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Hillary skewers Trump with his own words


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Yeah, this should be fun to watch. Hillary doesn't have the personality or the writers to compete w/ Trump.

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Hillary Clinton skewering ANYBODY on foreign policy has got to be a joke. She's the architect of the Obama foreign policy that orchestrated that wonderful Russian reset, the Arab Spring wherein she felt it wise to back the Muslim Brotherhood, the killing of Kaddafi and the subsequent collapse of Libya which combined precipitated the current global migration problems. This woman still defends all these failed policies and based on HER track record she's living quite vulnerably in a glass house of her own making and has no credibility on foreign policy matters...I'd rather a complete novice takeover instead of seeing her in a position of power again

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Hillary Clinton skewering ANYBODY on foreign policy has got to be a joke. She's the architect of the Obama foreign policy that orchestrated that wonderful (1) Russian reset, the Arab Spring wherein (2) she felt it wise to back the Muslim Brotherhood, the (3) killing of Kaddafi and the subsequent collapse of Libya which combined precipitated the current global migration problems. This woman still defends all these failed policies and based on HER track record she's living quite vulnerably in a glass house of her own making and has no credibility on foreign policy matters...I'd rather a complete novice takeover instead of seeing her in a position of power again

1. As opposed to what? Do you think it would have been better for the US to be held responsible for initiating adversarial relations with Russia or having the world observe Putin slap away our hand and initiate aggressive policies?

2. The Muslim Brotherhood was democratically elected as opposed to the current military dictatorship. There was at least hope in supporting a democratically elected government. No guarantees, but hope. What makes you think supporting a totalitarian government will lead to as better outcome?

3. The Libyan policy was a mistake, which Obama has admitted. But I think it is an exaggeration to assume it had a major impact one way or the other on the status quo. It's a bit of a reach to assume we could have been any more successful at "nation building" in Libya than we were in Iraq.

Trump - on the other hand - is clearly out of his depth on these issues based on his own statements.

Perhaps it is your analysis that is "clearly a joke".

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Hillary absolutely destroyed Trump in that speech. I was fortunate enough to watch that gem yesterday. The speech was mainly geared toward the independents and to the centrist- republicans with national security on their minds. Would not be surprised if more republicans decided to vote for Hillary.

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" It was about a video "

That's all Trump has to say in response to Hillary's foreign policy acumen.

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" It was about a video "

That's all Trump has to say in response to Hillary's foreign policy acumen.

Welll he didn't. He said something like "Nice performance by the crooked Hillary ( LOL). She looks like she is reading from the teleprompter. She doesn't even look presidential" ( again, LOL!!)

He told her!!!

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" It was about a video "

That's all Trump has to say in response to Hillary's foreign policy acumen.

Welll he didn't. He said something like "Nice performance by the crooked Hillary ( LOL). She looks like she is reading from the teleprompter. She doesn't even look presidential" ( again, LOL!!)

He told her!!!

I didn't see the speech in its entirety. I did hear clips of what she said, and absolutely, it sounded like she was reading ( poorly ) from a teleprompter.

This was a speech hyped up by the Clinton campaign, so I would expect it was well rehearsed. But let's be real here...

Hillary will fail miserably if she tries to get down in the mud w/ Trump. It would be a classic blunder, just behind going up against a Sicilian in a game of wits when death is on the line.

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" It was about a video "

That's all Trump has to say in response to Hillary's foreign policy acumen.

Welll he didn't. He said something like "Nice performance by the crooked Hillary ( LOL). She looks like she is reading from the teleprompter. She doesn't even look presidential" ( again, LOL!!)

He told her!!!

I didn't see the speech in its entirety. I did hear clips of what she said, and absolutely, it sounded like she was reading ( poorly ) from a teleprompter.

This was a speech hyped up by the Clinton campaign, so I would expect it was well rehearsed. But let's be real here...

Hillary will fail miserably if she tries to get down in the mud w/ Trump. It would be a classic blunder, just behind going up against a Sicilian in a game of wits when death is on the line.

It all depends on who has the most mud to sling, or the most bullets in the mag. They're both crooked AF so it's going to be an entertaining show. Our founders would be pleased.
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" It was about a video "

That's all Trump has to say in response to Hillary's foreign policy acumen.

Well, that will satisfy the wackos.

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" It was about a video "

That's all Trump has to say in response to Hillary's foreign policy acumen.

Well, that will satisfy the wackos.

62 times she mentioned Trump in HER foreign policy speech.

Where are Hillary's foreign policy accomplishments? Benghazi ? Russian reset ? Libya overthrow of Quddafy ?

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" It was about a video "

That's all Trump has to say in response to Hillary's foreign policy acumen.

Well, that will satisfy the wackos.

Actually its not wacko acknowledging Obamas own words and he said the lack of planning in Libya post Gadhafi was the biggest mistake of his Presidency and guess whose strategy it was to eliminate Gadhafi? It was your "Queens". and she bragged about it saying ..."We came. We saw. He died." And quite frankly, that's just the beginning of her awful legacy.

"As secretary of state, Clinton supported the unprovoked U.S.-NATO attack on Libya and joked of the lynching of Moammar Gadhafi, "We came. We saw. He died."

