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Attention AGW Deniers - Especially Those Acolytes of Dr. Roy Spencer...


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They aint no global warmin. Its watch you call a hoex. Dr. Roy is rite and them libturds is wrong like they all ways is. If they was warmin than it aint people doin it.

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They aint no global warmin. Its watch you call a hoex. Dr. Roy is rite and them libturds is wrong like they all ways is. If they was warmin than it aint people doin it.

You left out, "WAKE UP AMERICA!!!"

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:laugh: @ anyone why says climate doesn't change. Always has.

But if I fully buy into AGW, will everyone be my friend?

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Uh oh. WUWT is going to throw Spencer and Christy under the proverbial bus here.

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Nice political spin / opinion piece.

Based on data. Taken by the notorious denier himself.

And please don't tell us you actually read it. :-\/>

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Read enough to see the obvious spin ... Will check more in detail later.

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Read enough to see the obvious spin ... Will check more in detail later.

I didn't think so.

So Ted Cruz and his fellow climate science deniers need a new meme to replace their “satellites find no warming since 1998” talking point, which replaced the “there’s been no warming since 1998” talking point after that one fell apart when 2014 became the hottest year on record — and again when 2015 blew away the 2014 record.

100% political trolling there, but the author of the piece. There's no hope of denying it. And holy schnikies ! Enough w/ the hyperbole !

2015 crushed the previous record just set in 2014 by nearly three tenths of a degree, or 0.29°F (0.16°C) above the previous record, which was set in 2014.

Everybody panic !!!!


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Patience. Try it. This is an El Niño period.


You really want to discuss this, do your homework first. Try Roy Spencer's (hisownself) web page and start reading.

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Patience. Try it. This is an El Niño period.


You really want to discuss this, do your homework first. Try Roy Spencer's (hisownself) web page and start reading.

Yeah, I did that, and it wasn't quite the revelation you claim it to be. He still thinks AGW is ,if not 'bunk', not the boogyman some want to portray.

Global Temperature Report: Warmest Ever February, driven by El Niño

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Well, let's see what the denier has to say.

http://Now that John Christy and I have had a little more time to digest the new paper by Carl Mears and Frank Wentz (“Sensitivity of satellite derived tropospheric temperature trends to the diurnal cycle adjustment”, paywalled here), our conclusion has remained mostly the same as originally stated in Anthony Watts’ post. While the title of their article implies that their new diurnal drift adjustment to the satellite data has caused the large increase in the global warming trend, it is actually their inclusion of what the evidence will suggest is a spurious warming (calibration drift) in the NOAA-14 MSU instrument that leads to most (maybe 2/3) of the change. I will provide more details of why we believe that satellite is to blame, below.


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If the,solutions to this 'problem' didn't always involve giving more control of our everyday life to bureaucrats and rolling back our standard of living, I might be more inclined to believe it.

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If the,solutions to this 'problem' didn't always involve giving more control of our everyday life to bureaucrats and rolling back our standard of living, I might be more inclined to believe it.

Gibbs Rule # 39 - there is no such thing as coincidence.

That this is a global ( everyone must care ) climate crisis and the ONLY way to solve it is to do pretty much exactly what the Statists have been pushing us towards for over 160 years , and that anyone who doesn't agree is to be mocked, vilified and marginalized, that's just too much coincidence for me to accept.

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If the,solutions to this 'problem' didn't always involve giving more control of our everyday life to bureaucrats and rolling back our standard of living, I might be more inclined to believe it.

That's an excellent point. Thanks for admitting it.

Deniers reject the actual science because they don't like the political implications.

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If the,solutions to this 'problem' didn't always involve giving more control of our everyday life to bureaucrats and rolling back our standard of living, I might be more inclined to believe it.

Gibbs Rule # 39 - there is no such thing as coincidence.

That this is a global ( everyone must care ) climate crisis and the ONLY way to solve it is to do pretty much exactly what the Statists have been pushing us towards for over 160 years , and that anyone who doesn't agree is to be mocked, vilified and marginalized, that's just too much coincidence for me to accept.

How about summarizing what the "Statists" have been pushing us toward for over 160 years.

And please follow that up with how it changes the science.

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If the,solutions to this 'problem' didn't always involve giving more control of our everyday life to bureaucrats and rolling back our standard of living, I might be more inclined to believe it.

Gibbs Rule # 39 - there is no such thing as coincidence.

That this is a global ( everyone must care ) climate crisis and the ONLY way to solve it is to do pretty much exactly what the Statists have been pushing us towards for over 160 years , and that anyone who doesn't agree is to be mocked, vilified and marginalized, that's just too much coincidence for me to accept.

That's just a long-winded way of saying it's all a scientific hoax.

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Well, let's see what the denier has to say.

http://Now that John Christy and I have had a little more time to digest the new paper by Carl Mears and Frank Wentz (“Sensitivity of satellite derived tropospheric temperature trends to the diurnal cycle adjustment”, paywalled here), our conclusion has remained mostly the same as originally stated in Anthony Watts’ post. While the title of their article implies that their new diurnal drift adjustment to the satellite data has caused the large increase in the global warming trend, it is actually their inclusion of what the evidence will suggest is a spurious warming (calibration drift) in the NOAA-14 MSU instrument that leads to most (maybe 2/3) of the change. I will provide more details of why we believe that satellite is to blame, below.


He's dancing. :party:

In other words, the data cannot be trusted. It's the satellite's fault.

(Course, this just happened as the data started trending against their claims.) :laugh:

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Patience. Try it. This is an El Niño period.


You really want to discuss this, do your homework first. Try Roy Spencer's (hisownself) web page and start reading.

Yeah, I did that, and it wasn't quite the revelation you claim it to be. He still thinks AGW is ,if not 'bunk', not the boogyman some want to portray.

Global Temperature Report: Warmest Ever February, driven by El Niño

El Nino's come and go. Meanwhile global temperature continues to rise, contributing to the strength of El Ninos.

And what do you mean "if not bunk". Are you starting to slip from your assertion that it is bunk? Is it a hoax or not?

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If the,solutions to this 'problem' didn't always involve giving more control of our everyday life to bureaucrats and rolling back our standard of living, I might be more inclined to believe it.

Gibbs Rule # 39 - there is no such thing as coincidence.

That this is a global ( everyone must care ) climate crisis and the ONLY way to solve it is to do pretty much exactly what the Statists have been pushing us towards for over 160 years , and that anyone who doesn't agree is to be mocked, vilified and marginalized, that's just too much coincidence for me to accept.

That's just a long-winded way of saying it's all a scientific hoax.

" Long winded " ? :roflol:

Yeah, easy to dismiss anything longer than a bumper sticker slogan explanation to just call it ' long winded '.

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Patience. Try it. This is an El Niño period.


You really want to discuss this, do your homework first. Try Roy Spencer's (hisownself) web page and start reading.

Yeah, I did that, and it wasn't quite the revelation you claim it to be. He still thinks AGW is ,if not 'bunk', not the boogyman some want to portray.

Global Temperature Report: Warmest Ever February, driven by El Niño

El Nino's come and go. Meanwhile global temperature continues to rise, contributing to the strength of El Ninos.

And what do you mean "if not bunk". Are you starting to slip from your assertion that it is bunk? Is it a hoax or not?

As has always been known, Earth's climate does change. Long before the internal combustion engine, wine was being produced in England as the growing season allowed for vineyards to flourish so far north.

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