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Common Sense is Dead Part II


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Unbelievable but not unexpected.

Tangent or Common Sense Part III

At school one morning a kid spit in the face of one of my grandsons. After he spit he started swinging. What got Jared in trouble was he started swinging too and won. Two teachers broke up the fight after Jared had shown the kid the error of his ways. When we went to the meeting at the BOE and Jared explained what had happened and why, he/we were told that the BOE did not have a policy for self defense. I told the "lady" who oversaw the meeting that she proved one thing. She asked what and I told her it was obvious by that policy that she was educated beyond her intelligence. Apparently the only way a kid can stay out of trouble in a situation like that is to allow another kid to beat them senseless.

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Unbelievable but not unexpected.

Tangent or Common Sense Part III

At school one morning a kid spit in the face of one of my grandsons. After he spit he started swinging. What got Jared in trouble was he started swinging too and won. Two teachers broke up the fight after Jared had shown the kid the error of his ways. When we went to the meeting at the BOE and Jared explained what had happened and why, he/we were told that the BOE did not have a policy for self defense. I told the "lady" who oversaw the meeting that she proved one thing. She asked what and I told her it was obvious by that policy that she was educated beyond her intelligence. Apparently the only way a kid can stay out of trouble in a situation like that is to allow another kid to beat them senseless.

That fits exactly with the ban of all guns policy. Guns are often for the purpose of self defense. If self defense is not allowed, there is no need for guns either......

The girl in Florida basically has a science experiment that went critical. She did take the precaution of doing the test outside and not inside the school classroom. Apparently the only think she did not do was have the chemistry teacher present to monitor the experiment.

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ive never heard plans for a "ban of all guns policy". in the case of the science experiment, there was no such assignment. what I read is the girl did this all on her own. punishable but no need to lynch her.

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ive never heard plans for a "ban of all guns policy". in the case of the science experiment, there was no such assignment. what I read is the girl did this all on her own. punishable but no need to lynch her.

Schools ban all guns by private citizens on their campuses and some attempt to ban images and simulated use of guns too. Thus if you aren't allowed to defend yourself, no need for a gun either.....

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