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Hillary's Massive Donations From Wall St.

Proud Tiger

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Hey PT! We agree on something!

IMO, this, not Benghazi, is why no one should vote for Clinton. This is fundamental corruption. It has been for a long, long time. Wall St. buys many politicians, Democrats, Republicans, conservatives, liberals.

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Oh her and Bill have been all about the acquisition of as much money as possible. This has been their M.O. going back to their days in Arkansas. She's like the rest of the Democrats. She curses the rich cats publicly while taking all the money she can privately. If the average democratic voter ever learned the truth, it might be fun to watch.

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What would the average Democratic voter do? Vote for an equally or more corrupt politician? Do you believe the problem, or solution is partisan? Ideological?

Should we research the Wall St. donations to Republicans/Republican PACs? Is that different?

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Itchy you can research republicans all you want but you're missing the point. The democrat party spends all their time talking about Wall Street and the evil rich and tries to connect them exclusively with the Republican party. They do all this publicly and they've got the MSM covering for them while they grab as much money from the rich as they can in private. The average democrat voter hears Hillary and Bernie and the rest of these people and they think they're going to take them down, not knowing that no such thing is going to happen. I'm just wondering what would happen if they ever learned that dirty little secret.

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I am still missing your point. Do you believe the corruption is limited to the Democrats? Do you think the Republicans are above reproach.

I would say there is a BIG difference between Sanders and Clinton. Have you watched any of the Democratic debates?

No offense but, IMO, as usual, you are lost in rather meaningless partisan rhetoric. Please correct me if I am mistaken.

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