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Biden's mental decline


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2 hours ago, countoff said:

Homey??!! What is it with your reading comprehension?  Did you graduate from high school?  I clearly stated that I don't like Trump and I wish there was another reasonable option.  I just support his general policies.

You are so full of irrational hate, you cannot think clearly.  Also, I would like to point out that people like you are your own worst enemy.  There are many people who cast their vote for Trump but they are not really voting for Trump.  They are voting against people like you.  They don't like the idea of a bunch of children thinking they can get their way by throwing temper tantrums. :bow:

The election was three years ago.  You lost.  Get over it.  👍


2 hours ago, homersapien said:

Back to the trash talk thread kid.  You are making a fool of yourself.

The guy is actually making total sense. I did not vote for Trump, but i know many that did and they by and large cant stand Trump. They also are tired of being cast as Racists, Misogynistic, Homophobes. They voted for Trump because they hate the Status Quo DC Elites, just like the poster stated. That was all.

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38 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Sorry, No Sale. If he wants to support the middle class, he wouldnt have sold out to Big Banking decades ago. They dont openly call him the Senator from MBNA for nothing. I dont recall anyone referring to or pointing to what he has ever done to support the middle class. 



(Pssst.   Big Banks aren't going away.)

If you want to discuss exactly how Biden "sold out" to them to the detriment of the middle class, get specific.


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35 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:


The guy is actually making total sense. I did not vote for Trump, but i know many that did and they by and large cant stand Trump. They also are tired of being cast as Racists, Misogynistic, Homophobes. They voted for Trump because they hate the Status Quo DC Elites, just like the poster stated. That was all.

There's probably a good reason these folks seem to have issues with inferiority complexes. Just sayin....

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On 3/12/2020 at 1:51 PM, homersapien said:

First don't fall for the mud slinging propagated by Trump and the GOP regarding Hunter Biden's job with Burisma.  Everything they have implied about it has been patently false.

Hunter is responsible for his own life. There is no evidence that his father had anything to do with Hunter accepting the Burisma job.  According to Joe Biden, he didn't intervene to prevent it because he was still overwhelmed from dealing with the death of his older son Beau. I think that was a mistake and had he been thinking of a presidential run, perhaps he would have tried to intervene.  But there is absolutely no evidence that he promoted or orchestrated Hunter taking that position.

Kids getting jobs because of their fathers status or position is as common as anything else in the human experience.  (Look at the Trump kids for example.)

Finally, Hunter Biden's position has nothing to do with US policies that favor the rich over the poor.



Two things: I’m pretty sure you and I share a dislike of Trump, so I’m not referring to his Burisma propaganda. But you referenced stacking the deck for the rich. Here is an excerpt from Hunter Biden’ wiki bio:

“After graduating from law school, Biden took a position at MBNA America, a major bank holdingcompany which was also a major contributor to his father's political campaigns.[14] By 1998, he had risen to the rank of executive Vice President”. 

Hunter graduated from law school In 1996. So in less than two full years, he lands a premium job and rises to the rank  of executive VP at a bank holding company/huge donor to his dads campaign. Entry level to executive VP. Wow.  I know a lot of talented law school grads who don’t have that kind of success that quick. This was right before he got a ‘special commission’ as a Navy officer. I find it hard to believe that ole Joe didn’t do a little of his own deck stacking. 

 I’m not trying to attack Biden or your opinion.  I used to be a Biden fan. But I’m tired of establishment Career politicians on both sides preaching working class and living elite class. It is no different than Leo DiCaprio preaching save the planet from his jet and yacht.


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1 hour ago, Gowebb11 said:

Two things: I’m pretty sure you and I share a dislike of Trump, so I’m not referring to his Burisma propaganda. But you referenced stacking the deck for the rich. Here is an excerpt from Hunter Biden’ wiki bio:

“After graduating from law school, Biden took a position at MBNA America, a major bank holdingcompany which was also a major contributor to his father's political campaigns.[14] By 1998, he had risen to the rank of executive Vice President”. 

Hunter graduated from law school In 1996. So in less than two full years, he lands a premium job and rises to the rank  of executive VP at a bank holding company/huge donor to his dads campaign. Entry level to executive VP. Wow.  I know a lot of talented law school grads who don’t have that kind of success that quick. This was right before he got a ‘special commission’ as a Navy officer. I find it hard to believe that ole Joe didn’t do a little of his own deck stacking. 

