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Oregon Sanctions


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Nothing too big from my initial look at the document. Probabtion for a few years and losing a sholarship for two years and also losing 1 to the 85 overall limit for two years. show cause of 18 months on Chip kelly (like that matters since he is in the NFL).

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Looks pretty ho hum. Oregon loses 1 scholarship per year for the next 2 years (24, down from 25) and one for the next 2 years for their maximum (84 total, down from 85). They are on probation for 3 years and not allowed to use any recruiting services during that time. They are also limited to 37 paid visits (NCAA allows 56, but Oregon only averaged 41 over the last 4 years) for the next 3 years. There's some "football evaluation day" limits, which I guys are visits to prospects, as well.

I don't think they will see much pain from all this.

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WEAK!!!! Is the NCAA even justified for its existence? MSU gets a slap on the wrist for offering to pay Cam, Oregon gets a slap on the wrist for paying $25,000 for Seastrunk???? Just disband the NCAA and let the teams do what they want. Those with the most money and power will rule, and the others will not.

I just get tired of seeing other schools get off so easy for ACTUALLY breaking major rules, when compared to the character assassination that Auburn went through for NOT BREAKING ANY RULES.

Sorry, rant's over.

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MSU didn't get a damn thing from the NCAA for the Cecil Newton fiasco - their own coaches were involved and as far as what's been made public, the NCAA didn't even investigate the MSU program for that.

MSU recently received probation, scholarship reductions, as well as recruiting restrictions because a MSU booster paid a Memphis recruit. The recruit that was paid is on the MSU team, and is eligible to play this season.

These 7on7 coaches are nothing more than street agents that are pimping these high profile players to the highest bidder. We ALL know who they are and they are scum in my book - college football recruiting is rapidly becoming AAU basktball. While the NCAA could have handed down stiffer penalties, I think they are sending a warning to every football program - take notice and stop using these con artist's services in the future. A coaching staff needs to be cautious when dealing with these individuals - they don't rep these kids out of the goodness of their heart - they don't take them on recruiting visits, pay for travel expenes, meals,lodging out of the goodness of their hearts either. They are being compensated by someone and if it's Nike/UA/Adidas, etc. then they are on the take and they can jeopardize the student-athlete while they rake in their $$.

I think these recent sanctions are nothing more than a warning to every program.

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Hell, AU got hit worse by the NCAA on the Eric Ramsey deal, and he was already a student at AU but was given improper gifts of food to feed himself and his then wife, Twyleeta. There just doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason behind what the NCAA does---or in the case of some schools, don't do.

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Absolute joke. This proves what people have been saying.........if your going to cheat/buy players, now is the perfect time to do it. The NCAA has become absolutely useless.

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May as well face the fact that the NCAA will never "SMU" a program again. After their Miami screwup recently, they will tread lightly with their investigations and punishments in the future. They are a governing body made up of member institutions, Auburn is a voluntary member just like every other program. Until the members choose to disolve the institution, it's unfortunately here to stay.

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May as well face the fact that the NCAA will never "SMU" a program again. After their Miami screwup recently, they will tread lightly with their investigations and punishments in the future. They are a governing body made up of member institutions, Auburn is a voluntary member just like every other program. Until the members choose to disolve the institution, it's unfortunately here to stay.

I agree about the SMU'ing thing. However, when a school gets busted for buying a player, and there is no bowl ban, there is just something very wrong with that. The "gum bumpers" on t.v., who I rarely pay attention to, are saying that Oregon got off extremely light. The schools need to get together and do something about the current NCAA Pres. because it has been one cluster mess after another since he took over.

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Oregon and MSU ....two indications that NCAA is going soft on violations these days...IMO. Good time for folks to turn themselves in and take a few minor self-imposed penalties and get a clean slate.

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Thats y updyke u will not get investigated until a new committee is n control

The last time they dealt with bama they hammered them good. I don't think it really matters who you are if the catch you with your hand in the cookie jar.

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May as well face the fact that the NCAA will never "SMU" a program again. After their Miami screwup recently, they will tread lightly with their investigations and punishments in the future. They are a governing body made up of member institutions, Auburn is a voluntary member just like every other program. Until the members choose to disolve the institution, it's unfortunately here to stay.

I agree about the SMU'ing thing. However, when a school gets busted for buying a player, and there is no bowl ban, there is just something very wrong with that. The "gum bumpers" on t.v., who I rarely pay attention to, are saying that Oregon got off extremely light. The schools need to get together and do something about the current NCAA Pres. because it has been one cluster mess after another since he took over.

