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Afghanistan is safer than our inner cities?


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S-u-r-e....  Because every day in our inner cities people have to worry about bombs falling from the air, old land mines and explosive booby traps left by 30+ years of intermittent warfare, your wife being attacked because she exposes a bit of bare calf or shoulder or talks to a strange man, your daughter getting shot simply because she wants to go to school, or being arrested or worse by the Taliban simply because you want to listen to music on your iPod?  ..not to mention possibly being hours away from modern medical care?




Donald Trump on Tuesday escalated his rhetoric on the state of America's minority communities, telling a crowd that "places like Afghanistan are safer" than some U.S. inner cities.

"We're going to rebuild our inner cities because our African-American communities are absolutely in the worst shape that they've ever been in before. Ever, ever, ever," Trump assessed. "You take a look at the inner cities, you get no education, you get no jobs, you get shot walking down the street."

"Honestly, places like Afghanistan are safer than some of our inner cities," he added.

It was not clear what statistics Trump was using to back up his comparison to Afghanistan, which has been torn apart by decades of war. According to the United Nations, 5,166 civilians were killed or maimed there during the first six months of the year — the highest number since 2009.



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35 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Stupid and crazy. Appeals to the base.

is Louis Farrakhan considered a part of Trumps base? He, essentially, is saying the same things Trump is and that yaboy Barry has failed the black community.....badly.

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2 minutes ago, TheBlueVue said:

is Louis Farrakhan considered a part of Trumps base? He, essentially, is saying the same things Trump is and that yaboy Barry has failed the black community.....badly.

So  you're on board with Trump and Farrakhan. Sounds about right.

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Just now, TexasTiger said:

So  you're on board with Trump and Farrakhan. Sounds about right.

It was a question. Are you stupid or something? I only ask because if you're not, you do an incredibly believable impression.

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36 minutes ago, TheBlueVue said:

is Louis Farrakhan considered a part of Trumps base? He, essentially, is saying the same things Trump is and that yaboy Barry has failed the black community.....badly.

Louis Farrakhan for President!!!

Make America Great Again! 

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9 minutes ago, NC1406 said:

Broad generalization by many.   What part of what inner city at what time?  And what part of Afghanistan during what season?



Its a broad generalization because it's a stupid generalization. 5,100 civilians have already been killed or maimed this year. No telling how they came up with this statistic but yeah.

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Not sure where they came up with their statistics but we all know what one can do with those.  There is no comparison of population density, selected areas etc.....


This report shows 3594 "reported" murders in 25 of our 30 largest cities in 2015.  5 cities have no data??  Maimed does not appear to be a factor that US cities measure in this report.

Best I can tell Afghanistan and our major cities leave lots of people dying.


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