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Evidence Of Biden Burisma Corruption Is Overwhelming... Or Joe Biden's Very Very Bad Day...

DKW 86

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Evidence Of Biden Burisma Corruption Is Overwhelming


What an amazing series of events that led to Joe Biden personally fulfilling what Burisma was paying Hunter Biden to accomplish. What are the odds?

Author Mollie Hemingway profile

Akey associate of Hunter Biden reluctantly admitted details about how the Biden family business was run — and those details are shocking.

Devon Archer, a longtime business partner and close friend of Hunter Biden’s, told congressional investigators Monday that at a meeting in Dubai on Dec. 4, 2015, top executives of Ukrainian energy concern Burisma asked Hunter Biden and himself for help from D.C. At the time of the meeting, Hunter Biden’s dad, Joe Biden, was serving as Barack Obama’s vice president as well as his point person on Ukraine. Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, and Vadym Pozharski, a Burisma executive, wanted to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired as he was investigating the company for corruption, Archer told members of Congress.


Hunter Biden put Zlochevsky and Pozharski on a call with “D.C.,” Archer said, noting he was not part of the phone call so couldn’t possibly know who exactly was on the other end of the line. Joe Biden did meet and speak more than 20 times with various business associates who were paying for access to the Biden family, Archer admitted.

In this case, Burisma was paying Archer and Hunter Biden as much as $83,000 a month to serve on the Ukrainian energy concern’s board, despite the fact that neither man had relevant experience or expertise for the job outside of their frequent meetings and contact with the then-vice president. The two were hired the same month that the U.K. had opened an investigation into company officials. The money was well spent.

A mere five days after the Dubai meeting and phone call, Vice President Joe Biden gave a speech to the Ukrainian Rada, its parliament in Kyiv, attempting to lay the groundwork for firing Shokin.

It took just a few short months before Shokin was fired. Joe Biden bragged in a public speech in January 2018 that he was personally responsible for getting that firing accomplished so quickly. In fact, he claimed he had bullied the Ukrainian government into firing the investigator by threatening to withhold a billion-dollar loan guarantee unless he got what he wanted. Seriously:


And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t. So they said they had — they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to — or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said — I said, call him. (Laughter.) I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired.

What an amazing series of events that led to Joe Biden personally fulfilling what Burisma was paying Hunter Biden to accomplish. What are the odds?

Not the Weather

After Archer’s transcribed interview, Rep. Dan Goldman, a Democrat from New York who previously ran some of the Russia-collusion hoax as a congressional staffer, ran to the cameras to cushion the blow of the explosive new information.

For years, the corporate press and other Democrats had uncritically accepted Biden’s preposterous claim that he had never spoken with his son or his son’s business partners about the Biden family business. Even when Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski described — in detail, on the record, and with supporting evidence — how Joe Biden served as the “chairman” of the family business, the media largely ignored the explosive claims.

With Archer echoing Bobulinski’s claims, and further noting that the business wouldn’t have worked without Joe Biden’s “brand,” Goldman and others like him had to concede that Biden did in fact speak with Hunter’s business associates. In fact, they had to admit he spoke with them frequently. However, Goldman claimed, they were only talking about the weather.


While no one actually thinks Joe Biden has a secret interest in meteorology that he only shares with corrupt foreign oligarchs who happen to be in business with his son, the claim is ridiculous for another reason.

As conservative broadcaster Larry O’Connor wrote, “Understand this: Hunter getting Joe on speakerphone WAS THE DELIVERABLE. It literally doesn’t matter what was discussed. Showing that he could get the Vice President of the United States on the phone was all Hunter had to show his clients to seal the deal. He was selling ACCESS not policy. Getting The Big Guy to pick up the phone demonstrated his ability to deliver that access. Case closed. Impeach.”

Otherwise, why would Joe Biden get on the phone with his business associates at all? Why would Barack Obama’s point man in Ukraine be talking to Ukrainian officials under suspicion of massive corruption who were paying large sums of money to his son? What was the point, exactly, if not as chairman of the family business?

We know Burisma was paying Biden family members for help getting powerful people in D.C. to get investigators off its back. We know Biden was the top official in D.C. related to Ukraine. Five days after Burisma made the request, Biden was laying the groundwork for the firing. And he has publicly bragged about getting the prosecutor fired.

In 2019, President Donald Trump was impeached for raising the issue of a potential corruption scandal involving Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Burisma. At that time, scores of corporate media and other Democrat activists asserted without evidence that Shokin was not investigating Burisma and that it was a lie to suggest otherwise.