 I’m not trying to attack Biden or your opinion.  I used to be a Biden fan. But I’m tired of establishment Career politicians on both sides preaching working class and living elite class. It is no different than Leo DiCaprio preaching save the planet from his jet and yacht.


From what I know about Hunter Biden he is a never-do-well and an addict.  So there's no love lost there.

I don't hold that against his father. It happens. (My deceased sister was an alcoholic with a severe personality disorder.  But there was nothing about they way she was raised that caused it.)

Like it or not, any (current) discussion about Biden has to be taken in the context of the pending choice between him and Trump.  Given that circumstance, opposing Biden simply because he's relatively wealthy is irrational.

And just because someone is wealthy, it doesn't mean they don't care about the well-being of those who are struggling financially, nor does it mean they will necessarily stack the deck for other wealthy people.  (See Bill Gates, for example.)

As far as Biden is concerned, he is wealthy enough without needing to stack the deck against the middle class.  I'd say just the opposite will be true - from an ego standpoint, he would probably be more interested in his political legacy regarding social change.

Hopefully, we shall see.

(I have to run, Trump is speaking about bailing out the oil companies.)


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4 hours ago, countoff said:

Homey??!! What is it with your reading comprehension?  Did you graduate from high school?  I clearly stated that I don't like Trump and I wish there was another reasonable option.  I just support his general policies.

You are so full of irrational hate, you cannot think clearly.  Also, I would like to point out that people like you are your own worst enemy.  There are many people who cast their vote for Trump but they are not really voting for Trump.  They are voting against people like you.  They don't like the idea of a bunch of children thinking they can get their way by throwing temper tantrums.

The election was three years ago.  You lost.  Get over it.  

That happens a lot.

It seems if you are objective and apply your criticisms equally across both parties in a logical manner, then it doesn't matter what you say or what your history reveals. You're automatically a Trump lover, cultist, or defender. That's not everyone though, there are some really good posters that are generally a bit further left than I am that I enjoy talking and exchanging Ideas with. We often find commonalities but even when we don't it doesn't devolve into name calling or purposeful misrepresentations. @Brad_ATX, @AUDub, are two of them.

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2 hours ago, homersapien said:

(Pssst.   Big Banks aren't going away.)

If you want to discuss exactly how Biden "sold out" to them to the detriment of the middle class, get specific.

The Americans Joe Biden Left Behind on the Bankruptcy Bill

In 2005 amendments to the bill, Biden voted against borrowers drowning in medical debt, seniors, servicemembers, union members, and victims of deadbeat dads.

Biden doesnt give a rats @$$ for the middle class.

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1 hour ago, bigbird said:

That happens a lot.

It seems if you are objective and apply your criticisms equally across both parties in a logical manner, then it doesn't matter what you say or what your history reveals. You're automatically a Trump lover, cultist, or defender. That's not everyone though, there are some really good posters that are generally a bit further left than I am that I enjoy talking and exchanging Ideas with. We often find commonalities but even when we don't it doesn't devolve into name calling or purposeful misrepresentations. @Brad_ATX, @AUDub, are two of them.

Thanks Bird.

I'm new to this section of the Auburn Board.  I saw some of your posts and I know from the football board that you are objective in your thoughts.  So I thought I would join in.

As stated earlier, I am predominately conservative with a couple of issues that have slight leftward leanings (affordable healthcare, affordable housing, gun related issues).  So I look forward to thoughtful discussions with @Brad_ATX and @AUDub 

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36 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

The Americans Joe Biden Left Behind on the Bankruptcy Bill

In 2005 amendments to the bill, Biden voted against borrowers drowning in medical debt, seniors, servicemembers, union members, and victims of deadbeat dads.

Biden doesnt give a rats @$$ for the middle class.


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Yeah....well....I would prefer to see more of these "human" moments from all of the candidates without the media psycho-anaylizing the crap out of it. 

The conservative media is trying to advertise that Biden condones taking away ALL guns and Biden is trying to say this is not true.  Again.  I would never vote for the guy.  But I think he is being treated unfairly in this case. 

Personally, I don't blame Trump for all the division in the country.  I blame the media (both conservative and liberal).  They get us all riled up by using mis-quotes, out of context quotes, and sensationalizing.  And then they profit off of every "click" on their website and every news cast watched by an angry mob.  Why can't they just report the news?

Obviously, I answered my own question...."And then they profit off of every "click" on their website and every news cast watched by an angry mob. "

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19 hours ago, bigbird said:

That happens a lot.