I don't have a problem with Mark Emmert, he's done nothing to hinder/hamper Auburn athletics. I didn't care for the way he gave attention to Sheridan and his bagman stories, I felt like Emmert should have just ignored the little troll, but other than that I have no personal issue with him. Hey, our sports teams may appear to have suffered penalties and sanctions based on their performance lately, but that's no fault of Emmert or the NCAA. IMO, the NCAA has always been inept and dysfunctional with their oversight, my opinion hasn't been changed just because Emmert is in charge.
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Oregon and MSU ....two indications that NCAA is going soft on violations these days...IMO. Good time for folks to turn themselves in and take a few minor self-imposed penalties and get a clean slate.

Makes you wonder if it had been Auburn instead of Oregon and M. St. what the sanctions would have been

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Oregon and MSU ....two indications that NCAA is going soft on violations these days...IMO. Good time for folks to turn themselves in and take a few minor self-imposed penalties and get a clean slate.

Makes you wonder if it had been Auburn instead of Oregon and M. St. what the sanctions would have been

Glad we didn't have to find that out. I am waiting to see what the NCAA does to The U now. I am sure they won't get what they deserve.

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Thats y updyke u will not get investigated until a new committee is n control

The last time they dealt with bama they hammered them good. I don't think it really matters who you are if the catch you with your hand in the cookie jar.

We didnt have our hands in the cookie jar and look how they treated us!! Like I said before if they stayed on bama's campus for 1month they would and should get the death penalty but that wont happen as long as emmert is n control!!
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My next statement is some light hearted humor so ladies please don;t be offended as I love the fairer sex...The NCAA is about as consistent as a woman sometimes.

Miss St. and Oregon gets taps on the wrist for violation that are directly related to the football field and Penn St. gets everything short of the death penalty on something (as horrible as it was) was not related to on the field or competitive fairness and really was not in NCAA jurisdiction. To me the Miss St and Oregon sanctions tell the college football world to cheat all they want and the NCAA rules mean nothing. If the NCAA still does not have their compliance house in order they should take care of that first instead of giving out these meaningless sanctions.

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My next statement is some light hearted humor so ladies please don;t be offended as I love the fairer sex...The NCAA is about as consistent as a woman sometimes.

Miss St. and Oregon gets taps on the wrist for violation that are directly related to the football field and Penn St. gets everything short of the death penalty on something (as horrible as it was) was not related to on the field or competitive fairness and really was not in NCAA jurisdiction. To me the Miss St and Oregon sanctions tell the college football world to cheat all they want and the NCAA rules mean nothing. If the NCAA still does not have their compliance house in order they should take care of that first instead of giving out these meaningless sanctions.

I think the NCAA saw an easy pile on opportunity with PSU. The state and federal governments and press had their knives into PSU so it was an easy hit for the NCAA. There was an internal investigation that the NCAA got to use for free and PSU agreed not to fight any punishments. If the NCAA had given PSU a typical probation, the press would have turned on the NCAA too. And don't forget that the Big10 got a free hit on PSU too.

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As stated earlier: money talks. Nike U was never going to feel the NCAA's wrath....Phil Knight might get mad and take his money elsewhere. MSU is still viewed as being insignificant and didn't get busted because the NCAA didn't want to look heavy-handed against them and light against other.

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Oregon and MSU ....two indications that NCAA is going soft on violations these days...IMO. Good time for folks to turn themselves in and take a few minor self-imposed penalties and get a clean slate.

Makes you wonder if it had been Auburn instead of Oregon and M. St. what the sanctions would have been

Probably about the same thing really. It wasn't the NCAA that was hammering us, it was the media. The NCAA did what they were supposed to do and that was to investigate the Cam situation. They even went so far as to publicly clear him and us, which I've never heard of happening before. The system worked in our favor this time.

The problem with the NCAA is they have put almost every team on probation that has mattered, so every fan base hates them and believes they are target by the "evil empire".

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Oregon and MSU ....two indications that NCAA is going soft on violations these days...IMO. Good time for folks to turn themselves in and take a few minor self-imposed penalties and get a clean slate.

Makes you wonder if it had been Auburn instead of Oregon and M. St. what the sanctions would have been

Probably about the same thing really. It wasn't the NCAA that was hammering us, it was the media. The NCAA did what they were supposed to do and that was to investigate the Cam situation. They even went so far as to publicly clear him and us, which I've never heard of happening before. The system worked in our favor this time.

The problem with the NCAA is they have put almost every team on probation that has mattered, so every fan base hates them and believes they are target by the "evil empire".

^^^^^ we agree. Cam, hbo, selena roberts, they cleared us publicly on the first 2 and accepted our own findings on the 3rd. During all this the memphis situation fizzled out which tells me we probably were not being too seriously implicated. I think they have been reasonable with us. Like ellitor i feel like they stepped over lines of jurisdiction with Penn St., and maybe too easy on the ducks and cowbells.
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Oregon and MSU ....two indications that NCAA is going soft on violations these days...IMO. Good time for folks to turn themselves in and take a few minor self-imposed penalties and get a clean slate.

