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CNN Panelist Slams ‘White Privilege’: Recent Mass Killings All Committed By ‘White Guys,’ We Have To Ask Why


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CNN panelist David Sirota and writer at Salon.com told Don Lemon Saturday that we need to “explore” the question of why so many recent mass killings were committed by white men. “I’m not saying we should racially profile white guys,” he said, but suggested that had the shooters been “Arabs” or “African-American men”, we’d be having a “very different conversation” in this country.

According to Sirota, many of the recent gun tragedies in America have been carried out by white men, 18- to 25-years-old. He asks,

“Why is the composite so similar? Why are 70% of these mass shootings at the hands of white men? Not to say they should be racially profiled but to ask the question, why is the composite so similar? Let’s explore that. Let’s ask that question.”

“It’s an important question,” Sirota notes, “in light of a political climate” where a “white victimization” narrative is widespread. He continued,

“This idea white people are being kept down, that white people are being oppressed – does this have anything to do with this? I think it’s worth asking the question.”

Lemon referenced a recent article Sirota had written in which he said if the shooter was a black male, he’d be a labelled a “thug,” or if he was Muslim, he’d be labelled a “terrorist,” but since he’s white, no generalized labels have been thrown about. Sirota stood by his piece and said he hoped the “next time something bad happens,” we don’t “ascribe to entire groups the bad actions of individuals.” The reason we’re not now, he said, is because it’s a form of “white privilege.”

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I don't have a problem with profiling. It is a invaluable part of police work and should be used. I would have no problem if an officer came up to me and wanted to ask me some questions because I fit the profile of a person they suspected. If I were the person that they were looking for and they didn't approach me because profiling was deemed wrong, how bad would it be if another crime was committed? It may be inconvenient, but profiling saves lives.

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This guy is full of it. When the dc sniper case was ongoing the profiles were all saying the perp would be a disgruntled white male. Also this guy has been labeled a monster by many I think that surpasses thug/terrorist.

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