It seems if you are objective and apply your criticisms equally across both parties in a logical manner, then it doesn't matter what you say or what your history reveals. You're automatically a Trump lover, cultist, or defender. That's not everyone though, there are some really good posters that are generally a bit further left than I am that I enjoy talking and exchanging Ideas with. We often find commonalities but even when we don't it doesn't devolve into name calling or purposeful misrepresentations. @Brad_ATX, @AUDub, are two of them.

Can you please provide an example of one of those "purposeful misrepresentations".

And I'm sorry, but Trump is a psychopath.  No amount of applied logic changes that. 

Finally, countoff is apparently a snowflake who likes to dish it out but can't take return fire.   Go back to p.4 where our exchange begins and follow it.

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3 hours ago, countoff said:

Yeah....well....I would prefer to see more of these "human" moments from all of the candidates without the media psycho-anaylizing the crap out of it. 

The conservative media is trying to advertise that Biden condones taking away ALL guns and Biden is trying to say this is not true.  Again.  I would never vote for the guy.  But I think he is being treated unfairly in this case. 

Personally, I don't blame Trump for all the division in the country.  I blame the media (both conservative and liberal).  They get us all riled up by using mis-quotes, out of context quotes, and sensationalizing.  And then they profit off of every "click" on their website and every news cast watched by an angry mob.  Why can't they just report the news?

Obviously, I answered my own question...."And then they profit off of every "click" on their website and every news cast watched by an angry mob. "

This is the answer for cable news.  And I stress cable news.  Being 24/7, those channels tend to give viewers what they want.  As I was taught at AU, always remember the #1 job of a news broadcast is to make money.

It should be noted though that far more people watch the nightly news shows on ABC/NBC/CBS than do cable news.  Important because those tend to be less echo chamber and more just straight news.

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On 3/13/2020 at 10:06 AM, countoff said:

Wow.  All this wisdom you have regurgitated from CNN and MSNBC was so enlightning I couldn't help but change my mind.  Now I'm gonna vote for the socialist Sanders!

Ohhh no wait!  Unlike you I would rather not become one of the....


And BTW... your reading comprehension skills need a lot of work.  I clearly stated that none of the candidates (including Trump) have all the components necessary to be a good president.  Those that have the skills would never consider running for president.

And lastly, I thought Obama had a lot of class but he was a horrible president.  He kinda reminded me of Neville Chamberlain.  (psst...Hey Homey!  I know you don't know who Neville Chamberlain was.  Perhaps you should read about him.  It might help your reading skills)

Waaaaaaaaah!   Countoff implied mean things about me!!   :'(

It's unfair!


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12 hours ago, countoff said:

Yeah....well....I would prefer to see more of these "human" moments from all of the candidates without the media psycho-anaylizing the crap out of it. 

The conservative media is trying to advertise that Biden condones taking away ALL guns and Biden is trying to say this is not true.  Again.  I would never vote for the guy.  But I think he is being treated unfairly in this case. 

Personally, I don't blame Trump for all the division in the country.  I blame the media (both conservative and liberal).  They get us all riled up by using mis-quotes, out of context quotes, and sensationalizing.  And then they profit off of every "click" on their website and every news cast watched by an angry mob.  Why can't they just report the news?

Obviously, I answered my own question...."And then they profit off of every "click" on their website and every news cast watched by an angry mob. "

I would agree about the media using misquotes and out of context quotes and sensationalizing. Normally. Except with trump. They don’t have to. He lies, misrepresents facts, under or over quantifies (whichever suits his agenda) every stinking day. The media doesn’t need to twist him up at all. The words roll out of his mouth very freely but it’s about 70% bullsheyt. It’s more interesting hearing his supporters translate it into what he really meant. 

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On 3/9/2020 at 6:31 PM, AUDub said:

ok boomer

that is his go to claim when you call him out on something. however you never see him do this sort of thing with trump.

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On 3/14/2020 at 9:25 PM, alexava said:

I would agree about the media using misquotes and out of context quotes and sensationalizing. Normally. Except with trump. They don’t have to. He lies, misrepresents facts, under or over quantifies (whichever suits his agenda) every stinking day. The media doesn’t need to twist him up at all. The words roll out of his mouth very freely but it’s about 70% bullsheyt. It’s more interesting hearing his supporters translate it into what he really meant. 

