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Allen Greene needs to step up concerning vaccinations

Eagle Eye 7

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17 hours ago, japantiger said:

So a lot of you guys are in favor of forcing an adult to submit to a medical procedure they don't need against their will so you can watch them play a game and shake a pom pom and feel like you're young again...uuuhhhumm... Rod Serling turned this down as an episode in 1960 because he thought it was too absurb.


In 1960, I doubt Rod Serling could even imagine vaccine resistance by so many fools. At that time vaccines were rightly believed to be a miracle of modern medicine.

So yeah, he probably considered it to be too absurd.  And he had a point.

Edited by homersapien
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8 hours ago, wcware said:

The problem is it’s been used as political ammunition by both sides. We can’t put that genie back in the bottle now. We are paying the price for our leaders need to stay in power by pandering to their bases…. Both damn sides

If following science - especially regarding public health - is Democratic politics, it's only because the other side has gone in the opposite direction with their politics.

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1 hour ago, AUght2win said:

I commented on this earlier. This is a totally false POV and a joke. Saban has nothing to do with his team's vax rate. In fact, they are almost identical to Harsin's.

Saban: "First of all, you have a personal decision, which comes down to risk — risk of COVID, relative risk to the vaccine. It's the same thing. We don't really have a lot of knowledge about how this stuff is going to affect people in the future, so that's a personal decision that everybody has the right to make."

UAT is fun vaxxed because those kids are all 5 stars who truly believe they are going to the NFL - which has mandated vaccines. They just want to be as draftable and employable as possible. Stop glorifying Saban on this.

I'm not...HE's right... they want to play, and win and get to the NFL... but you have to play the game to win..   he also said its on team and  he brought up the fact that NC State didn't get to play for a championship... Saban ALSO gave a public service announcement about it, because he wants fans in the stadiums, players on the field, to win! That's it. That's something to glorify him about if anything... I really don't  care what he does, but he gets that his job is to win.

Sometimes you have to do BLM protests in your penny loafers... 



"But players have to understand that you are putting your teammates in a circumstance and situation. We can control what you do in our building. We cannot control what you do on campus and when you go around town, who you're around, who you're associated with, and what you bring into our building.

"So every player has a personal decision to make to evaluate the risk of COVID relative to vaccine, and then they have a competitive decision to make on how it impacts their ability to play in games, because with the vaccine you probably have a better chance. Without it, you have a lesser chance that something could happen, a bigger chance that something could happen that may keep you from being on the field, which doesn't enhance your personal development.

Then how does it affect the team if you bring it to the team? So these are choices and decisions that every player has to make. Our approach has been I think we've had three medical doctors sort of give lectures to our team about the pros and cons of the whole COVID circumstance, the vaccine circumstance, so that they can make intelligent decisions about what they do."



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4 minutes ago, homersapien said:

If following science - especially regarding public health - is Democratic politics, it's only because the other side has gone in the opposite direction with their politics.

Commie 😂 

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6 hours ago, eagle12 said:

I’m so proud for Harsin for not caving into pressure of this political stuff that even the Governor has done! He has a strong spine Harsin does. 

It's not political stuff.  It is a public health issue, which Harsin - being in a position of leadership - should endorse. 

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23 minutes ago, homersapien said:

That's the irony of the politicization of this.  Trump could have endorsed and promoted the vaccines and taken credit for how quickly they were made available.

Instead, he sensed his hard core supporters were inherently inclined to oppose medical and healthcare "experts" -  in fact, experts of any kind. Also he had a long record of pure denial of the pandemic  because he rightly considered it a threat to his piss pour leadership.

Bottom line Trump cares only for himself.  In this case he's vaccinated, even though his MAGA's are resisting.

Yeah, he WAS doing that, at the same time Kamala was saying she wouldn't get the vax because it was made under Trump. 

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23 minutes ago, jAUSon said:

Can't yall are jacked up and hyperattacking.


52 minutes ago, jAUSon said:

Yall got this stupid ass thread rigged up where only the crazies can post. Folks with real down the middle answers can't get in. The sad thing is a few of my absolute favorite Aufamily guys are diminishing themselves unknowingly.

My bad.


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12 minutes ago, Randman5000 said:

I really don't  care what he does, but he gets that his job is to win.

