auburn better? I know that this may take some time but I will wait.

Well, I write and sign checks to them, I have donated seed and irrigation technology for the spring commercial vegetable trials for the last 4 years, I pay to attend games(which I think is really the only criteria needed to complain about these hacks, but since you asked...), I buy Auburn gear, blah blah. I have a right to demand better. What really bothers me is that you don't think you have a right to demand better. You are on an AU football message board so obviously you care enough to have a right to demand better too. Don't sell yourself short

So if Jay Jacobs, Chiz and his entire staff keep their jobs and Auburn has a 9 or 10 win season next year????????????????

And what if they follow that with another 2-10 dumpster fire? The possibilities are endless. The probabilities aren't in their favor.

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If you are so hard up to support coaches with catch phrases then we should bring "Tot" back. He was at least original enough to do a new one for each year. Hell he even got all the fans to buy new lapel pins for each phrase he came up with.

CGC sealed his own fate when he told the players; Auburn was great before you got here. He forgets that Auburn was great before he got here. And it will be great after he is gone. If he wants to remain at Auburn, he needs to man up and get this team in line. He has 6 games left to prove that he wants to be "All In". If this team goes out the next 6 weeks and does nothing more than what they have done in the first 7 weeks then he will prove that he is just here for the money.

My loyalty is not to CGC, my loyalty is to AU. He is the one that gets to decide if he is a part of AU or not

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People here act like the losses at JH this year weren't in front of a supportive AU crowd. They were yelling, cheering, going nuts, and it didn't matter. Fans are NEVER as important as they think they are. If UA strolled into JH in front of 100% Auburn crowd this year, they would still beat AU by 30 points. Oh, UA is a bad example because they're good. Arkansas? Was the AU family not there? They relied on a hailmary and blocked field goal to beat ULM in OT... were the fans not "all in" that day? Yes, they were, and it... didn't... matter.

We can be all crazy nutty fans all we want, it's not going to change the results on the field. I have expertise in this field, I've been a Chicago Cubs fan for almost 30 years.. lol I went to over 20 games this year and watched every game I wasn't at on TV. I cheered, I wore my hat, shirt, jacket, scarf, gloves, the wife was there cheering them on... they lost 101 games.

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People here act like the losses at JH this year weren't in front of a supportive AU crowd. They were yelling, cheering, going nuts, and it didn't matter. Fans are NEVER as important as they think they are. If UA strolled into JH in front of 100% Auburn crowd this year, they would still beat AU by 30 points. Oh, UA is a bad example because they're good. Arkansas? Was the AU family not there? They relied on a hailmary and blocked field goal to beat ULM in OT... were the fans not "all in" that day? Yes, they were, and it... didn't... matter.

We can be all crazy nutty fans all we want, it's not going to change the results on the field. I have expertise in this field, I've been a Chicago Cubs fan for almost 30 years.. lol I went to over 20 games this year and watched every game I wasn't at on TV. I cheered, I wore my hat, shirt, jacket, scarf, gloves, the wife was there cheering them on... they lost 101 games.

If I had known you were a Cub fan I would have saved myself the trouble. LOL

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Being an Auburn fan is not a religious cult. No matter if some lady tells you its satan's fault her husband has pissed away more talent than any AU coach in history, its not a sin to be unhappy with watching one of the highest paid coaching staffs in America field by far the worst coached team in the SEC. If by being "all in" you mean that I shouldn't want the bums responsible for the damn mess that will be seen the next few Saturdays at 11am to no longer be our employees, then hell no I ain't all in. And why the hell wouldn't people have left the Arkansas game early? People aren't gona pay to get nauseated.

If you need UGA tix, go to auburn that day. They will be pretty close to free by then. I guarantee you will be able to get them for 20$.

So what are you doing to make Auburn better? I know that this may take some time but I will wait.

Well, I write and sign checks to them, I have donated seed and irrigation technology for the spring commercial vegetable trials for the last 4 years, I pay to attend games(which I think is really the only criteria needed to complain about these hacks, but since you asked...), I buy Auburn gear, blah blah. I have a right to demand better. What really bothers me is that you don't think you have a right to demand better. You are on an AU football message board so obviously you care enough to have a right to demand better too. Don't sell yourself short

Boom. Roasted.

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I've been All In since the day I was born, quite literally. And I was one of the fans who refused to leave the stadium early against the Razorbacks in spite of the sun tinging my face in the upper deck. I absolutely think we need to continue showing up and cheering and supporting this team, if for no other reason than to show recruits that we're going to be there for them through the thick and the thin.