For instance, Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post wrote in 2019, “Trump has falsely claimed that Biden in 2015 pressured the Ukrainian government to fire Viktor Shokin, the top Ukrainian prosecutor, because he was investigating Ukraine’s largest private gas company, Burisma, which had added Biden’s son, Hunter, to its board in 2014. There are two big problems with this claim: One, Shokin was not investigating Burisma or Hunter Biden, and two, Shokin’s ouster was considered a diplomatic victory.”

Since that false “fact” “check,” investigators in the House and Senate have shown that the Biden family business involves oligarchs and other powerful figures from Russia, Romania, China, and even France and other countries. Joe Biden reportedly met and spoke with his son’s employers from across the globe. The corporate press and other Democrats will fight disclosure about the Biden family business every step of the way, but Archer’s transcribed interview shows how important it is to reveal the truth of that business to the American people.

Edited by DKW 86
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Questions to the blind partisans here:
What were the 13 burner phones used for? 
Why would anyone need 13 burner phones?
What kind of business is usually conducted on burner cell phones?

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  • DKW 86 changed the title to Evidence Of Biden Burisma Corruption Is Overwhelming... Or Joe Biden's Very Very Bad Day...
1 minute ago, TexasTiger said:

Indeed you are.

You've had a rough day, friend. Seem a little off your game. Resorting to arein level 'I know you are but what am I' come backs now.

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2 minutes ago, KansasTiger said:

You've had a rough day, friend. Seem a little off your game. Resorting to arein level 'I know you are but what am I' come backs now.

You expect depth from this response?


9 minutes ago, KansasTiger said:

^^blind partisan


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40 minutes ago, KansasTiger said:

You've had a rough day, friend. Seem a little off your game. Resorting to arein level 'I know you are but what am I' come backs now.

get back to us when you guys actually prove something. hell your side has lied. they "lost" their witness a couple of times and have posted a bunch of nothing burgers. this is so laughable because if trump is the gop guy most of you will still vote for him after all that he has done and which means you give him a pass while attacking joe which is a very bad look.

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10 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Questions to the blind partisans here:
What were the 13 burner phones used for? 
Why would anyone need 13 burner phones?
What kind of business is usually conducted on burner cell phones?

First, your definition of "evidence" is extremely liberal. 

Second:  Who had these "burner phones"?

Edited by homersapien
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21 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

get back to us when you guys actually prove something. hell your side has lied. they "lost" their witness a couple of times and have posted a bunch of nothing burgers. this is so laughable because if trump is the gop guy most of you will still vote for him after all that he has done and which means you give him a pass while attacking joe which is a very bad look.

The witness disappeared cause the DOJ was trying to arrest him. You know, like they do most witnesses against the Biden family.

Both sides lie, fifty. They all lie. That's why I'm not on anyone's 'side' when it comes to politicians. Both of these candidates should probably be in jail. 

Yeah, if I'm forced, I'll vote for the criminal who had a booming economy, low inflation, lower illegal immigration, didn't start any new wars, and didnt try to force a vaccine down my throat or fire me, over the criminal that did the opposite of those things. Especially that last one. Kinda sticks with you when a dude tries to get you fired. You'd have to shoot me to get me to vote for Biden.

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9 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Questions to the blind partisans here:
What were the 13 burner phones used for? 
Why would anyone need 13 burner phones?
What kind of business is usually conducted on burner cell phones?

Hugh Freeze would just be like: "What's a burner phone?? 


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41 minutes ago, KansasTiger said:

The witness disappeared cause the DOJ was trying to arrest him. You know, like they do most witnesses against the Biden family.

Both sides lie, fifty. They all lie. That's why I'm not on anyone's 'side' when it comes to politicians. Both of these candidates should probably be in jail. 

Yeah, if I'm forced, I'll vote for the criminal who had a booming economy, low inflation, lower illegal immigration, didn't start any new wars, and didnt try to force a vaccine down my throat or fire me, over the criminal that did the opposite of those things. Especially that last one. Kinda sticks with you when a dude tries to get you fired. You'd have to shoot me to get me to vote for Biden.

trying to steal the election and all that would have happened afterwords is way worse than anything biden has done. i was wrong to tell you who to vote for but trump did some treason type stuff so i will never have any use for him. but i saw a ton of messed up vets during my tour at the end of the nam war and it was so heartbreaking. and trump stold from a veterans charity. i have posted this several times but you are not picking the least of the evils i can assure you. again you do you but that is a horrible look and i am not being smart here but i just do not get you guys. i also think biden is too old to be honest. but i will take him over trump any day. twice on sunday.