Think about that statement. Really ethically messed up. You can say what you want, but Harsin has no ulterior motive for not forcing the vax. It doesn't gain him anything and has drawn him a lot of criticism.

His non-aggressive approach is purely a show of respect for his players and putting their important medical decisions ahead of a game. 

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15 minutes ago, homersapien said:

In 1960, I doubt Rod Serling could even imagine vaccine resistance by so many fools. Vaccines were rightly believed to be a miracle of modern medicine.

So yeah, he probably considered it to be too absurd.  And he had a point.

I don’t know but I know he did have this one episode of the twilight zone. Where a spoiled kid wished the whole world into the cornfield for not agreeing with him and left a f up world ! Kinda sounds familiar right. Y’all are like him first was masks now the vaccine. 

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3 hours ago, DAG said:

You would think, but unfortunately it is not. You would be surprised at the things I hear at my practice now, even in mental health. 

Hell, I am surprised by the things I read on this forum. 

If these people actually graduated from Auburn, then Auburn failed them.   They are certainly not representing my university well.

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34 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

Think about that statement. Really ethically messed up. You can say what you want, but Harsin has no ulterior motive for not forcing the vax. It doesn't gain him anything and has drawn him a lot of criticism.

His non-aggressive approach is purely a show of respect for his players and putting their important medical decisions ahead of a game. 

Why do people think this vaccine is the cure for mortality? 

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3 minutes ago, jAUSon said:

See you're still doing it. 

No, what I was doing was pointing out to you that it's a little odd for you to jump in with a drive by blanket shot at the entire thread and everyone in it and then complain about attacking. That is you "diminishing yourself".

Maybe now I'm getting closer to matching your level of insult but I'm still not quite there.

And yes, if you insist on the continued, passive aggressive condescension without contributing to the thread, I will "keep doing it".


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2 hours ago, AUght2win said:

Some of you guys are so hypocritical it's gross. 

How, pray tell, is that hypocritical?

When he finally conceded the pandemic was actually happening, Trump began hyping treatments and cures long before the vaccines existed.

Who in their right mind would have taken a vaccine solely based on his recommendation?

That's not hypocrisy, it's common sense.

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20 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

No, what I was doing was pointing out to you that it's a little odd for you to jump in with a drive by blanket shot at the entire thread and everyone in it and then complain about attacking. That is you "diminishing yourself".

Maybe now I'm getting closer to matching your level of insult but I'm still not quite there.

And yes, if you insist on the continued, passive aggressive condescension without contributing to the thread, I will "keep doing it".


Who are you convincing loof? Take the high road. Passive aggressive is actually perfect etiquette in these threads. But go ahead take off the glove see if I care. Can you fight hard enough to get more vaccines into Auburn's football facility? 

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2 hours ago, eagle12 said:

O hold my drink someone! He seriously said that as a smart ass response to a smart ass reporter ! Now Biden said he actually drove a 18 wheeler truck ? he can hardly tell a cab driver where to drive him! 

Yeah, and the Jan.16 insurgency was just another peaceful tour group.

I watched it in real time.  He was obviously serious. 


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3 minutes ago, homersapien said:

How, pray tell, is that hypocritical?

When he finally conceded it was happening Trump began hyping treatments and cures long before the vaccines existed.  Who in their right mind would have taken a vaccine solely based on his recommendation?

That's not hypocrisy, it's common sense.

Bless him Lord bless him

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2 hours ago, AUght2win said:

The greatest evils in the history of mankind have been committed out of this motivation.

Each individual deserves the dignity and right to live as they see fit, because the reality is we are all fallible people with different value systems. To think there are elevated, superior humans of enlightened minds that must save the lessers from themselves is both terrifying and hilarious.

And modern Public Health Science doesn't really exist.  It's a hoax.

You are letting your philosophical fantasies blind you to reality.