That having been said, 1-5 is atrocious; I find it hard to fault anyone who is talking about changing coaches at this point.

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will cheer and be all in forever, just lost my pops this week and he was buried in his Auburn Championship gear...

I'm sorry for your loss. Truly one of those "real" life changing events. May you and yours walk strongly through it. Peace.
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Dissatisfaction with the product being put on that field right now is not some de facto disqualification from true Auburn fandom.


You know, the term ALL iN is a term used in gambling. I'm ready for a sure thing. My tigers shouldn't be an underdog to Vandy!!!

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No one wants to see Auburn lose. They certainly don't want to see it done consistently. We all support the players that earned the right to wear that uniform and take the field at Jordan-Hare. They came here to better themselves and be a part of something great. We want nothing but the best for them. Auburn itself wants nothing but the best for them. The coaching staff was hired to provide them with precisely that, to shape them into the best men and football players that they can be. Looking at the football program from top to bottom, it becomes fairly clear that basically no expense has been spared in the pursuit of that goal. Everything is in place for this program to be in contention for the SEC Championship every year.

It is unacceptable to be eliminated from that goal by the first weekend in October. It is unacceptable to be 6 games in, with the only win coming against ULM in overtime at Jordan-Hare. It is unacceptable to be blown out by the likes of MSU, Ole Miss, and Arkansas. I don't care how good they might be this year. Auburn is supposed to be better than that. We head into this weekend as an underdog to Vanderbilt. We are looking up at Vanderbilt. If this wasn't actually happening, I would have considered someone a lunatic for predicting it.

I don't blame this on youth or the players. I don't care if the entire team is populated solely by freshmen. When something like this happens, the coaching staff has obviously failed them. Their job is to refine raw talent, get the best from their players, and mold them into a competitive football team. It is their job to maintain control over their team. They are paid very handsomely to do this job. There is certainly better than 1-5 talent at Auburn, right now. Whether it is the result of a few huge problems, many small problems, or both, coaches are paid to fix those things. In fact, they are paid to prevent us from seeing them to this extent. This mess falls squarely on their shoulders, and it starts at the top. The university, players, and fans have all had their faith in them, and they have failed us.

If "All In" means supporting these players, then I am absolutely "All In". To that extent, I would be "All In" at 0-12. Am I "All In" with Gene Chizik and what he is selling me currently? Absolutely not. I would love for him to be THE guy, but I see too much evidence that he isn't.

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It depends on who you ask. I'm sure most people here believe I'm "All Out". I support our players and our school 100% all the time. The coaches are just hired help who have to show me results. Thus far, it looks like 2010 is a statistical outlier for Chizik and we're returning to the mean of his coaching ability. I don't need little slogans like "All In" to support my school. No, I won't be in the stadium for any games this year. I have neither the time nor the money to travel close to 1000 miles one way to watch our coaches fail our players over and over.

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So I guess anyone who doesn't vote for an incumbent isn't a patriot? After all, if you're ALL IN for America, then certainly you just blindly line up behind your elected representatives, because surely they are all doing the best they can, working hard and doing right by us. C'mon. This was the Karl Rove Marketing Strategy: If you criticize a war president, you are weak, unpatriotic, harming the troops, giving aid to the enemy, just downright "un-Amurcan." Let's be grown ups folks. There is no moral, ethical or intellectual inconsistency in pulling for these young men to succeed, but drawing a line when judging the grown men who are paid boatloads of money to lead them.

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It depends on who you ask. I'm sure most people here believe I'm "All Out". I support our players and our school 100% all the time. The coaches are just hired help who have to show me results. Thus far, it looks like 2010 is a statistical outlier for Chizik and we're returning to the mean of his coaching ability. I don't need little slogans like "All In" to support my school. No, I won't be in the stadium for any games this year. I have neither the time nor the money to travel close to 1000 miles one way to watch our coaches fail our players over and over.

I 100% agree with the statements in bold above.


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This is just my opinion.......There is a HUGE difference in supporting Auburn University and supporting less than mediocre play on any athletic field where Auburn is concerned. If people didn't care about Auburn, they wouldn't care what kind of product we put on the field. We do care at Auburn though. We show we care by paying our staff a top five salary in the nation, not the SEC. We spend top five money on recruiting in the nation, not the SEC. We spend that kind of money, millions upon millions, to not only be competitive but to be elite. At this point in time we have gone from the top of the mountain to the worst team in the SEC in a year and a half. It could be argued that we are the biggest under-achievers in the nation. You can support that if you want. That is your right. I am almost 50 and have talked to Auburn grad's much older than me, including my Dad. I have yet to find one person who supports this. Sorry. You can call me fair weather all you want. I have had an Auburn tag on the front of every vehicle I have owned since I was 16. I wear my colors, at least once a week, fifty-two weeks a year. Everybody knows where my allegiance lies. However, I will never stand for Auburn being an inept football team. Not one Auburn man, or Auburn woman, I know does either.

