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Don’t blame democrats for Trump

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33 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Roe passed 50 years ago under Richard Nixon (Republican)

There have been 6 US presidents who are R’s since then. Not one has banned abortion. Are all of those men demonic? Reagan…..George HW Bush?

I guess if a 14 year old gets raped, you would insist that she carry that child to birth? What if said 14 year old would die due to complications with the pregnancy? You insisting she just go ahead and die? 


Nope. I think a woman should  be able to have an abortion if pregnant due to rape or incest or if the life of the mother is in danger, but not for mere birth control.

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Just now, PUB78 said:

I am not a MAGA, but knew that Trump supported these groups.

Trump also isn’t a democrat? He’s the leader of the conservative Republican Party. And he isn’t the only republican who supports LGBT rights. So going off of your logic on why Obama is demonic, wouldn’t that make a whole slew of republicans demonic as well?

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1 minute ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Trump also isn’t a democrat? He’s the leader of the conservative Republican Party. And he isn’t the only republican who supports LGBT rights. So going off of your logic on why Obama is demonic, wouldn’t that make a whole slew of republicans demonic as well?

Trump is far from being a saint, but the  majority of Republicans  do not support or endorse the homsexuals or  SSM movement.

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Just now, PUB78 said:

Nope. I think a woman should  be able to have an abortion if pregnant due to rape or incest or if the life of the mother is in danger, but not for mere birth control.

Wait a second. You’re willing to allow a woman to commit a demonic act based on a circumstance? Abortion is abortion. It doesn’t matter what the circumstances are. It’s the same act. It’s either murder (demonic) or it’s not. I never said that the baby wouldn’t survive in either of those examples and you prioritized the mother life in one and the utter circumstance of incest and rape in the other.

So you condone murdering an innocent baby because its mother was raped? Do I understand that correctly? 

This isn’t an attempt to fight. I’m genuinely curious at your reasoning here.

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2 minutes ago, PUB78 said:

Trump is far from being a saint, but the  majority of Republicans  do not support or endorse the homsexuals or  SSM movement.

Based on this polling you are correct. But 39% do support it. Are those 39% of republicans also demonic? Are 61% of R voters under 30 demonic?



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1 hour ago, PUB78 said:

Their support and endorsement of homosexuals, SSM and the transgender movement. Not to mention their  full support of abortion on demand.

The Supreme Court decided that the U.S. Constitution guaranteed certain rights as fundamental rights of free people.  One of those fundamental rights was the right to marry whoever they choose without government interference.  If they had not decided it on those grounds, they would have decided it on equal protection grounds.  There is no place for the government in the personal lives of citizens, at least not in a place that we claim is a "free country."

Absolutely nobody in a position of leadership has ever promoted "abortion on demand."  That is nothing more than a political talking point.

From a perspective based on religion....

Did Christ endorse prostitution when he befriended a whore?

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10 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

The Supreme Court decided that the U.S. Constitution guaranteed certain rights as fundamental rights of free people.  One of those fundamental rights was the right to marry whoever they choose without government interference.  If they had not decided it on those grounds, they would have decided it on equal protection grounds.  There is no place for the government in the personal lives of citizens, at least not in a place that we claim is a "free country."

Absolutely nobody in a position of leadership has ever promoted "abortion on demand."  That is nothing more than a political talking point.

From a perspective based on religion....

Did Christ endorse prostitution when he befriended a whore?

Arguing about abortion is a waste of your time. He supports abortion like the “demons” do. It took me 10 mins of discussion to get him to admit that he supports abortion. 

So pub78 is pro choice. We have that in common.

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2 hours ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

This is what’s wrong with society today. What a horrible comment to make about so many people. Do you honestly think that Jesus would share in your hatred and judgement? 


Your thoughts on Biden’s view of Republicans?

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5 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:


Your thoughts on Biden’s view of Republicans?

Could you give me a quote from Biden where he says that he despises half of the United States? Or even one where he calls republicans thugs or pedophiles. 

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1 minute ago, I_M4_AU said:


Your thoughts on Biden’s view of Republicans?

Never heard Biden call them demonic. In fact, Biden has stated time and time again that he is willing to work with Republicans to reach compromise.  The above is simple right wing entertainment.

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11 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Could you give me a quote from Biden where he says that he despises half of the United States? Or even one where he calls republicans thugs or pedophiles. 

Non responsive.  Answer the question.

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8 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

Never heard Biden call them demonic. In fact, Biden has stated time and time again that he is willing to work with Republicans to reach compromise.  The above is simple right wing entertainment.

You could also make a pretty easy argument that the last line in the tweet is projection. 

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On 1/16/2024 at 9:05 AM, TexasTiger said:

I know, Democrats could do a better job of messaging, dealing with the border and a few other things. Not doing so could explain Nikki Haley or DeSantis becoming President. But given a choice, Republicans are choosing Trump— a disgusting human being who doesn’t give a damn about America or any one other than himself. No Spinning this. This speaks to the Republican base. Could be a number of things it says about them, but none are good.

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts and others on who exactly in Washington gives a damn about America?

