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Update on Hailey


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I had this tagged on to the other thread, but wanted to make sure everyone saw it:

An update: GOOD NEWS!

First of all on the heart murmur, the EKG came back completely normal. Her heart is perfectly healthy. She had what they call a pulmonary flow or pulmonary systolic murmur. Basically, the flow of blood through vessels in the lungs is giving off the sound of a extra heartbeat through the stethoscope. It sounds just like it does when they have a hole in one of the upper chambers of the heart. She's going to be fine and she'll grow out of this "murmur" she now has with no trouble.

Second, the Zantac seems to have helped things greatly. She still has some moments where she's all but impossible to settle down, but she's getting a lot more naps and is sleeping longer. It's so much better than it was just a few days ago. Just continue to pray that it will improve.

I really appreciate all of your prayers for us. It's been a rough 6 weeks but we're finally starting to see the face of a happy, contented baby instead of a miserable one and it's a real blessing.

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Excellent news!!! I am so glad to hear all is well. Can't wait to see new pictures!! (HINT HINT!!)

We are doing some tough love in our house right now - Katie refuses to sleep anywhere but her bouncy seat, and she has obviously outgrown it at 10 months!! So last night, I put her down in her crib, closed the door and rode out the storm. Listening to her cry for TWO SOLID HOURS was miserable and horrible for both of us, but she finally fell asleep in her crib and slept all night long. I still kept expecting to see pea green soup on the walls when I went in there to check on her after she fell asleep. :lol:

Ah, the joys of parenthood!!! :big:

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Wow, two hours of crying. You guys have nerves of steel. I think the most we ever did was 30-45 minutes. But then again, that's all it took for Regan. Hailey on the other hand may be a different story. :P

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You two are scaring the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks out of me. 6 weeks until we're due.

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Thats some good news on Hailey. We'll keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.

and...Jenny hang in there! We'll say a prayer for you (and Carl) also.

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Wow, two hours of crying.  You guys have nerves of steel.  I think the most we ever did was 30-45 minutes.  But then again, that's all it took for Regan.  Hailey on the other hand may be a different story.  :P


Katie may have her daddy's laid back personality, but she has her mommy's temper and stubborn streak. I mean TWO SOLID HOURS - not crying - SCREAMING. Red faced, sweaty, standing up in the crib inconsolable, SCREAMING. She wanted her bouncy seat and she was going to let the whole neighborhood know it. Hopefully, we can break this habit FAST. Not sure if my nerves (and the dogs' nerves) can take it. :blink: I just hope the neighbors don't call CPS! She finally fell asleep wadded up in the corner of her crib, in a position like she was sitting up and just fell over from exhaustion (butt in the air, legs tucked under, etc.). That nearly made me lose it right there. :(

Thats some good news on Hailey. We'll keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.

and...Jenny hang in there! We'll say a prayer for you (and Carl) also.


Yeah, pray for Carl too - tonight it's HIS shift!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Sorry I hijacked your thread, Titan. It really is great that Hailey is going to be just fine - but we all knew that, didn't we!!! :yes: It is just nice to have some input from some "been there done that" parents - with as many new little Tigers as we have popping out around here, maybe David needs to put up a "Parenting" forum!

You two are scaring the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks out of me.  6 weeks until we're due.


Be afraid. Be Very VERY afraid. :huh:

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She finally fell asleep wadded up in the corner of her crib, in a position like she was sitting up and just fell over from exhaustion (butt in the air, legs tucked under, etc.). That nearly made me lose it right there

Nah. Don't worry about that. That's actually a pretty common sleeping position for toddlers. Regan does it all the time and she almost never gets upset when going to bed.

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I pray for healthy wonderful children for all of you. And I'm glad I can now refer to all of you as Rookies. Just wait till you see your income climb as they eat real food and learn to use the toilet. No more diapers. Oh, Sorry. You guys still have another three years or so with that.

Hope I cheered you up. Little tip on how to keep them in their room once they start climbing out of the crib....turn the doorknob around backwards and lock them in. Sounds cruel, but when you got an 18 month old roaming the house at 3 in the morning, you'll see that its not cruel, it safe.

Good sleeping to all, and to all a good night.

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Yeah, when Regan got to go to whole milk instead of formula, that put about $120 more a month in our pockets. But now Hailey is on it. So we're about 10 1/2 months from getting out from under the formula burden again.

Diapers are another thing though. It will be nice when they don't need either.

But then I'll miss them being babies. :(

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