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Tim Scott Reveals Incidents of Being Targeted


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 Well that convinces me now. There is overt racism by cops, so all the shootings are now completely justified. Good job, Homer. 

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46 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

 Well that convinces me now. There is overt racism by cops, so all the shootings are now completely justified. Good job, Homer. 

^^^Exhibit A


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 No-no no, it makes perfect sense. This is the exact response the BLM folks want, isn't it? 


-  no justice, no peace

-  pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon. 

-  what do we  want? Dead cops! . When do we want it? Now! 


^^^  actual chants  from BLM. 

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Don't change the subject.  You mischaracterized homer's argument and did exactly what I said people do around here.  I could set a sundial by your predictability.

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7 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

As could I for others here as well. 

Yeah, well they aren't the ones making me a prophet right now.

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24 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Yeah, well they aren't the ones making me a prophet right now.

Wear a robe then 


Anyway, back to the original topic. The senator should have dressed down that cop who said he knew him, but still wanted to check his ID. Make the guy feel like the idiot that he is, so that he doesn't pull that stunt again. 


 I thought this story was posted on this forum already,  in another thread. That's why I was a little flippant at seeing it again 


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7 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Wear a robe then 


Anyway, back to the original topic. The senator should have dressed down that cop who said he knew him, but still wanted to check his ID. Make the guy feel like the idiot that he is, so that he doesn't pull that stunt again. 


 I thought this story was posted on this forum already,  in another thread. That's why I was a little flippant at seeing it again 


It was briefly discussed. Don't remember there actually being a thread or much discussion on Scott so anybody could have easily miss it. As a matter a fact, IIRC, the original statement on Scott was "I'm surprised nobody has brought up Senator Scott yet."

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1 hour ago, AURaptor said:

Wear a robe then 


Anyway, back to the original topic. The senator should have dressed down that cop who said he knew him, but still wanted to check his ID. Make the guy feel like the idiot that he is, so that he doesn't pull that stunt again. 


 I thought this story was posted on this forum already,  in another thread. That's why I was a little flippant at seeing it again 


If you are referring to the OP video linked here. the cop or security guard told him 'he knew his ID pin but DIDN'T know him'. I think that is just being thorough in your job. The call from the supervisor, i would have suspected was out of courtesy. If you see something out of place you check it out. if that happens to be a new black U.S. congressman, so be it. you don't take someones word for it. Sen. Scott seems to display that ego he mentioned.

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   Fair enough,  though I am unsure of how many times senator , Scott had to go through this routine. He is the lone black  GOP senator, and they're only 100 senators total. You would think, at least I would think, that the guard would take five minutes to remind himself of who is in the club . 


 And I have already spoken about the times he was pulled over by the police. That really is a non-issue. 

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3 hours ago, AURaptor said:

 Well that convinces me now. There is overt racism by cops, so all the shootings are now completely justified. Good job, Homer. 

For simply posting what Tim Scott had to say? :dunno:

OK, I'll take it. 

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2 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

   Fair enough,  though I am unsure of how many times senator , Scott had to go through this routine. He is the lone black  GOP senator, and they're only 100 senators total. You would think, at least I would think, that the guard would take five minutes to remind himself of who is in the club . 


 And I have already spoken about the times he was pulled over by the police. That really is a non-issue. 

The guard might be a total incompetent idiot. or it might have been the beginning of his first term either way if you don't know you don't assume. Sen. Scott to even mention that was showing thin skin. As for being stopped by police he should use that to show you can actually live through it if you are not a jackass.

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44 minutes ago, homersapien said:

For simply posting what Tim Scott had to say? :dunno:

OK, I'll take it. 

 You started this thread for a reason. I know what you were thinking. Just as you are a mind reader, so am I. 


@alexava -  The guy said he was speeding, so of course he's going to get pulled over. Add that to the "thin skin", as you put it, it's pretty clear that this whole issue of being targeted by the police  is pretty thin  itself. 

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Just now, AURaptor said:

 You started this thread for a reason. I know what you were thinking. Just as you are a mind reader, so am I. 


@alexava -  The guy said he was speeding, so of course he's going to get pulled over. Add that to the "thin skin", as you put it, it's pretty clear that this whole issue of being targeted by the police  is pretty thin  itself. 

Oh great omnipotent one!  :bow:

I should start calling you 'OW' for Omnipotent Weasel.  

It would make for a nice bookend to 78's new moniker 'WO' - Weaseling Oracle. 

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6 hours ago, homersapien said:

Oh great omnipotent one!  :bow:

I should start calling you 'OW' for Omnipotent Weasel.  

It would make for a nice bookend to 78's new moniker 'WO' - Weaseling Oracle. 


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20 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:


Yep. Exactly. This is what you get from Leftists who can't deal w/ topics on a rational, civil manner.  

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38 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Yep. Exactly. This is what you get from Leftists who can't deal w/ topics on a rational, civil manner.  

^weasel gonna outperform himself and go super saiyan weasel.

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46 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Yep. Exactly. This is what you get from Leftists who can't deal w/ topics on a rational, civil manner.  

Good Lord that kind of irony should be painful.

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1 hour ago, TitanTiger said:

Good Lord that kind of irony should be painful.

Why ?  Seriously, who here posts silly pictures and tosses out nicknames versus those who actually respond with reasonable and sincere replies? 

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2 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Why ?  Seriously, who here posts silly pictures and tosses out nicknames versus those who actually respond with reasonable and sincere replies? 

Because your ratio of reasonable and sincere replies to red herrings and goofy one-liners ain't nothing to be bragging about either.

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14 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Because your ratio of reasonable and sincere replies to red herrings and goofy one-liners ain't nothing to be bragging about either.

I disagree 

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To be pulled over 7 times in such a short span is a lot. Doesn't seem right to me.

Now, I haven't seen the full story of why? Was it solely because he's black? Profiling? Was he speeding each time?

I don't have the facts, but I'd be interested to see them.

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3 hours ago, AURaptor said:

Yep. Exactly. This is what you get from Leftists who can't deal w/ topics on a rational, civil manner.  

I doubt even the "leftists" would claim me.

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