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ObamaCares potential undoing?

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When in a 5 -4 vote the Supreme Court upheld the ACA in the words of John Roberts it looks like a tax. So, in the end, the SCOTUS upheld the Constitutionality of the ACA for being exactly what its defense attornies had passionately argued it was not...A TAX.

That opinion creates a problem for the law. All revenue bills, as directed by the Constitution, must originate in the House of Representatives. The ACA originated in the Senate and another hearing is being held Thursday on the legitimacy of the law. If it doesn't collapse on its own weight, the law still faces other problems because of the way it was passed that could be its eventual undoing.


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You might be right but the fact IS....revenue bills are, according to Constitutional Law, to originate in the House of Representatives. The point is to prevent taxation w/o representation. If the Constitution is the basis for the rule of law in this country the judge may not agree with you. If the judge is a liberal appointee I suspect you're probably right. They love to pontificate about how the Constitution is living entity that can evolve...also known as completely ignoring its directives as mandates..

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