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Raptor's on a roll - Called another one right!


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First, there was the hatchet job by ABC on Henry Hyde ( See thread here ) and the non quoted story about how the Clinton Impeachment was merely a chance for the GOP to get back at the Democrats for what happened to Nixon some 30 yrs ago. I noted right off the bat that it was odd there wasn't any associating quote to support the story's claim. Sure enough, others saw the 'error' too, and the story was pulled. Now we have this little gem by...yep, you guessed it.

ABC and the Washington Post touted how a new poll found two-thirds opposed to a rul change to end Democratic filibusters of judicial nominees, but the language of the question led to the media's desired answer. "An ABC News poll has found little support for changing the Senate's rules to help the President's judicial nominees win confirmation," World News Tonight anchor Charles Gibson trumpeted Monday night. The Washington Post's lead front page headline, over a Tuesday story on the poll, declared: "Filibuster Rule Change Opposed." But the questions in the poll failed to point out the unprecedented use of a filibuster to block nominees who have majority support while they forwarded the Democratic talking point that "the Senate has confirmed 35 federal appeals court judges nominated by Bush" and painted rules changes as an effort "to make it easier for the Republicans to confirm Bush's judicial nominees," not as a way to overcome Democratic obstructionism.  ABC anchor Charles Gibson set up an April 25 story on the media's sudden concern about mixing politics and religion, specifically Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist addressing the "Judicial Sunday" broadcast, by highlighting one answer in a new poll:

    "To Washington now, and one of the issues being debated so hotly there. An ABC News poll has found little support for changing the Senate's rules to help the President's judicial nominees win confirmation. The poll found that two-thirds of Americans oppose any such rules changes. The Democrats' ability to block the President's nominees has become a huge issue. And the battle is intensifying. Last night, the President's Christian supporters went on the offensive, with a nationwide broadcast."

    An on-screen graphic read: "ABC News/Washington Post poll "Change Senate rules to help President Bush's judicial nominees win confirmation?" "Support: 26% "Oppose: 66%"

    For the ABCNews.com summary of the poll: abcnews.go.com

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I told ya so just doesn't seem to cover it any more. :rolleyes:

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But the questions in the poll failed to point out the unprecedented use of a filibuster to block nominees who have majority support

That would be because it isn't unprecedented.

I guess this is just another example of the republican man being kept down by "the media!" The oppression just rolls on, doesn't it?

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I guess this is just another example of the republican man being kept down by "the media!" The oppression just rolls on, doesn't it?

Pretty much, yep.

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I guess this is just another example of the republican man being kept down by "the media!" The oppression just rolls on, doesn't it?

Pretty much, yep.


Poor baby. :comfort:

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The looney, looney right strikes again. The poll can't be truly unbiased unless they phrase the question in terms of "Democratic obstructionism." What a bunch of kidders!

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The looney, looney right strikes again.  The poll can't be truly unbiased unless they phrase the question in terms of "Democratic obstructionism."  What a bunch of kidders!



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God forbid that we require Congress to do what we elected them and pay them to do, which is to vote!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess that is a little "looney" huh? Geez! :angry:

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God forbid that we require Congress to do what we elected them and pay them to do, which is to vote!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess that is a little "looney" huh? Geez! :angry:


I watched C-Span today and saw quite a few votes take place.

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The looney, looney right strikes again.  The poll can't be truly unbiased unless they phrase the question in terms of "Democratic obstructionism."  What a bunch of kidders!


One small problem. No where was it suggested that the poll state anything of the sort. Oh well , feel free to continue to demogogue the issue.

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God forbid that we require Congress to do what we elected them and pay them to do, which is to vote!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess that is a little "looney" huh? Geez! :angry:


I watched C-Span today and saw quite a few votes take place.