Yet, even Barack Obama now agrees the Libyan war was started without advance planning for what would happen when Gadhafi fell. And that lack of planning, that failure in which Clinton was directly involved, Obama now calls the worst mistake of his presidency."..........


"How many other secretaries of state have been condemned by their own inspector general for violating the rules for handling state secrets, for deceiving investigators, and for engaging, along with that cabal she brought into her secretary's office, in a systematic stonewall to keep the department from learning the truth?

Where in all of this is there the slightest qualification, other than a honed instinct for political survival, for Clinton to lead America out of the morass into which she, and the failed foreign policy elite nesting around her, plunged the United States?"


IN a race between 2 despicable candidates, Hillary wins that going away and is arguably the most despicable presidential candidate of my lifetime.

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" It was about a video "

That's all Trump has to say in response to Hillary's foreign policy acumen.

Yeah, as opposed to suggesting the US leave NATO and encouraging nuclear proliferation as a substitute for American security guarantees. :-\

You have a truly wacked-out sense of perspective.

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" It was about a video "

That's all Trump has to say in response to Hillary's foreign policy acumen.

Well, that will satisfy the wackos.

62 times she mentioned Trump in HER foreign policy speech.

Where are Hillary's foreign policy accomplishments? Benghazi ? Russian reset ? Libya overthrow of Quddafy ?

It wasn't a foreign policy speech, it was a campaign speech with foreign policy as it's theme. Thus the repeated references to Trump.

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" It was about a video "

That's all Trump has to say in response to Hillary's foreign policy acumen.

Well, that will satisfy the wackos.

Actually its not wacko acknowledging Obamas own words and he said the lack of planning in Libya post Gadhafi was the biggest mistake of his Presidency and guess whose strategy it was to eliminate Gadhafi? It was your "Queens". and she bragged about it saying ..."We came. We saw. He died." And quite frankly, that's just the beginning of her awful legacy.

"As secretary of state, Clinton supported the unprovoked U.S.-NATO attack on Libya and joked of the lynching of Moammar Gadhafi, "We came. We saw. He died."

Yet, even Barack Obama now agrees the Libyan war was started without advance planning for what would happen when Gadhafi fell. And that lack of planning, that failure in which Clinton was directly involved, Obama now calls the worst mistake of his presidency."..........


"How many other secretaries of state have been condemned by their own inspector general for violating the rules for handling state secrets, for deceiving investigators, and for engaging, along with that cabal she brought into her secretary's office, in a systematic stonewall to keep the department from learning the truth?

Where in all of this is there the slightest qualification, other than a honed instinct for political survival, for Clinton to lead America out of the morass into which she, and the failed foreign policy elite nesting around her, plunged the United States?"


IN a race between 2 despicable candidates, Hillary wins that going away and is arguably the most despicable presidential candidate of my lifetime.

Hopefully, there aren't enough idiots in the country to make Trump president.

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" It was about a video "

That's all Trump has to say in response to Hillary's foreign policy acumen.

Welll he didn't. He said something like "Nice performance by the crooked Hillary ( LOL). She looks like she is reading from the teleprompter. She doesn't even look presidential" ( again, LOL!!)

He told her!!!


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" It was about a video "

That's all Trump has to say in response to Hillary's foreign policy acumen.

Well, that will satisfy the wackos.

62 times she mentioned Trump in HER foreign policy speech.

Where are Hillary's foreign policy accomplishments? Benghazi ? Russian reset ? Libya overthrow of Quddafy ?

It wasn't a foreign policy speech, it was a campaign speech with foreign policy as it's theme. Thus the repeated references to Trump.

Apologists 101

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" It was about a video "

That's all Trump has to say in response to Hillary's foreign policy acumen.

Well, that will satisfy the wackos.

62 times she mentioned Trump in HER foreign policy speech.

Where are Hillary's foreign policy accomplishments? Benghazi ? Russian reset ? Libya overthrow of Quddafy ?

It wasn't a foreign policy speech, it was a campaign speech with foreign policy as it's theme. Thus the repeated references to Trump.

Apologists 101

That makes no sense.

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" It was about a video "

That's all Trump has to say in response to Hillary's foreign policy acumen.

Well, that will satisfy the wackos.

62 times she mentioned Trump in HER foreign policy speech.

Where are Hillary's foreign policy accomplishments? Benghazi ? Russian reset ? Libya overthrow of Quddafy ?

It wasn't a foreign policy speech, it was a campaign speech with foreign policy as it's theme. Thus the repeated references to Trump.

Apologists 101

That makes no sense.

Hillary Clinton’s Flat and Misleading Foreign Policy Speech

Yesterday, Hillary Clinton gave a foreign policy speech in San Diego that was notably flat and misleading. It’s been getting decent reviews in the mainstream media for the zingers she tossed at Donald Trump. But when you listen to the speech (you can watch it here) and think about it, you realize how insipid and unoriginal it really was.


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" It was about a video "

That's all Trump has to say in response to Hillary's foreign policy acumen.

Welll he didn't. He said something like "Nice performance by the crooked Hillary ( LOL). She looks like she is reading from the teleprompter. She doesn't even look presidential" ( again, LOL!!)

He told her!!!


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