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NHL Season Cancelled!


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I'm sure this won't garner much interest here, but the NHL season has been officially cancelled as of noon today. This is one of the worst attempts at money-grabbing by professional athletes in the history of the universe.

The owners have been honoring a ten year collective bargaining agreement that now has them turning over more than 75 percent of the revenue to players. Kudos to them for sticking to their guns and maybe the players will come to their senses and actually negotiate so their MIGHT be a season of some sort next year.

I realize there will probably be zero response to this thread , but just had to get this off my chest.

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Jaydubb, I might hate your blackhawks (guessing you're a 'Hawks fan, since you're a Cubbie fan), but I totally agree. I'm so freakin' mad right not.

It took baseball years to recover from their strike, and they had Cal Ripken to keep it on life support until the Home Run chase of 1998. Hockey doesn't have anything like that. They are killing this sport.

At least I can still watch College Hockey on my Fox Sports package (Go SIOUX!)

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I'm pissed about it too. These whiny spoiled brats think they can have NFL type salary structures with NHL revenue streams. The numbers don't work. Their TV contract pays diddly. They don't have near the merch sales of the other three big pro leagues. They are living in dream world.

Fact is, every business more or less has a "salary cap". The bean counters do keep a close eye on the percentage of revenues that go to salaries and try to keep it under a figure they deem necessary. What is so unreasonable about the NHL owners having the same kind of thing? Plus, while this is a business, it is first and foremost a sport. Fans don't read about it in the papers, go to the games, or watch games on TV because of the capitalistic business side of things. They go to see forechecks, slapshots, nifty passes and wristers that make their heads spin. THAT is what matters and why the sport even has a chance to be a business.

The players need to get a clue. The owners offered a $42.5 million cap per team. Only 8 teams in the whole league last year spent more than $40 million. That's not exactly a restrictive cap. I don't know what dreamland these morons are living in.

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Well, it won't matter what the cap is, there won't be enough support for NHL hockey in the coming years to support most of the teams. You saw how bad the baskball strike hurt them, this is worse. Several teams were already floundering, and with the hit they will take in ticket sales, it will put many teams out of business. I am guessing there will be a 16 team league in about 3 years.

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I agree, NHL isn't strong enough in terms of nation wide fan base and some of the smaller market franchises are gonna be hurting big time over the next few months. The players need to get a grip on reality, they don't deserve that much money playing a sport that generates little compared to the other big pro sports. Too bad they canceled the season cause the Thrashers are missing out on some money from me and a couple of friends.

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On Monday when the news was trickling out that the NHLPA was starting to give in on some issues I had a faint glimmer of hope light up. So much for that. Now it's back to square one. At this point I'd almost be surprised if they'r eplaying this time next year.

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The only good thing for the NHL is that they didn't have far to go to hit rock bottom because they were pretty darned close to it as it was what with all of the money they were losing.

I heard an interesting point on talk radio a day or two ago. The hard-core NHL fan (all 424 of 'em B) ...sorry, cheap shot. 2 minutes for roughing) is the strong majority and it will take a LOT to turn them away for good.

Whoever made the point about the league possibly contracting is on target...they need to contract. So does MLB, for that matter, but that's another topic for another thread.

I am apathetic towards hockey, but it will look kind of strange to see "no season" for 2004-05 in the NHL record books.

One bit of trivia that I heard...the last time the Stanley Cup was not awarded (1919 due to a flu epidemic), the Boston Red Sox won the WS the previous fall (1918).

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Why in the hell couldn't they let that sleeping dog lie!!! :angry::angry::lol:

Joking, as much as I don't give a flip about hockey, alot of people's income depends on it and apparently some people actually like it.

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