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Bottom Ten Finebaum Callers

Guest Tigrinum Major

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Guest Tigrinum Major

For all the losers that call in on Finebaum, I just had to make a list. After his article today, most of them have probably blown a gasket. Anyone care to add to this list? Or maybe just a favorite memory of some of the ones listed below.

10. Don from Downtown - "The Man" is keeping him from ranking higher.

9. Chris - Hyena Man would be a better name.

8. Neal Vickers - Technically not a caller, but you have to wonder how Paul makes this clown's mouth move without having his hand up his butt.

7. Steve from Forest Park - Stop whining about UAB. Please.

6. Bama Earl - The name says it all.

5. Catherine from Vestavia Hills - Is this chick in heat or what? It sounds like she treats every call to PF as an obscence phone call.

4. Elmo - Why, in the name of all that is good, would you name yourself after a Sesame Street character?

3. Big C - This guy's voice grates on my nerves like fingernails on a chalkboard.

2. Phyllis - Claims to be Bear Bryant illegitimate daughter. Or maybe one of Stalling's girlfriends. Or both.

1. Shane - Need I say more?

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Known, you hit the nail on the head with Chris...the "Hyena". I called and called one day and could not get through after one of laughing boys calls. I just wanted to question whether or not this guy could actually speak without laughing at the same time.

Big C: I've heard Big C on sports talk for years and yes, that is as irritating a voice as Phyllis from Mulga. However, the guy is a walking, talking encyclopedia of Alabama football. Not that you'd want to know, but you can ask a question and he can tell you what game, year, quarter, down...it happened in. Very irritating. :D

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Guest Tigrinum Major
Big C: I've heard Big C on sports talk for years and yes, that is as irritating a voice as Phyllis from Mulga.  However, the guy is a walking, talking encyclopedia of Alabama football.  Not that you'd want to know, but you can ask a question and he can tell you what game, year, quarter, down...it happened in.  Very irritating. :D


That has to be a curse of some sort. His mother must have made some deal with the devil...

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I have to respectfully disagree with your choosing Chris. He is my favorite caller. He cracks me up and he really knows his football. Bama Earl is also funny. The only callers I really have problems with are Shane, Jim from Tuscaloosa when he calls more than once a day, I-Man (my least favorite), Don from Downtown, and Jim from Pleasant Grove.

For all the losers that call in on Finebaum, I just had to make a list.  After his article today, most of them have probably blown a gasket.  Anyone care to add to this list?  Or maybe just a favorite memory of some of the ones listed below.

10.  Don from Downtown - "The Man" is keeping him from ranking higher.

9.  Chris - Hyena Man would be a better name.

8.  Neal Vickers - Technically not a caller, but you have to wonder how Paul makes this clown's mouth move without having his hand up his butt.

7.  Steve from Forest Park - Stop whining about UAB.  Please.

6.  Bama Earl - The name says it all.

5.  Catherine from Vestavia Hills - Is this chick in heat or what?  It sounds like she treats every call to PF as an obscence phone call.

4.  Elmo - Why, in the name of all that is good, would you name yourself after a Sesame Street character?

3.  Big C - This guy's voice grates on my nerves like fingernails on a chalkboard.

2.  Phyllis - Claims to be Bear Bryant illegitimate daughter.  Or maybe one of Stalling's girlfriends.  Or both.

1.  Shane - Need I say more?


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