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What game did you really lose it?

DKW 86

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I felt somewhat vindicated in 2001, when playing in Athens, we did the same thing to them (of course, had we scored in '92, we would have won.  Had UGA scored in '01, it would have gone to overtime).


Oh my god.....how did we not score?

I wanted Richt fired after that play

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I felt somewhat vindicated in 2001, when playing in Athens, we did the same thing to them (of course, had we scored in '92, we would have won.  Had UGA scored in '01, it would have gone to overtime).


Oh my god.....how did we not score?

I wanted Richt fired after that play


I was so in shock after that play. I could not BELIEVE they ran the ball! I was just way to shocked to celebrate, i just started rolling around on the floor laughing! :roflol:

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A really infuriating game for me was the 2003 LSU game. After all the preseason hype and then the abrupt 0-2 start, we really started to get on a roll. We had just come off two straight victories over top ten teams (Tennessee and at Arkansas) and I was sure that our team had finally come together and would take the SEC title. All the broadcasters were hyping up the game and saying the Auburn was playing the best football in the nation. Then the game started and it was over by the end of the first quarter. That was the second time that year that I let my expectations get too high for that team before they just crashed. We lost 31-7 and went on to lose to Ole Miss and Georgia. That game really pissed me off.

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How does that glass of Bitternessale taste? Sweet, sour, or flat? Not enough fizz on top?  I really do wish that UA fans would quit beating the Tennessee horse to death and just get over it. Probation is over and despite some evidence to the contrary, the Tide program is recovering. If I have to listen to one more indignant UAT fan complain about Fulmer, I will scream!!

I guess the plethora of times that UAT cheated the system, cut corners, and won illegitimitely mean absolutely nothing to you. Accept it for what it is; your boys got caught and they paid the pricce. End of story. The same thing happened to AU in 1991 and I didn't complain.


WTF are you talking about? Where did i say anything about Fulmer?? I'm INDIGNANT?? read the post again... I was just saying that it was ironic that at a TIME when UT is not my favorite team to play (because of our record against them), one of my good friends scored that kind of touchdown against us... so get over it, and get off my back...

i'm actually one of the fans who are just glad that this ridiculous trial and media attention is over. We haven't been able to get on with proving we are one of the better teams in the SEC, until now. With all the negative media attention that we have garnered over the past several years, with all the allegations and stories about the trial, and the NCAA documents, etc, we have not been able to strictly focus on what is important, WINNING FOOTBALL GAMES.

so, to you, "great alex", step off... bitch at someone who really is complaining about what you claim i am complaining about... i'm sure "fans" over at Ti.com are doing just that...


That's why you refer to Tennessee as UThug? That's why you claim not to be the one complaining about Fulmer, then you list several reasons why UA hasn't been focused on winning the past few years.

That's why you post on an AU website with the screenname AUwho. What else do you expect, an open invitation and a warm reception.

Get over it and off your back? Dude, I don't care and I was never ON IT. Relay some of that advice to your fellow bretheren over there at the mullet nation. They're the ones calling in Finebaum everyday and spreading their vitriolic rage about Phil Fulmer. Dude, I'm not on your back because I don't care. If you don't like the criticism then fine, go to another website. You're an Alabama fan. This is an Auburn board. You have an AUWho screenname. Duh!

Anyway, I'm not debating this topic with you and quite frankly, you're not worth my time.

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Anyway, I'm not debating this topic with you and quite frankly, you're not worth my time.


Then why respond to him? :huh:


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The same reason I am responding to you. The whole "kick that dog-elephant while it is down "thing". :lol::lol::lol::poke:

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The same reason I am responding to you. The whole "kick that dog-elephant while it is down "thing".  :lol:   :lol:   :lol:   :poke:


Enjoy it while you can. That elephant is getting back up & won't be down too much longer. :P:poke:

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The one game that really sticks out in my memory is 2002 Arkansas.

Auburn was rolling merrily along until Talley ran for 241 on us and Arkansas ran for 426 as a team and killed us 38-17. It might as well have been 49-3. We couldn't do anything right, they couldn't do anything wrong. The fans booed Tuberville, the defense, Campbell ..

And to top it off, it must have been 95 degrees.

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