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ELECTION 2016: Conservative David Frum Perfectly Explains How the Disintegration of the GOP Has Created Trump

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David Frum unravels how rot within the GOP allowed Donald to break norms of behavior democracy needs to function.

The Trump phenomenon is presenting Republicans with one of those once in a lifetime gut checks—do you fall in line behind someone who is obviously unfit for the office of president or do you tell the truth as you see it and risk the disapprobation of your peers and the possible banishment to political Siberia?

Even though the truth of the matter is obvious, I don’t think it’s fair to say that it would be easy for anyone. To lose your place in the political ecosystem can be emotionally painful and professional very risky. The path of least resistance is to go with the flow. If Trump loses you will have a lot of company. If he wins, well, you’ll have to live with your own conscience as to the consequences. But either way, the people who stood against him will always be resented for their courage by those who went along......

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Finally, Frum bemoans the harsh partisanship that leads otherwise normal people like Marco Rubio, after having denounced Trump for months as a vulgar con man, cozy up to Trump using the ludicrous rationale that he’s “even more scared about her [Clinton] being in control of the U.S. government.” That’s ridiculous and on some level Rubio knows this. Clinton is fully in the mainstream of American politics along with Barack Obama, both Bushes and Bill Clinton. Trump is not. But as is their wont, the right wing is projecting their own extreme deviation from the norm on to their opposition and their leaders are dutifully following along.

I'm going to keep that one.

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The GOP leadership acquiescence to all things Obama led to the vacuum that allowed rump to step in. I blame Boehner and McConnell for Trump. I thing the constant continuing resolution was the catalyst.

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Finally, Frum bemoans the harsh partisanship that leads otherwise normal people like Marco Rubio, after having denounced Trump for months as a vulgar con man, cozy up to Trump using the ludicrous rationale that he's "even more scared about her [Clinton] being in control of the U.S. government." That's ridiculous and on some level Rubio knows this. Clinton is fully in the mainstream of American politics along with Barack Obama, both Bushes and Bill Clinton. Trump is not. But as is their wont, the right wing is projecting their own extreme deviation from the norm on to their opposition and their leaders are dutifully following along.

I'm going to keep that one.

The proposition that Clinton would be a be a disaster for the country is a vacuous one. She is the most qualified in terms of experience since Bush Sr. In fact, I had a staff member of one of the Alabama senators confide in me that she would likely make a good president.

The last sentence in the above quote nails it.

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The GOP leadership acquiescence to all things Obama led to the vacuum that allowed rump to step in. I blame Boehner and McConnell for Trump. I thing the constant continuing resolution was the catalyst.

Don't know where you have been over the last eight years but that's so off-base as to be laughable.

Obama's presidency will be known for the mindless opposition from the Republican congress. Mitch McConnell made it quite clear their first priority was to oppose Obama and limit him to one term.

Your capacity for self-delusion is amazing.

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