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Sacrifice Reproductive Rights In The Name Of Climate Change


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It's beyond extreme, but not new. Paul Watson is another one who has been known to argue that there should be strict limits on human reproduction for the sake of the planet.

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Channonc, it's amazing to me that supposedly intelligent educated people would even think something like that was OK.

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Channonc, it's amazing to me that supposedly intelligent educated people would even think something like that was OK.

Yep. Pretty baffling.

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Just my opinion. We don't have a global warming problem, we have an over population problem. We don't have a infinite sources of energy. But we seem to have an infinite source of people. To add to the human, cattle comparison. Haven't we all heard how much methane the herds produce. How much methane would nine billion people produce?

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Just my opinion. We don't have a global warming problem, we have an over population problem. We don't have a infinite sources of energy. But we seem to have an infinite source of people. To add to the human, cattle comparison. Haven't we all heard how much methane the herds produce. How much methane would nine billion people produce?

Our digestive system is very different from that of a cow.

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If you think we have too many people, might I recommend you fly jet route L888 from Hong Kong to Paris. Even in our western US it is clear we have not even scratched the surface of overpopulation.

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If you think we have too many people, might I recommend you fly jet route L888 from Hong Kong to Paris. Even in our western US it is clear we have not even scratched the surface of overpopulation.

So how much arable land do you reckon is required per person?

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It's not land space per person. Some of the problem is as simple as quality of life for each individual. How much water is needed for for each person. Where and how do we find the energy to support the basic needs of everyone. In every society the idea is to leave your children better off than you were. With finite resources, is this possible for most of the world. Population is not a problem for any region alone, but a problem for all of us in one way or another. How is the emerging populace in China, and India affecting your gas prices? The air quality in most cities in China affect us here in the form of co2 gas. I'm not smart enough to tell you that global warming is all bad. But it is happening. Will GW hurt the world or extend the growing season? When you find out let me know so i'll know how worried to get.

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It's not land space per person. Some of the problem is as simple as quality of life for each individual. How much water is needed for for each person. Where and how do we find the energy to support the basic needs of everyone. In every society the idea is to leave your children better off than you were. With finite resources, is this possible for most of the world. Population is not a problem for any region alone, but a problem for all of us in one way or another. How is the emerging populace in China, and India affecting your gas prices? The air quality in most cities in China affect us here in the form of co2 gas. I'm not smart enough to tell you that global warming is all bad. But it is happening. Will GW hurt the world or extend the growing season? When you find out let me know so i'll know how worried to get.

I was trying to keep it simple. ;);D

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Actually GW is not happening right now. We have been in a stable or cooling period for the last 15 years. As far as greenhouse gasses go, water vapor is number one. The earth was like a greenhouse covered by water vapor up until the flood of Noah. The earth has warmed and cooled many times of the course of history. It will do so again, with or without any human activity.

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