Makes you wonder if it had been Auburn instead of Oregon and M. St. what the sanctions would have been

Probably about the same thing really. It wasn't the NCAA that was hammering us, it was the media. The NCAA did what they were supposed to do and that was to investigate the Cam situation. They even went so far as to publicly clear him and us, which I've never heard of happening before. The system worked in our favor this time.

The problem with the NCAA is they have put almost every team on probation that has mattered, so every fan base hates them and believes they are target by the "evil empire".

^^^^^ we agree. Cam, hbo, selena roberts, they cleared us publicly on the first 2 and accepted our own findings on the 3rd. During all this the memphis situation fizzled out which tells me we probably were not being too seriously implicated. I think they have been reasonable with us. Like ellitor i feel like they stepped over lines of jurisdiction with Penn St., and maybe too easy on the ducks and cowbells.

+1 to you and gAUlf

Emmert/NCAA has been fair and reasonable to Auburn athletics. Damn near half of the SEC programs in this conference (plus PennSt/OSU/USCw/pending Miami) have been put on NCAA probation within the last decade, AU has come out unscathed.

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Oregon and MSU ....two indications that NCAA is going soft on violations these days...IMO. Good time for folks to turn themselves in and take a few minor self-imposed penalties and get a clean slate.

Makes you wonder if it had been Auburn instead of Oregon and M. St. what the sanctions would have been

Probably about the same thing really. It wasn't the NCAA that was hammering us, it was the media. The NCAA did what they were supposed to do and that was to investigate the Cam situation. They even went so far as to publicly clear him and us, which I've never heard of happening before. The system worked in our favor this time.

The problem with the NCAA is they have put almost every team on probation that has mattered, so every fan base hates them and believes they are target by the "evil empire".

^^^^^ we agree. Cam, hbo, selena roberts, they cleared us publicly on the first 2 and accepted our own findings on the 3rd. During all this the memphis situation fizzled out which tells me we probably were not being too seriously implicated. I think they have been reasonable with us. Like ellitor i feel like they stepped over lines of jurisdiction with Penn St., and maybe too easy on the ducks and cowbells.

+1 to you and gAUlf

Emmert/NCAA has been fair and reasonable to Auburn athletics. Damn near half of the SEC programs in this conference (plus PennSt/OSU/USCw/pending Miami) have been put on NCAA probation within the last decade, AU has come out unscathed.

But what was the probation? Oregon just got busted buying a player. They get no bowl ban and lose one scholarship a year for three years. Three scholarships for buying a player? That is not probation. That is only getting 3/4 of a glass of ice cold milk with your entire pack of chocolate chip cookies. We didn't get into NCAA trouble because we did nothing wrong. There is no reason to praise the NCAA for that IMO.

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Oregon and MSU ....two indications that NCAA is going soft on violations these days...IMO. Good time for folks to turn themselves in and take a few minor self-imposed penalties and get a clean slate.

Makes you wonder if it had been Auburn instead of Oregon and M. St. what the sanctions would have been

Probably about the same thing really. It wasn't the NCAA that was hammering us, it was the media. The NCAA did what they were supposed to do and that was to investigate the Cam situation. They even went so far as to publicly clear him and us, which I've never heard of happening before. The system worked in our favor this time.

The problem with the NCAA is they have put almost every team on probation that has mattered, so every fan base hates them and believes they are target by the "evil empire".

^^^^^ we agree. Cam, hbo, selena roberts, they cleared us publicly on the first 2 and accepted our own findings on the 3rd. During all this the memphis situation fizzled out which tells me we probably were not being too seriously implicated. I think they have been reasonable with us. Like ellitor i feel like they stepped over lines of jurisdiction with Penn St., and maybe too easy on the ducks and cowbells.

+1 to you and gAUlf

Emmert/NCAA has been fair and reasonable to Auburn athletics. Damn near half of the SEC programs in this conference (plus PennSt/OSU/USCw/pending Miami) have been put on NCAA probation within the last decade, AU has come out unscathed.

But what was the probation? Oregon just got busted buying a player. They get no bowl ban and lose one scholarship a year for three years. Three scholarships for buying a player? That is not probation. That is only getting 3/4 of a glass of ice cold milk with your entire pack of chocolate chip cookies. We didn't get into NCAA trouble because we did nothing wrong. There is no reason to praise the NCAA for that IMO.

Without Willie Lyles comming forward and spilling the beans all they had to go on was Oregon's testimony. They can't force outside parties to cooperate. Oregon did a good job of saving it's own skin. The main thing is they are on probabtion for 3 years, not the actual penalties. If they get caught screwing around and get the dreaded repeat violator status...well ask uat how that works out.

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