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2 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Hunter's laptop wasn't obtained by the FBI until December 2019. That May 2019 Intercept article is outdated and was before the contents of the laptop were known.

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2 minutes ago, Auburnfan91 said:

Hunter's laptop wasn't obtained by the FBI until December 2019. That May 2019 Intercept article is outdated and was before the contents of the laptop were known.

So what does that change regarding the prosecutor the EU and US, including Republicans, viewed as corrupt and needing to be replaced?

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The Burisma executive emailed Hunter and his associates asking for "deliverables" to close down any case/pursuits against Burisma's owner.

A few weeks later VP Joe Biden went to Ukraine to meet the Ukrainian PM and included the removal of Ukraine's top prosecutor, who was investigating Burisma, as a demand for U.S. support.

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54 minutes ago, Auburnfan91 said:

The Burisma executive emailed Hunter and his associates asking for "deliverables" to close down any case/pursuits against Burisma's owner.

A few weeks later VP Joe Biden went to Ukraine to meet the Ukrainian PM and included the removal of Ukraine's top prosecutor, who was investigating Burisma, as a demand for U.S. support.

What exact words in that email do you think says what you claim?

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4 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

What exact words in that email do you think says what you claim?

 The email explicitly states the "final goal" is to organize a visit from influential current US policy-makers to Ukraine to conduct meetings with Ukrainian top officials with the ultimate purpose to close down any cases/pursuits against Burisma's owner.

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4 hours ago, Auburnfan91 said:

 The email explicitly states the "final goal" is to organize a visit from influential current US policy-makers to Ukraine to conduct meetings with Ukrainian top officials with the ultimate purpose to close down any cases/pursuits against Burisma's owner.

Please quote the passage you think says that explicitly.


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"Proof everywhere!"

*posts nothing but supposition*

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7 hours ago, KansasTiger said:

The witness disappeared cause the DOJ was trying to arrest him. You know, like they do most witnesses against the Biden family.

Both sides lie, fifty. They all lie. That's why I'm not on anyone's 'side' when it comes to politicians. Both of these candidates should probably be in jail. 

Yeah, if I'm forced, I'll vote for the criminal who had a booming economy, low inflation, lower illegal immigration, didn't start any new wars, and didnt try to force a vaccine down my throat or fire me, over the criminal that did the opposite of those things. Especially that last one. Kinda sticks with you when a dude tries to get you fired. You'd have to shoot me to get me to vote for Biden.

Great solution.  Vote for the guy under multiple indictments, the last being for conspiring to unlawfully alter the results of an election that he lost to retain power.  That is the guy you trust to uphold the Constitution of the United States.  You justify it based on conspiracy theories and your belief that the DOJ is acting like some deep state mafia. 

Trump's own VP, Mike Pence, finally said out loud what he has believed for years.  Speaking about Trump, Pence said, "Those that put themselves above the Constitution should never be President."

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6 hours ago, Auburnfan91 said:

The Burisma executive emailed Hunter and his associates asking for "deliverables" to close down any case/pursuits against Burisma's owner.

A few weeks later VP Joe Biden went to Ukraine to meet the Ukrainian PM and included the removal of Ukraine's top prosecutor, who was investigating Burisma, as a demand for U.S. support.

It is laughable that anyone would read this and conclude that it is evidence of wrongdoing on the part of a third party not mentioned in the correspondence.

If the Shokin firing is what you all are hanging your hat on, you will be very disappointed.  His firing was being demanded by every country providing any support to Ukraine AND SENATE REPUBLICANS.

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3 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

Great solution.  Vote for the guy under multiple indictments, the last being for conspiring to unlawfully alter the results of an election that he lost to retain power.  That is the guy you trust to uphold the Constitution of the United States.  You justify it based on conspiracy theories and your belief that the DOJ is acting like some deep state mafia. 

Trump's own VP, Mike Pence, finally said out loud what he has believed for years.  Speaking about Trump, Pence said, "Those that put themselves above the Constitution should never be President."

He's obviously not even my first or even second choice in this situation, and I've made that clear. This is a situation where I have to pick between him and a mentally diminished man who tried to and did ruin the lives of many Americans like myself. I'm obviously not going to Vote for Biden in that situation, almost regardless of who he is running against.

I take what Mike Pence says with a grain of salt. He has an incentive to torpedo Trump, not just for his own election interests but the interests of a GOP establishment that clearly doesn't want Trump winning. Thats not a defense of many of Trump's actions or any zeal on my part to support him, but a recognition that the party and Mike Pence also might not be completely honest given the situation. Convienant that he says this when he is running against him and in a position to affect the current race.

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