It's truly befuddling that anyone is still blaming the media or Twitter for what others think of Trump. There is no logic or reason behind that. The only reason somebody would still be saying that at this point is because they *want* it to be true. 

Furthermore, we are not talking about a person who was suddenly painted in a different light once he became POTUS. The man has been a desperate attention whore of the highest degree for decades and he has done everything in his power to make people understand what an idiot and an a**hole he is. He has done nothing but fall up the stairs his entire life, one failed business and one failed marriage at a time, and he has never done a *single* thing to suggest that he is fit for public office, much less the most important one on the planet. That people want to pretend he is this unfairly maligned, qualified politician is just part of the madness of all of this. 

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I do think Biden has some issues that are age related I also think Trump has shown a little of it also but less than Biden As to Joe being humble and listening to the experts maybe but what scares me most about him is in a couple of the clips he gets angry very fast like with the Vet who was asking a legitimate question.  Another thing is in the past Joe really seemed like a moderate Blue Dog type Democrat but recently he has made major shifts on his views where he has swung very far to the left side of the Democratic Party. Is that just to get the nomination or has he really changed that much. 

If anybody has followed my post's I am obviously conservative but I do think I try and keep an open mind and while conservative in general on certain issues I am not. I voted for Bill Clinton the second time he ran for President because despite what I considered his moral shortcomings I actually thought he did a decent job.  I did a write-in during last election as I couldn't stand Hillary and didn't really like Trump but being in Texas where I knew Trump would win I could soothe my conscience by not voting for him or Hillary but knowing my state would go to Trump. Like most I was surprised he won. 

I dislike a lot of things about Trump he is a bit of a blowhard, the way he twitters and interacts with people is very un-Presidential. That said I think he has done a great job on trade deals, the economy even though Corona Virus could change that, beefing up the military, I think he really wants to get us out of the Middle east quagmire  but between what both Bush and Obama did  he is finding it very difficult and I think he has done a solid job on Corona Virus. When it first broke out he was first to basically stop travel to and from China many on the left accused him of racism it proved to be a good decision, he has now done the same for Europe and the plans I have seen on how we will handle it have been spot on.  Biden was one of the ones initially against stopping travel to and from China.

As I said earlier I voted for Bill Clinton in the second term even though I didn't like him because of his moral standards I thought he had proven he could do the job. This time I will vote for Trump again I don't like him that much as a person but I think he has proven he can do the job. 

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3 hours ago, AuburnNTexas said:

I think he has done a solid job on Corona Virus. When it first broke out he was first to basically stop travel to and from China many on the left accused him of racism

It was racist when our politicians- not just him- called it a "Chinese" or "foreign" virus. 

As for that solid job:


The downsizing decision was first reported by the Wall Street Journal.

The CDC plans to narrow its focus to 10 “priority countries,” starting in October 2019, the official said. They are India, Thailand and Vietnam in Asia; Jordan in the Middle East; Kenya, Uganda, Liberia, Nigeria and Senegal in Africa; and Guatemala in Central America.

Countries where the CDC is planning to scale back include some of the world’s hot spots for emerging infectious disease, such as China, Pakistan, Haiti, Rwanda and Congo. 


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42 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

It was racist when our politicians- not just him- called it a "Chinese" or "foreign" virus. 

As for that solid job:


As for calling it a China Virus or Wuhan virus that is what often happens. MERS stands for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome as that is where it started is that Racist? CNN and NBC called it the Wuhan Virus at the beginning. It was only once Trump called it the Wuhan Virus and the China Virus that it became racist.  As for cutting the amount to other countries I agree that is short sighted and needs to be reviewed. Some of the Countries it is cutting to need the funding others like China should not need American money and I agree with it. 

It says in this article that the money was budgeted last time we had a major outbreak and as we get further away from last major outbreak funding is downsized. Previous administration did a one time budget than put nothing in place for continuous budgeting that was short sighted as is what they are doing now. I would be willing to bet because of this outbreak you will see this revisited and that budget increased again. Sadly our Government is very good at being reactionary but does not always look at the long term picture. When I say sadly our Government is reactionary that statement goes across multiple administration both Republican and Democratic. It is why we looked the Other way when China and other Countries stole our Intellectual Property undercut many of our Industries by selling below cost to put us out of business, why we entered Afghanistan and Iraq with no exit strategy why we brought down the Libyan government and armed many Islamist's to do it without any plan on what happens later.  I love my Country but I don't think it is perfect I just think it is better than the others. 

