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RIP Elie Wiesel


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I'm sure everyone here knows of Elie Wiesel's story and accomplishments, so here is one of his most powerful speeches ever. Given the numerous topics of this board that often deal with foreign policy, immigration, etc, I'd say this is a speech that should be read by the members that frequent this board.

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Elie Wiesel was a living testimony to the vow #NeverForget Although he endured the unspeakable darkness of Auschwitz and Buchenwald, his defiant light burned ever brighter as he dedicated his talents to providing a voice not only for the Jewish victims of the Holocaust but also for the voiceless, the condemned, and the forsaken around the globe. Elie tirelessly reminded the world that the savage horror of the Third Reich was not an aberration in the past that was defeated in World War II. He knew the potential for such genocidal evil remains with us in the present -- and warned we must always be on our guard against it.

I was blessed to know personally Elie and his incomparable wife Marion. They have been powerful and fearless voices for justice no matter the cost; it is humbling to encounter true greatness, embodied by Elie and Marion. And when Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress last year, it was one of the great privileges of my life to host Elie and join him on a panel discussion on the profound threat posed by a nuclear Iran.

Elie Wiesel's memory is a blessing, an inspiration, and it is also a challenge to keep his legacy burning in our hearts. Our prayers go out to Marion and all of Elie's loved ones. May we all answer the call to truth and justice that Elie championed every day.

- Senator Ted Cruz

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Endured more than most can imagine and came out of it as iron forged by fire. Not many made like that and the world was better for it. I saw an interview where he restated having been shown a famous pic, where after liberation and in a bunk like setting, there was a group of men on those bunks staring toward the camera. To sit there was about all the energy they had. He said when he saw it, he no longer knew it was him........he no longer recognized himself. I'd say he re-identified himself again and then some.


An example of character beyond question. He expanded the need for freedom he felt, to all those he saw as still voiceless.

He wrote a bestselling book, titled, "Night"........if you are a reader, it is a good one.

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