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Obama giving 100,000 jobs to guest workers?

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Its policies like this that are completely mind boggling. We have the lowest labor force participation rate in the country's history and Obama wants to give jobs to guest workers over Americans? What a guy. LOL


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A guest worker program is suppose to be for seasonal temporary jobs. The H2 visas are good for a year but can be renewed up to 3 years. H2-A workers are used in agriculture.

The H1-B workers are highly skilled worker used in IT, engineering work, etc.

This is a highly skilled labor gift to corporations whom this administration says abuses working class Americans????

The H1-B visa holder is also locked to the sponsoring corporation and must continue to work for that entity or leave the US. Allowing extension of the H1-B helps the corporations. Allowing the spouses to take US jobs, helps the H1-B holders and makes it more likely they will stay as their spouses can be here.

This is also why large businesses in America want immigration reform and are pushing Republicans to be for it. What they want is is more H1-B visas and more flexibility in keeping the skilled foreign workers here longer.

When Auburn graduates and other's are having problems finding jobs, that is not good. If the American graduates are not getting the right degrees, then business and the universities need to encourage American students to get those degrees.

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Do the immigrants with VISAS typically work for less than what a comparably educated, skilled American would be paid? If so, how much less?

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ICHY....I think you know the answer is yes. But another question is should they be freely given Visas in the first place to come into America when our labor force participation is so low. Is it another entitlement for Hispanics?

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I do not know or, I would not have asked. I do know that a J-1 (student exchange work visa) means that the employer does NOT have to pay some of the payroll taxes and subsequently saves about 8%. The real point of the question is, how do you justify a policy to raise wages and simultaneously promote policy that will ultimately lower wages?

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I do not know or, I would not have asked. I do know that a J-1 (student exchange work visa) means that the employer does NOT have to pay some of the payroll taxes and subsequently saves about 8%. The real point of the question is, how do you justify a policy to raise wages and simultaneously promote policy that will ultimately lower wages?

Politics. Obama doesn't give 2 sh**s about the Latino community except how they can benefit the democrat party. Everything he does is politically motivated but most here refuse to acknowledge that.

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I do not know or, I would not have asked. I do know that a J-1 (student exchange work visa) means that the employer does NOT have to pay some of the payroll taxes and subsequently saves about 8%. The real point of the question is, how do you justify a policy to raise wages and simultaneously promote policy that will ultimately lower wages?

Politics. Obama doesn't give 2 sh**s about the Latino community except how they can benefit the democrat party. Everything he does is politically motivated but most here refuse to acknowledge that.

What does this have to do with Hispanics or the "Latino community"?

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I do not know or, I would not have asked. I do know that a J-1 (student exchange work visa) means that the employer does NOT have to pay some of the payroll taxes and subsequently saves about 8%. The real point of the question is, how do you justify a policy to raise wages and simultaneously promote policy that will ultimately lower wages?

Politics. Obama doesn't give 2 sh**s about the Latino community except how they can benefit the democrat party. Everything he does is politically motivated but most here refuse to acknowledge that.

What does this have to do with Hispanics or the "Latino community"?

it has to do with why Obama is pushing to get 100,000 Latinos jobs over Americans. This thread is not about Latinos hot rod. Its about Obama and his lawlessness.

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I do not know or, I would not have asked. I do know that a J-1 (student exchange work visa) means that the employer does NOT have to pay some of the payroll taxes and subsequently saves about 8%. The real point of the question is, how do you justify a policy to raise wages and simultaneously promote policy that will ultimately lower wages?

Politics. Obama doesn't give 2 sh**s about the Latino community except how they can benefit the democrat party. Everything he does is politically motivated but most here refuse to acknowledge that.

What does this have to do with Hispanics or the "Latino community"?

it has to do with why Obama is pushing to get 100,000 Latinos jobs over Americans. This thread is not about Latinos hot rod. Its about Obama and his lawlessness.

I may be wrong Blue but, I don't think that these VISAs are targeted towards Latinos.

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I do not know or, I would not have asked. I do know that a J-1 (student exchange work visa) means that the employer does NOT have to pay some of the payroll taxes and subsequently saves about 8%. The real point of the question is, how do you justify a policy to raise wages and simultaneously promote policy that will ultimately lower wages?

Politics. Obama doesn't give 2 sh**s about the Latino community except how they can benefit the democrat party. Everything he does is politically motivated but most here refuse to acknowledge that.

What does this have to do with Hispanics or the "Latino community"?

it has to do with why Obama is pushing to get 100,000 Latinos jobs over Americans. This thread is not about Latinos hot rod. Its about Obama and his lawlessness.

I may be wrong Blue but, I don't think that these VISAs are targeted towards Latinos.

Really? It wouldn't matter what nationality they are because it is the policy of putting illegal aliens in line ahead of Americans for jobs that is controversial. Do you need someone to translate these things for you?

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I do not know or, I would not have asked. I do know that a J-1 (student exchange work visa) means that the employer does NOT have to pay some of the payroll taxes and subsequently saves about 8%. The real point of the question is, how do you justify a policy to raise wages and simultaneously promote policy that will ultimately lower wages?

Politics. Obama doesn't give 2 sh**s about the Latino community except how they can benefit the democrat party. Everything he does is politically motivated but most here refuse to acknowledge that.

What does this have to do with Hispanics or the "Latino community"?

it has to do with why Obama is pushing to get 100,000 Latinos jobs over Americans. This thread is not about Latinos hot rod. Its about Obama and his lawlessness.

I may be wrong Blue but, I don't think that these VISAs are targeted towards Latinos.

Really? It wouldn't matter what nationality they are because it is the policy of putting illegal aliens in line ahead of Americans for jobs that is controversial. Do you need someone to translate these things for you?

No, but I believe you do. Can you go just one day without being a jerk?

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Come on, guys! You sound like myself and homer. Lol

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Do the immigrants with VISAS typically work for less than what a comparably educated, skilled American would be paid? If so, how much less?

No they don't paid differently if a citizen and a foreign worker equally skilled are hired by the same company at the same time both located in the US.

It's supply and demand. If the professional labor market lacks job seekers or the people already work at other companies, the market price for those skill sets go up as companies compete in a finite domestic professional labor pool. If the US government allows foreign workers with those skills to come into the US to work, then the supply goes up and the cost for those skills needed for US companies goes down across the board, or at least slows in growth.

US businesses press the government to expand the H1-B program constantly.

What has been going on for the last 12 years or so is off-shoring of technical IT and engineering work to countries where the skills sets are available at lower cost. A remote worker in India, Philippines, etc. can do technical work over the Internet for a company in US, UK or other western country. People in India are paid less and the cost of doing business is usually less there. Since the work is done off shore, they do not have to hire more expensive US workers to perform the same work. This ability to do do work over the Internet is due to the dotnet boom then bust in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Capacity on the Internet was over expanded and then demand dropped. Using the Internet got very cheap. US businesses used it to connect workers in India and other countries to remotely work here.



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