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All-SEC...or lack thereof


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But Auburn is loaded...remember? I dont see it and have never seen it out this grouping of personnel. In fact, I honestly do not believe Auburn had a single starter at any position on the field, either side of the ball, that would've started for any other team in the SEC this year. But thats just MO.

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But Auburn is loaded...remember? I dont see it and have never seen it out this grouping of personnel. In fact, I honestly do not believe Auburn had a single starter at any position on the field, either side of the ball, that would've started for any other team in the SEC this year. But thats just MO.

Lutz would've been a beast in the A&M offense.

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But Auburn is loaded...remember? I dont see it and have never seen it out this grouping of personnel. In fact, I honestly do not believe Auburn had a single starter at any position on the field, either side of the ball, that would've started for any other team in the SEC this year. But thats just MO.

Lutz would've been a beast in the A&M offense.

He probably would've but I was making reference to the players that actually played most of the season. He played in what? 5 games?

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IMO, Tre Mason could have been mentioned!

Tre mason is a decent back but frankly he's not in the same league as the 2 at Bama or the 2 at UGa. There are probably 6 or 7 more RBs in the SEC that he'd have trouble beating out of a starting position.

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But Auburn is loaded...remember? I dont see it and have never seen it out this grouping of personnel. In fact, I honestly do not believe Auburn had a single starter at any position on the field, either side of the ball, that would've started for any other team in the SEC this year. But thats just MO.

Lutz would've been a beast in the A&M offense.

He probably would've but I was making reference to the players that actually played most of the season. He played in what? 5 games?

True enough but there is also three other years of outstanding play. His catch against Ole Miss last year was one of the best catches I've seen ever.

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But Auburn is loaded...remember? I dont see it and have never seen it out this grouping of personnel. In fact, I honestly do not believe Auburn had a single starter at any position on the field, either side of the ball, that would've started for any other team in the SEC this year. But thats just MO.

I don't know, maybe I'm in denial but I still believe the talent is there. I think way more was going on behind the scenes and our team was damaged goods before the first game. Something happened that killed desire and soured attitudes. I think that problem has been identified and taken care of though. Problem is, it may take a little while to repair the damage.

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I think we have talent, but next coach needs to put these "talents" into successful positions!

If AU had gone 6-6 we may have placed a few on there, but being so dismal, well frankly we sucked this year!

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I think we have talent, but next coach needs to put these "talents" into successful positions!

If AU had gone 6-6 we may have placed a few on there, but being so dismal, well frankly we sucked this year!

We were not good enough to suck.

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I think we have talent, but next coach needs to put these "talents" into successful positions!

If AU had gone 6-6 we may have placed a few on there, but being so dismal, well frankly we sucked this year!

We were not good enough to suck.

Thanks. I just choked on key lime pie!

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Despite the level of talent, if the team doesn't win, the talented players are often unable to show their stuff or no one notices.

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Just to talk about something else....

The all-SEC team was released earlier, and Auburn didnt have a SINGLE player on the first or second team on either side of the ball. Hell, we didn't even have an honorable mention. Has that EVER happened before?? Its just unthinkable considering how we've recruited. Was our coaching staff THAT ineffective??

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I can't remember one in recent memory. Stephen Clark in my opinion was the only name that I thought might had a shot.

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Just to talk about something else....

The all-SEC team was released earlier, and Auburn didnt have a SINGLE player on the first or second team on either side of the ball. Hell, we didn't even have an honorable mention. Has that EVER happened before?? Its just unthinkable considering how we've recruited. Was our coaching staff THAT ineffective??

How can you ask any of these questions when they were all answered for you September 1 - November whatever

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