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Marine Gen. John Allen has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.


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Retired Marine Gen. John Allen says presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is the right person to be the next commander in chief.

Allen, who led  troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and served as the U.S. envoy to coordinate the international fight against the Islamic State group, said on Monday that Clinton has the patience and understanding to make smart decisions about using military power

“This has been a very personal decision for me,” Allen said in Clinton campaign news release. “I have stayed out of the political arena my entire adult life, but given the complexities of issues facing our country today and its longtime allies, I felt compelled to speak up and be heard.

"I have no doubt that she is the leader we need at this time to keep our country safe, and I trust her with that most sacred responsibility of Commander-in-Chief.”


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There will be more of this. The military industrial complex does not want that oranged face oompa lumpa as Commander in Chief.

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Guest NC1406

I agree those that are connected in the military industrial complex will support her.  Doubtful she will win any districts outside VA with a heavy concentration of grunts.


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6 minutes ago, AUUSN said:

There will be more of this. The military industrial complex does not want that oranged face oompa lumpa as Commander in Chief.

Not their choice 

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2 minutes ago, NC1406 said:

I agree those that are connected in the military industrial complex will support her.  Doubtful she will win any districts outside VA with a heavy concentration of grunts.


Actually Johnson is most popular with Active servicemembers.

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Guest NC1406

You didn't answer the question.  Johnson or Allen is respected?

I read your link and it basically states that most military plan to vote for trump but they are holding their nose like many Americans.

My oldest son just returned from training some Brits in some military issues.  The Brits made fun of him for our country supporting Trump.....he asked them how their Brexit vote went :)  

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Guest NC1406
6 minutes ago, AUUSN said:

Poll: Troops Prefer Gary Johnson Over Trump, Clinton

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/21/poll-troops-prefer-gary-johnson-over-trump-clinton/#ixzz4FTCPF3RQ

I like the results of this survey better than the previous one from Military Times.  I am not familiar with google forms and how this survey was conducted, but again I wish the results represented the military population.

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Guest NC1406
2 minutes ago, AUUSN said:



The whole world is laughing at us because of Trump.

The world has been laughing at us for some time.  Even Trump can't take credit for all of that.

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On 7/25/2016 at 7:33 PM, AUUSN said:



The whole world is laughing at us because of Trump.

Who gives a s*** what the rest of the world thinks of us...they don't get a vote.  All they want is our money and our protection.  As long as we keep protecting them from all the boogey men that they create and won't deal with in their back yards they'll gladly continue to suck our economy dry.  We need to stand up for our interests....period.  You guys seem to love NATO, NATO is whatever the US can convince the UK, FR and DE to do to defend European interests.  They never  take action on their own to defend themselves or their neighbors....hell, the Russian issue in Eastern Europe was in their back yard and would/could/should have been easily dealt with...instead, they dithered and the the current version of Ivan the Terrible did what tyrants do in the face of the meek .... the bully pushed them to the ground and took the territory.  

You guys need to get a grip....NATO was created to counter the Soviet hoard in the face of a war weakened Europe; there is no Soviet hoard and Europe is not war weakened.  Outside of the UK, FR and DE; the other players have no militaries that can substantively contribute to defense efforts anyway (not my conclusion; but the conclusion of multiple Defense Sec's)....I see no reason to continue to subsidize their economies by our spending when we have a VA system and other executionally bankrupt domestic institutions...put these dollars to work here....let the Europeans grow up....they want to be an European Union....part of being a real nation or institution is being able to defend themselves.

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On July 25, 2016 at 7:33 PM, AUUSN said:



The whole world is laughing at us because of Trump.

It would confirm their smarmy view of Americans in their minds.

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On July 25, 2016 at 6:44 PM, AUUSN said:

Retired Marine Gen. John Allen says presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is the right person to be the next commander in chief.

Allen, who led  troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and served as the U.S. envoy to coordinate the international fight against the Islamic State group, said on Monday that Clinton has the patience and understanding to make smart decisions about using military power

“This has been a very personal decision for me,” Allen said in Clinton campaign news release. “I have stayed out of the political arena my entire adult life, but given the complexities of issues facing our country today and its longtime allies, I felt compelled to speak up and be heard.

"I have no doubt that she is the leader we need at this time to keep our country safe, and I trust her with that most sacred responsibility of Commander-in-Chief.”


He's been an Obama favorite for some time.  http://foreignpolicy.com/2014/10/30/is-gen-john-allen-in-over-his-head/

he he also lost his military career and European command over an email investigation around his emails to Jill Kelley.    

Perhaps those who have email problems also think highly of others in email trouble .  

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