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Miami(NCAA notice of allegations)


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Someone correct me if I am wrong but since Miami is a private school, the NCAA can't go public with the allegations. I guess we will hear a lot of rumors until Miami decides to respond publicly.

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Someone correct me if I am wrong but since Miami is a private school, the NCAA can't go public with the allegations. I guess we will hear a lot of rumors until Miami decides to respond publicly.

I could be wrong, but I don't think being a private school is relevant here. The NCAA doesn't go public with the allegations in any case. The allegations are made public when the university issues a response to those allegations. That's how/why uat was able to cover up the textbook investigation for nearly a year.

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The NCAA almost never goes public, the unprecendented exhonoration of Auburn in the Cam Newton case being the only exception I've ever heard of.

The difference between a public and private school is the public school can be forced to comply (after a year or so, bammer) with Freedom of Information requests. A private school is bound by no such laws.

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Someone correct me if I am wrong but since Miami is a private school, the NCAA can't go public with the allegations. I guess we will hear a lot of rumors until Miami decides to respond publicly.

SMU is a private school. All the stuff that led to the death penalty was in The Dallas Morning News.

(I'll always hate Craig James and Eric Dickerson for being so arrogant and acting so superior to the world when they were two of the key players in that story.)

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Someone correct me if I am wrong but since Miami is a private school, the NCAA can't go public with the allegations. I guess we will hear a lot of rumors until Miami decides to respond publicly.

SMU is a private school. All the stuff that led to the death penalty was in The Dallas Morning News.

(I'll always hate Craig James and Eric Dickerson for being so arrogant and acting so superior to the world when they were two of the key players in that story.)

There are plenty of reasons to hate Craig James--and that's healthy hate.

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1 year post season bowl ban, and scholarships reduction to 75 for two years. Just my guess.

That's all? I think it will be much more severe than USCw. There were coaches involved in all of it at the U. I hope it is much more severe than just that anyway.

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1 year post season bowl ban, and scholarships reduction to 75 for two years. Just my guess.

That's all? I think it will be much more severe than USCw. There were coaches involved in all of it at the U. I hope it is much more severe than just that anyway.

USCw has some extra stuff. They made USCw vacate a season of wins, including the BSC championship win that always belonged to Auburn.

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My suggested punishment...

Loss of 40 schollys over 4 years

1 year bowl ban

Forfeit of all wins from 2002-09 (or whenever Shapiro's gifts stopped)

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Someone correct me if I am wrong but since Miami is a private school, the NCAA can't go public with the allegations. I guess we will hear a lot of rumors until Miami decides to respond publicly.

SMU is a private school. All the stuff that led to the death penalty was in The Dallas Morning News.

(I'll always hate Craig James and Eric Dickerson for being so arrogant and acting so superior to the world when they were two of the key players in that story.)

There are plenty of reasons to hate Craig James--and that's healthy hate.

Add me to the list of Craig James/Eric Dickerson haters.
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1 year post season bowl ban, and scholarships reduction to 75 for two years. Just my guess.

That's all? I think it will be much more severe than USCw. There were coaches involved in all of it at the U. I hope it is much more severe than just that anyway.

You are sooooo right. And, two of the coaches involved in THAT cheating are now at uat where they can take their cheating to all new heights!

(Can you imagine the state media if AU hired THOSE two coaches?......................)

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Since the early '90s FL has had a law (co-authored by an FSU and a UF grad...shocker I know) requiring ANY "administrative investigation" (e.g. the NCAA) of ANY college in the state receiving ANY public funds to be conducted with due process not usually observed by the NCAA, such as public access to investigative documents when the investigation is completed, access to info re accusors (except in very limited situations) etc. It's been challenged and upheld on appeal. Nebraska has a similar but older law. This has effectively made the NCAA very gun-shy in Florida and the fact they jumped into these Miami allegations full bore may be a sign UM is in for very, very steep penalties. Maybe not, logic and following precedent are not the NCAA's strong suit.

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