On what? Some obscure piece of legislation that nobody really cares about? Were all members present? I guess these days, our elected officials would rather vote on anything rather than something as unimportant as judicial nominees. Look, this should not be a democrat or republican thing. If Republicans were doing this, then I would be ticked at them. I see it as a "just do the right damn thing" issue. Put it to a vote and let the process do it's job. If democrats don't like the fact they don't have a majority, well that is tough because the people of this country chose to have a majority of conservative republicans as our legislatures. Personally, I have never understood the reason behind the filibuster and think it actually is a slap in the face of all of us because when it is implemented, to me, it is a group avoiding their elected duty because they already know that they will not get their way. It is the "if I can't win, I will take the ball home so nobody can win" mentality. All of our elected Congressman, regardless of party, were elected in good faith by us to do their job and vote on the issues, whatever it may be, when they come up. Could you imagine what would happen to any of us if we tried this bs at our workplace. Hmmm...I don't like this new plan/procedure that the majority of management wants to implement, so I will do everything I can to stall it and maybe it will not happen. The results would be "clean out your desk" if we tried that. C'mon senators, we put you in a very high paying and very nice job with lots of perks, can't you at least just do what you were elected to do?! This is not a partisan rant, because I think both parties are guilty at times in not doing their job. I just recently wrote all the guys I voted for, mostly republican and one democrat (Bud Cramer), and gave them an a$$-chewing about some things I did not like that they were doing. I really got pissed when I got some generic form later back from Shelby stating that it was a House matter and needed to contact my local House rep and then made some generic comments about my e-mail, which actually showed me that the moron never read my e-mail. It looked like he had somebody do it for him and all they did was read the subject line and came to an assumption about what was in the body of my e-mail and then replied in letter. Well, I left Shelby a nice little voicemail at his DC office and told him that because he apparently does not care about Veterans affairs like he claims and can't have the decency to at least read the e-mail or have his help read it throughly, then the clown will not be getting my vote next election. Hopefully, there will be a good republican challenger or I will be voting, gasp, to put the democrat challenger in his seat. Nothing ticks me off more then politicians who take me for granted! Rant off!

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What REALY bothers the libs is the fact that the Republicans, once again, will WIN on this issue.

Poor libs, they can't help it, they can't possibly be right about...anything.


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On what? Some obscure piece of legislation that nobody really cares about? Were all members present? I guess these days, our elected officials would rather vote on anything rather than something as unimportant as judicial nominees.

Here are the roll call votes from yesterday:

House 4/27/2005

145 27-Apr H RES 241  On Agreeing to the Resolution P Providing for the adoption of H. Res. 240

144 27-Apr H R 748  On Passage P Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act

143 27-Apr H R 748  On Motion to Recommit with Instructions F Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act

142 27-Apr H R 748  On Agreeing to the Amendment F Jackson-Lee of Texas Amendment

141 27-Apr H R 748  On Agreeing to the Amendment F Scott of Virginia Amendment

140 27-Apr H RES 22  On Motion to Recommit F Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that American small businesses are entitled to a Small Business Bill of Rights

139 27-Apr H RES 236  On Ordering the Previous Question P Providing for the consideration of H.R. 748, Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act

138 27-Apr H RES 235  On Ordering the Previous Question P Providing for the consideration of H. Res. 22, expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that American small businesses are entitled to a Small Business Bill of Rights

137 27-Apr H CON RES 81  On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree P Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the two-year anniversary of the human rights crackdown in Cuba

136 27-Apr H R 902  On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended P Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2005

135 27-Apr JOURNAL On Approving the Journal P 

While it doesn't look like they voted on anything important like giving Dubya permission to start any new wars, I'm sure voting to put his mug on a $1 presidential coin was worthy of a vote. Also worth noting was the vote on HR 748-Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act. Maybe not, though.

Senate  4/27/2005

00111 27-Apr  PN204  On the Nomination  Confirmed  Confirmation J. Michael Seabright, of Hawaii, to be U.S. District Judge

Speaking of confirming judges...They confirmed another one yesterday and, despite those obstructionist libbies, managed to do it with a 98-0 vote. Biden and Baucus weren't there. See what happens when Bush nominates judges that are actually IN the mainstream? They get confirmed!!! That brings the count to 206-10, is that correct?

I'd say that if you're unhappy with the pace that legislation moves through the House and Senate, then you really can only blame the GOP leadership in both bodies because the Speaker of the House, Hastert, and the Senate Majority leader, Frist, control what gets voted on and when and what goes to committee, where more GOP leadership are the committee chairmen.

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What REALY bothers the libs is the fact that the Republicans, once again, will WIN on this issue.

Poor libs, they can't help it, they can't possibly be right about...anything.

:lol:   :lol:   :lol:   :lol:


Yuh ever thought about opening a charm school, Tim?

Is WINNING the same as being right? The left WON on getting abortions allowed (at least, for the last 30 years, they did), so does that make 'em right on the issue?

It don't bother me so much that a certain political party has a majority in the government, as that they're using their power, it seems to me, to do bad stuff to America. You think doing bad stuff to America is great?

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