When I said the reaction to the Corona Virus was spot on I am talking about how they handled it when it broke out. Once the disease got here there is no way to completely stop it. What you have to do is try ti lessen the impact and I think they have done about as much as they can in the short term. Will it be enough or will we have to do more only time will tell. This Virus is a World Government Issue a Country Government Issue,  a State Government Issue, a Local Government Issue and a personal responsibility issue. 


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2 hours ago, AuburnNTexas said:

As for calling it a China Virus or Wuhan virus that is what often happens. MERS stands for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome as that is where it started is that Racist? CNN and NBC called it the Wuhan Virus at the beginning. It was only once Trump called it the Wuhan Virus and the China Virus that it became racist.  As for cutting the amount to other countries I agree that is short sighted and needs to be reviewed. Some of the Countries it is cutting to need the funding others like China should not need American money and I agree with it. 

It says in this article that the money was budgeted last time we had a major outbreak and as we get further away from last major outbreak funding is downsized. Previous administration did a one time budget than put nothing in place for continuous budgeting that was short sighted as is what they are doing now. I would be willing to bet because of this outbreak you will see this revisited and that budget increased again. Sadly our Government is very good at being reactionary but does not always look at the long term picture. When I say sadly our Government is reactionary that statement goes across multiple administration both Republican and Democratic. It is why we looked the Other way when China and other Countries stole our Intellectual Property undercut many of our Industries by selling below cost to put us out of business, why we entered Afghanistan and Iraq with no exit strategy why we brought down the Libyan government and armed many Islamist's to do it without any plan on what happens later.  I love my Country but I don't think it is perfect I just think it is better than the others. 

When I said the reaction to the Corona Virus was spot on I am talking about how they handled it when it broke out. Once the disease got here there is no way to completely stop it. What you have to do is try ti lessen the impact and I think they have done about as much as they can in the short term. Will it be enough or will we have to do more only time will tell. This Virus is a World Government Issue a Country Government Issue,  a State Government Issue, a Local Government Issue and a personal responsibility issue. 

Many good points, but when it comes to the response, I'm not going to applaud a guy for walking out of his burning house when he chose not to change the batteries in the smoke detector.

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Have to wonder how "spot on" a response can be when the populace doesn't trust leadership's message to be accurate. No wonder millenials are still packing the bars. Why should they believe what they're hearing from a compulsive liar?

This is when these things come home to roost. This is why choosing a *leader* matters.


Americans have little trust in the information they are hearing from President Trump about the novel coronavirus, and their confidence in the federal government's response to it is declining sharply, according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.

Just 46% of Americans now say the federal government is doing enough to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, down from 61% in February.

Just 37% of Americans now say they had a good amount or a great deal of trust in what they're hearing from the president, while 60% say they had not very much or no trust at all in what he's saying.


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On 3/14/2020 at 8:25 PM, alexava said:

I would agree about the media using misquotes and out of context quotes and sensationalizing. Normally. Except with trump. They don’t have to. He lies, misrepresents facts, under or over quantifies (whichever suits his agenda) every stinking day. The media doesn’t need to twist him up at all. The words roll out of his mouth very freely but it’s about 70% bullsheyt. It’s more interesting hearing his supporters translate it into what he really meant. 

Trump deserves criticism often, very often, but the media has earned their "fake news" label and continue to do so. You'd have to be an idiot to let them off the hook.

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On 3/16/2020 at 9:20 AM, McLoofus said:

It's truly befuddling that anyone is still blaming the media or Twitter for what others think of Trump. There is no logic or reason behind that. The only reason somebody would still be saying that at this point is because they *want* it to be true. 

Furthermore, we are not talking about a person who was suddenly painted in a different light once he became POTUS. The man has been a desperate attention whore of the highest degree for decades and he has done everything in his power to make people understand what an idiot and an a**hole he is. He has done nothing but fall up the stairs his entire life, one failed business and one failed marriage at a time, and he has never done a *single* thing to suggest that he is fit for public office, much less the most important one on the planet. That people want to pretend he is this unfairly maligned, qualified politician is just part of the madness of all of this. 

Trump absolutely earns much of what is thought of him, but one would have to their head up their a$$ to think media doesn't contribute. 

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47 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

Trump deserves criticism often, very often, but the media has earned their "fake news" label and continue to do so. You'd have to be an idiot to let them off the hook.


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25 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

Trump absolutely earns much of what is thought of him, but one would have to their head up their a$$ to think media doesn't contribute. 



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