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1 hour ago, DAG said:

But what you don't get, those people do get turned away. For example, alcohol related problems, if we don't have a bed to detox you, you do not get admitted PERIOD. A COVID issue is a RESPIRATORY ISSUE. That will be prioritized over any of the examples you just made. A person who drug overdose can be narcan on the street and stabilized in the ED. They don't have to get stabilized in the ICU unless it is a continuous RESPIRATORY ISSUE. A person with an STD, wouldn't need to go to the ICU unless their disease is causing a significant RESPIRATORY ISSUE.  So 9/10 out of ten, the COVID person will be prioritized in these scenarios. Unless, it is cardiovascular surgery General surgery or a respiratory issue, people are not going into the ICU. Let's stop with the exaggerations. Now, if you had the opportunity to prevent that, why would you not take that action?

Let me give an example from my own health: Diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. I am black which puts me at risk for heart disease more so than other races. Parents have a hx of HTN. I choose to exercise 5 times a day, not smoke, drink minimally, and maintain my diet because it increases my chances of not obtaining Heart disease. Why would I not take every chance that I can control to keep me out of the hospital. Here is the crutch, even with all of that, I might still get an MI or might need elective surgery. Here is the issue. THE CVICU, CICU, SICU ARE LOSING BEDS TO PATIENTS NEEDING COVID CARE, so they get prioritized over someone who might need that bed for that reason. That is my point. Typically they would be housed in someplace like the MRICU, but now it is so overwhelming that is not the case anymore. So if you hd the opportunity to decrease that even .00001% why would you not take the opportunity?

Sorry, just seeing this note.  Given your specifics (I am assuming under 30 as well), I understand why you would choose vaccination.  I would too.  Smart call on your part.  It does not change the data or risk assessment for your average 22 year old elite athlete who would be in the 99.9th percental when it comes to overall health.

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4 hours ago, DAG said:

No non-compliance is the reason for healthcare cost. There is a reason why hospitals get paid extra money to decrease re-admission rates. IT COST A LOT OF MONEY TO TAKE CARE OF FOLKS, ESPECIALLY THE SAME FOLKS OVER AND OVER.

Yea govt subsidies and interference into the market have not mattered at all. The state has a great track record where it's subsidized projects always reduce cost.... Oh wait. 

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8 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Yeah, and the Jan.16 insurgency was just another peaceful tour group.

I watched it in real time.  He was obviously serious. 


Life comes at you fast Homey....Russia Russia Russia all over again

The wire service also reported that the FBI has found no evidence at this point proving that Trump or those close to him were involved in any coordination of the insurrection on the Capitol


The FBI has found little evidence at this point to suggest that the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol was largely coordinated by supporters of former President Trump or right-wing groups, according to a Reuters report.

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2 hours ago, japantiger said:

Still waiting to understand how some of you assess risk in life.  Why all the histrionics over something that represents 1% of all deaths in the under 30 age cohort.  


There have been a total of 2991 deaths in the US for people under aged 30 from Covid per the CDC (table attached).  That is .004 of total "Covid"  deaths.  There has been 153.4k total deaths in that age population during the same period.  Covid represents 1% of total deaths in this age cohort.  Suicide, AIDS, Car accidents etc., all represent much higher % of total deaths in this age range.  Based on your logic, we should outlaw sex and driving among everyone under 30. 

The risk profile of some of you guys is shocking.  Especially the younger ones on this forum.  When did we become a timid people...




Well, how about the logic  that you can virtually eliminate your risk of dying or having severe long lasting side effects - not to mention reducing the risk you pose to others -  by simply getting vaccinated?

Now, are you that afraid of getting a shot or is it you who is the one who doesn't understand risk and how to reduce it?

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8 minutes ago, jAUSon said:

Who are you convincing loof? Take the high road. Passive aggressive is actually perfect etiquette in these threads. But go ahead take off the glove see if I care. Can you fight hard enough to get more vaccines into Auburn's football facility? 

Wait, should I take the high road or your passive aggressive road?

Who is your passive aggression convincing? What have you offered other than insult and condescension?

If you don't care about the gloves coming off and refuse to provide a substantive opinion, then why are you in this thread at all?

I'm not convincing anyone. If fools are still fools at this point then it's hopeless until someone close to them has serious problems. That's how it works now. The problem is that my kids who can't get vaccinated have to go to school with the kids of these idiots. Do you have kids?

Can I accomplish anything? Yep! I can accomplish the same thing that criticizing a coach or praising a player or saying I don't know how I feel about a new stadium design does. But I guess there's no point in any of that, either.

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