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False narratives are what the MSM are pushing, and it's destroying this country.


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So, what the hell is that suppose to mean ? You think that you can dismiss and ignore an entire video , consisting of point by point facts, with a pic of some dork throwing a sucker punch ?


I guess that's what you'd like to do w/ anyone who tries to use facts and logic to debunk a popular, but totally false narrative, huh ? 




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5 hours ago, homersapien said:






It's a term OFTEN used in political discussions, and having been posted on this forum many times. That you're asking this basic question NOW is clear indication that you've been merrily going along in reading this forum with out a clue as to what's being said every time this acronym has been used. 


This does not surprise me , though I suppose it should. 

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20 minutes ago, AURaptor said:





It's a term OFTEN used in political discussions, and having been posted on this forum many times. That you're asking this basic question NOW is clear indication that you've been merrily going along in reading this forum with out a clue as to what's being said every time this acronym has been used. 


This does not surprise me , though I suppose it should. 

MSM is more often used by the conspiracy theorists....such as yourself.

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1 minute ago, aujeff11 said:

MSM is more often used by the conspiracy theorists....such as yourself.

It's used through out the media, on every Sunday morning news show , and those familiar w/ the difference between old school, established media ( 3 main t.v. networks, print media , etc.. ) and the newer , cyber based and a.m. radio brand of news sources. 


You claiming some ' conspiracy theorists ' narrative only goes to show your lack of understanding. 


But the good news is, you too can learn  and eventually catch up w/ the rest of us. :)

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46 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

It's used through out the media, on every Sunday morning news show , and those familiar w/ the difference between old school, established media ( 3 main t.v. networks, print media , etc.. ) and the newer , cyber based and a.m. radio brand of news sources. 


You claiming some ' conspiracy theorists ' narrative only goes to show your lack of understanding. 


But the good news is, you too can learn  and eventually catch up w/ the rest of us. :)

The media might use it. But like I said, the conspiracy theorists like yourself that say things like, "Obama and his coonies that control the MSM are just America haters that hates straight talkers like us good, Christian, southern heritage loving, and proud republicans. "

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Huh ?  First of all, there's no denying that the vast majority of the mainstream media are elitist, left-wing minded. Second of all, ..  Hell, I can go all day unpacking the nonsense that you spouted about Christian , Southern, Republicans…. But I've got better things to do. All I am seeing  from you is just a vast level of ignorance. There is no quick fix, sad to say. 

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31 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Huh ?  First of all, there's no denying that the vast majority of the mainstream media are elitist, left-wing minded. Second of all, ..  Hell, I can go all day unpacking the nonsense that you spouted about Christian , Southern, Republicans…. But I've got better things to do. All I am seeing  from you is just a vast level of ignorance. There is no quick fix, sad to say. 

Unpack whatever you want, the statement is similar to the drivel that you, blue, PT, and your  conspiracy theorist friends say every day. I still remember an incident where a Georgia police unit threw a flash bang near a baby during a raid, and after hearing about the parents planning to sue the city, you had the audacity to question whether the parents staged the baby there to make a buck. 

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Jeff, I did no such thing. And I have no conspiracy theory friends. You really do have a clogged filter in your brain if you somehow came away with anything that I said that resembles what you just posted.

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15 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Jeff, I did no such thing. And I have no conspiracy theory friends. You really do have a clogged filter in your brain if you somehow came away with anything that I said that resembles what you just posted.

lol you did. Because I remember you made a big deal about them not being from Georgia. You insinuated that they could be professional victims...

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3 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

lol you did. Because I remember you made a big deal about them not being from Georgia. You insinuated that they could be professional victims...

  Prove it. Because I did no such thing. I might've speculated  as to why they had a young child while in the midst of all those drugs, but as the facts came out at no time did I ever claim that they were "professional victims". 


There seems to be a fundamental disconnect between what I say and what you think I say.  

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10 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Is Fox MSM?


One night I couldn't sleep and decided to go through all the media outlets head guys to see who didn't have someone directly involved with the CFR or Chattam.  Turns out the only one I found was the Guardian.  They're all yellow to one degree or another.

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25 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Is Fox MSM?

Fox is Center right on the msm chart  but before it aired, all you had was CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and the rest of the print media. Virtually all that is left wing. And as fox has come on air, so has MSNBC, which is also left wing. Extreme far far left wing.  So, one network in a sea of leftists does not equal  " balance" in the msm. 

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2 hours ago, AURaptor said:

It's used through out the media, on every Sunday morning news show , and those familiar w/ the difference between old school, established media ( 3 main t.v. networks, print media , etc.. ) and the newer , cyber based and a.m. radio brand of news sources. 


You claiming some ' conspiracy theorists ' narrative only goes to show your lack of understanding. 


But the good news is, you too can learn  and eventually catch up w/ the rest of us. :)


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2 hours ago, aujeff11 said:

MSM is more often used by the conspiracy theorists....such as yourself.

Don't google "operation mockingbird".  Don't do it.  We all know its not true.

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11 minutes ago, maxwere said:

Don't google "operation mockingbird".  Don't do it.  We all know its not true.

They need the media to cover stuff like this. You know it's going to happen. BELIEVE IT. http://allnewspipeline.com/Walmart_Closings_And_Jade_Helm.php


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37 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Fox is Center right on the msm chart  but before it aired, all you had was CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and the rest of the print media. Virtually all that is left wing. And as fox has come on air, so has MSNBC, which is also left wing. Extreme far far left wing.  So, one network in a sea of leftists does not equal  " balance" in the msm. 

Um, no.  Fox is solidly right-wing.  Certain night time commentators are hardcore right.  Now, I think at their best they provide a needed counter balance to a media that is awash in center-left to far left thought and bias.  But don't fall into that trap that virtually everyone does (but not everyone attempts to fight) - the belief that wherever you happen to be on the political spectrum is the reasonable middle ground and all that deviates from that is biased.

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  Fox news is Center right. Yes, there are some for the right commentators, but by and large most of all the other "news" networks do their own commentary within the news. You get less of that with Fox. 

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2 hours ago, AURaptor said:

Fox is Center right on the msm chart  but before it aired, all you had was CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and the rest of the print media. Virtually all that is left wing. And as fox has come on air, so has MSNBC, which is also left wing. Extreme far far left wing.  So, one network in a sea of leftists does not equal  " balance" in the msm. 

So that's a yes.

Fox is pushing a false narrative.

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24 minutes ago, homersapien said:

So that's a yes.

Fox is pushing a false narrative.

 You really are a simpleton 


 But if Fox is also reporting a false narrative with regards to the cops and shooting of black men , then show it. Also, address the facts as presented in the video. If you can. 

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8 hours ago, AURaptor said:

Huh ?  First of all, there's no denying that the vast majority of the mainstream media are elitist, left-wing minded. Second of all, ..  Hell, I can go all day unpacking the nonsense that you spouted about Christian , Southern, Republicans…. But I've got better things to do. All I am seeing  from you is just a vast level of ignorance. There is no quick fix, sad to say. 

You are clearly defining MSM as the liberal media as you see it.

Then you have to exaggerate their power to make them a threat to accommodate the conservative posture of being attacked.

3 hours ago, AURaptor said:

 You really are a simpleton 


 But if Fox is also reporting a false narrative with regards to the cops and shooting of black men , then show it. Also, address the facts as presented in the video. If you can. 

I am just trying to unpack what YOU meant by MSM. I am obviously familiar with the term.


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