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Funny stuff from thinkprogress

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That's not fair, you know that site is considered a rational, unbiased and legitimate source by some on this site.

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Damn sure better be slowing. My premiums are up 25% this year. Copay up 50% this year. Emergency care up 300%. Out of pocket max up 200%. deductible up 200%. Am I suppose to feel good about this?

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Spending is going up while costs are going down. Funny how?

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This from the first link is the real reason. People just don't go to the doctor like they may have before, which is the intent of the high deductible plans.

More people enrolling in high-deductible plans: Increasing numbers of employers are beginning to offer high-deductible plans to their workers as a method of cutting down on health costs. These type of plans offer high out-of-pocket costs coupled with low premiums, which helps reduce costs in the private market. But they also end up shifting more health costs onto workers, and often lead people to skip out on health services because the co-pays are too expensive.

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I guess I missed something along the way. Why has every criteria of success become focused on costs? Am I to conclude that the actual healthcare, itself, is a secondary consideration to the costs involved? O-Care was NEVER about healthcare. It was about govt control of 1/6 of the American economy. Meanwhile a few have benefited but, on balance, most, especially those not eligible for subsidies, have not. Individual premium costs are much higher, out of pocket expenses are much higher and healthcare networks have begun to shrink.

Maybe I have a pessimistic outlook but, it all looks like the beginning of healthcare rationing to me. I hope Im wrong but dont thnk I am.

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This from the first link is the real reason. People just don't go to the doctor like they may have before, which is the intent of the high deductible plans.

More people enrolling in high-deductible plans: Increasing numbers of employers are beginning to offer high-deductible plans to their workers as a method of cutting down on health costs. These type of plans offer high out-of-pocket costs coupled with low premiums, which helps reduce costs in the private market. But they also end up shifting more health costs onto workers, and often lead people to skip out on health services because the co-pays are too expensive.

No, the intent of high deductible plans is to provide people the catastrophic coverage they really need without having to pay for routine healthcare costs through their insurance.

That introduces market forces which is the best way to control costs. It also keeps premium costs down.

Think of it like this.

What if your car insurance covered every routine expense? You pay a (large) premium up front then simply provide your insurance card whenever you need tires, maintenance or gas. Are you really going to shop for the best deals when you have already paid for the service through your insurance premium?

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Premiums are not down, and won't go down, until the screw ups are gone and the law is changed or replaced. Just like tuition costs, when the government gets involved in providing "guaranteed monies" in exchange for giving up free market options the end result is higher costs. Defending this BS law that's a wolf in sheeps clothing is very becoming. ;)

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