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2019 14 week schedule Question


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This is the longest schedule I can remember. Do you think SEC is trying open up room for a nine game conference schedule in 2020? If so, would they replace a bye week or weak ooc game with the 9th? 


p.s. having 7 teams per division is too much. Even with 9 conf games, we wouldn't rotate thru other division soon enough for my liking. AU doesnt need to play Arkansas every year. Or a&m. Scrap divisions...We need a pod system. 

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I'm pretty sure it doesn't have anything to do with a future 9 game conference schedule setup. This first weekend is typically Labor Day weekend. Then you have a late Thanksgiving next year because the 4th Thursday is the 28th. Thanksgiving holiday is always pretty much the end of the season. The schedule is just accommodating the calendar is my guess. 

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