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Intel fires 12K files for over 14K H1B visas


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yeah immigrants aren't driving down wages...naaah!


Intel has insisted that it cannot find enough skilled American workers to fill its needs. From 2010 to 2015, it filed requests for up to 8,351 H-1B visas, plus 5,172 applications for permanent Green Cards for its foreign employees, according to MyVisasJobs.com. That data shows the company sought to hire 14,523 foreign professionals instead of many Americans eager to work at Intel.

The H-1B visa program isn’t the only program used to import foreign workers into the country. Late last year the Obama administration expended the Optional Practical Training (OPT) visa program, which is allowing 120,000 foreign students to work with companies, many of whom rely on the universities for hires.

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Didn't think you'd get much play. So typical.

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Intel adds 2,000 jobs ! Economy soars ! " - Obama admin

Blah facts. You have ODS.
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