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INFOGRAPHIC: We Could End Homelessness With The Money Americans Spend On Christmas Decorations


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The latest annual report from the Department of Housing and Urban Development shows that the national homeless population held steady from 2011 to 2012, hardly good news but perhaps better than expected given the relatively weak economic climate.

Progress is being made within the veteran community, with homeless rates falling by 17 percent since 2009, and among the chronically homeless, with 17 percent fewer people living on the streets as in 2007. But in the fight to end homelessness by the year 2020 — the stated mission of the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness in their 2010 plan — progress isn’t happening fast enough:

“[The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness] have set ambitious goals for themselves,
but I don’t think those are goals that aren’t doable,”
said Nan Roman, the president of the National Alliance to End Homelessness.
“But not at the rate that we’re going.”

What is needed, says Mark Johnston, the acting assistant housing secretary for community planning and development, is a ten-fold increase in HUD’s $1.9 billion budget to address the crisis. By any measure $20 billion is a lot of money, but the figure is far less daunting when placed in context:


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So is today we roll out the annual ignorance known as "The War on Christmas"?

Several opinions ,which people are entitled to, does not represent the rest of the population.

In response to the Nancy Sniderman comment, it was one person, who was counterbalanced 4 times over by the other people in the conversation.

It might also be reasonable to imagine the woman might be Jewish with a last name like that.

Much ado about not a damn thing.

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So is today we roll out the annual ignorance known as "The War on Christmas"?

Several opinions ,which people are entitled to, does not represent the rest of the population.

In response to the Nancy Sniderman comment, it was one person, who was counterbalanced 4 times over by the other people in the conversation.

It might also be reasonable to imagine the woman might be Jewish with a last name like that.

Much ado about not a damn thing.

I don't think there is a War on Christmas, but thanks for assuming.

I'm not generalizing people.

I post A LOT of political and semi-political stuff in this forum.

I post stuff like this to see if anyone wants to comment. Thank you.

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It wasn't a personal attack and I'll be perfectly honest ,it was aimed at the lunatics who like to claim there is a ,"War on Christmas".

What you take from it is your responsibility and really not my concern.

People will comment on things posted.

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So is today we roll out the annual ignorance known as "The War on Christmas"?

As an atheist, even I can attest to the validity of the war on Christmas. It's not 'ignorance', but real.

Several opinions ,which people are entitled to, does not represent the rest of the population.

In response to the Nancy Sniderman comment, it was one person, who was counterbalanced 4 times over by the other people in the conversation.

It might also be reasonable to imagine the woman might be Jewish with a last name like that.

Much ado about not a damn thing.

Jewish or not, but this entire War on Poverty has been about as pointless as the War on Drugs. LBJ's 'Great Society' has been a colossal fail. Time for the Left to crank up some more idiotic propaganda, to guilt Americans out of even more of their hard earned money.

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Bill O'Reilly said it so it must be true, lol. Bless your little heart.,


Complete bullcrap.

In the following article, even Huckabee a minister has a better grasp of reality than little ol angry Bill.

Trumped up media crap.


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Yeah, rarely even listen to Bill. I have heard Huck mention about the absurdities of the war on Christmas, so yeah, Whiff.

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End chronic homelessness how? Are they going to institutionalize the people that refuse to voluntarily stay in government housing?

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You can buy the homeless new boots and a week later they'll be barefoot again too.

In a perfect world there would be no homeless. Most of us do not live in that world.

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