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Now here's a problem with Government over-reach

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Brilliant homes. :homer:

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In a drunken moment of clarity he realized that government overreach is a bad thing - then the moment passed and he realized he was about to leave the left corner with this post - tried to delete it - and accidentally hit enter - providing us all a glimpse into a rational side of himself.

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Sleep deprived posting.

Nah, more like drunk posting.

Now if I could only remember what the article was I meant to link.....

I was trying to be kind...

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In a drunken moment of clarity he realized that government overreach is a bad thing - then the moment passed and he realized he was about to leave the left corner with this post - tried to delete it - and accidentally hit enter - providing us all a glimpse into a rational side of himself.

Yeah, that's it. ;D

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