1000% THIS^^^^^^^^^

Auburn is at a crossroads right now. A decision must be made as to what direction this program wants to go. Do we want to be "elite", and contend for nation championships every year? Are we okay with 6-8 wins per season, with the random surprise thrown in here and there? If Auburn wants to be considered elite, listed in the top 5-10 teams year in and year out, we cannot do it with this staff. If we are content with mediocre seasons, this staff can deliver.

We all hate bammer. I know I do. However, bammer committed to being in the national championship picture every year. They went out and got Saban. Paid him tons of money, and gave him COMPLETE CONTROL of the the football program (some would say the entire athletic program). He was allowed to coach his way, with no outside influence. He hired his coaches, and he runs the team as a dictatorship. He holds players accountable for results, and is quick to let them know when they fail. The Auburn Family looks at this method, and quickly says "we don't want that at Auburn". Well, this is the model that works these days. If we "don't want that", then we really have no right to get upset at our team's performance on Saturdays. Say what you want about Saban (I personally wouldn't pee on him if he were on fire), but he gets results. His players are developed starting day 1 on campus. His teams could probably take many NFL teams to the wire. Most of his players look NFL ready by their sophomore year. They are poised to win their 3rd NC in 4 years. All of this brings in tons of revenue for the school, which allows them to recruit nationally.

At Auburn, we tend to let our morals blur the lines between our University, and our University's Athletic Progam. Many people say they would rather Auburn lose all their games than "sell out everything" like bammer did. I don't think the two have to go hand-in-hand. I personally don't think bammer "sold out". They simply knew what they wanted, and they made it happen. We all like to discuss how Saban cheats, and how the REC buys players, and influences the officials, the media, and everything else to make them successful. None of this has been proven. If you look back over the last 5 years, we have more instances of shady dealings than they do. Personally, I do think there have been shady things going on at bammer, but unfortunately, the NCAA doesn't bother to ask my opinion.

Coach Chizik is a great man, an Auburn man, and a great Christian. If he were our team chaplain, that would be enough. He is our head coach, and he is paid very handsomely to WIN FOOTBALL GAMES and DEVELOP FOOTBALL PLAYERS. He is failing at both. He is not alone in this, as many of our coaches have played a part in our monumental fall from the top. If I were seeing improvement week to week, I wouldn't be calling for coaching changes. I think we can all agree that the only thing we do consistently is regress. Our players are shrinking each year. We have now entered the abyss that used to be occupied by Ole Miss, Vandy and Kentucky. We are underdogs in every game, even at home. Our play on the field is the worst I have ever personally seen. I was a student at Auburn from 1992-1997, and have attended many games since then, and watch my Tigers whenever they are on TV. I have never seen Auburn at a lower point than this.

Which fork in the road does Auburn take? Do we fire Chizik, which effectively fires the entire staff, and go after a "rock star" home-run hire of a coach? Or, do we give the coaches another year or two to try and right the ship? Either way, I will support Auburn University, just as I always have. I will continue to wear my orange and blue, and fly my flags. As for being "All In"? If seeing what we put on the field these past 6 Saturdays is considered "All In", then no, I am not "All In". Pesonally, the catchy slogan thing never worked for me, and just seemed like a gimmicky way of delivering more coach speak. DWWD, Good to Great, All In. Chizik is a great man, but he is not a great coach, and his record without Cam and Fairley speaks for itself. It's time for change, and I just hope we do it the right way.

War Eagle!!!

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My loyalty is not to CGC, my loyalty is to AU. He is the one that gets to decide if he is a part of AU or not

"My loyalty is to Auburn University, as Chizik is the head coach right now at Auburn my loyalty is to him too"

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When my grades dropped below 3.0 for one semester auburn pulled my scholarship. If I don't pay tuition I get a call and a threat of losing classes. Why do these things happen? Because I am expected to meet a certain level of expectation becoming of an auburn man.

Why don't the same rules apply to coaching? This is the staffs 4th season. They have 3 full classes of studs and have won a whopping 1 game. It's time fans start rallying around auburn not men that are paid millions to coach a game. Quit challenging other peoples fanhood because they have a different opinion than u.

War Eagle!

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His teams could probably take many NFL teams to the wire.

Uhhh... no.

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