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11 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

Never heard Biden call them demonic. In fact, Biden has stated time and time again that he is willing to work with Republicans to reach compromise.  The above is simple right wing entertainment.

Do you remember the Sept 2, 2022 speech Biden gave in front of Indendence Hall in Philly?  The perception of that speech is what started the *hate* this administration has for everything MAGA.  He is not the great unifier he claimed to be during the campaign in 2020.

I suspect that few will remember Biden’s words on Thursday night, however, as much as they will think of the ominous setting—the front of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall at night, with dramatic red floodlights as the backdrop for the President while he spoke in dire terms about the possibility of political violence from the Trumpists who still refuse to concede Trump’s 2020 defeat, and who celebrate the violent mob that stormed the Capitol in hopes of overturning it. Just hours before Biden’s speech, in fact, Trump himself bragged of giving financial support to some of the insurrectionists who have been charged by the Justice Department, and told an interviewer that he was considering offering blanket pardons to the January 6th defendants, should he be reëlected in 2024.

maga Republicans seemed to think that the scary setting for Biden’s alarming message was somehow beneficial to them, and they soon began sharing images of the dramatic black-and-neon-red scene. “I can’t believe this is a real photograph,” J. D. Vance, the Trump-backed Republican nominee for Senate in Ohio, tweeted. “It depicts the president of our nation, as he took to the airwaves and spoke about his fellow citizens as if they were sewer rats.” Rick Scott, the Republican Senate campaign chief, tweetedthe photo and dismissed Biden as a “raving lunatic” who “attacked half the country tonight.” Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, called it a “hate speech.” Over on Fox News, Tucker Carlson was very, very angry about the “blood-red Nazi background” and the Marine honor guard in front of Independence Hall, a setting that he termed a “complete outrage.” Even before Biden spoke, Kevin McCarthy—the House Minority Leader, whose slavish devotion earned him the sobriquet “my Kevin” from Trump—gave a prebuttal, in which he said that the President should “apologize for slandering tens of millions of Americans as fascists.”


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12 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Non responsive.  Answer the question.

The question isn’t based in any kind of fact. Why do we think Biden despises half of Americans? Because a guy on Fox News told you so? Show me proof that he despises half of Americans and then I will answer your question? 

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1 minute ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

The question isn’t based in any kind of fact. Why do we think Biden despises half of Americans? Because a guy on Fox News told you so? Show me proof that he despises half of Americans and then I will answer your question? 

What Charles said is now many Republicans feel.  Do you think he is just making it up?  Look at Biden’s Sept 2, 2022 speech in from on Independence Hall in Philly where he calls MAGA Republicans an exteme thread to America.  In that speech he tried to soften the blow by saying he can work with many Repulicans accross the isle, but that rings hollow.

Just as hollow as his campaigning as the great unifier.

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11 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Do you remember the Sept 2, 2022 speech Biden gave in front of Indendence Hall in Philly?  The perception of that speech is what started the *hate* this administration has for everything MAGA.  He is not the great unifier he claimed to be during the campaign in 2020.

I suspect that few will remember Biden’s words on Thursday night, however, as much as they will think of the ominous setting—the front of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall at night, with dramatic red floodlights as the backdrop for the President while he spoke in dire terms about the possibility of political violence from the Trumpists who still refuse to concede Trump’s 2020 defeat, and who celebrate the violent mob that stormed the Capitol in hopes of overturning it. Just hours before Biden’s speech, in fact, Trump himself bragged of giving financial support to some of the insurrectionists who have been charged by the Justice Department, and told an interviewer that he was considering offering blanket pardons to the January 6th defendants, should he be reëlected in 2024.

maga Republicans seemed to think that the scary setting for Biden’s alarming message was somehow beneficial to them, and they soon began sharing images of the dramatic black-and-neon-red scene. “I can’t believe this is a real photograph,” J. D. Vance, the Trump-backed Republican nominee for Senate in Ohio, tweeted. “It depicts the president of our nation, as he took to the airwaves and spoke about his fellow citizens as if they were sewer rats.” Rick Scott, the Republican Senate campaign chief, tweetedthe photo and dismissed Biden as a “raving lunatic” who “attacked half the country tonight.” Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, called it a “hate speech.” Over on Fox News, Tucker Carlson was very, very angry about the “blood-red Nazi background” and the Marine honor guard in front of Independence Hall, a setting that he termed a “complete outrage.” Even before Biden spoke, Kevin McCarthy—the House Minority Leader, whose slavish devotion earned him the sobriquet “my Kevin” from Trump—gave a prebuttal, in which he said that the President should “apologize for slandering tens of millions of Americans as fascists.”


The MAGA movement is a movement hell bent on the destruction of democratic norms (such as the peaceful transition of power). The movement is also responsible for an insurrection on the capitol in an attempt to stop the counting of votes. 

It’s a movement. There is nothing wrong with being against a movement or the ideas of a party/group. I think we can all agree that the KKK, Nazi Party, and Al Queda were collectively bad for a modern liberal society.

Not once has Biden ever singled out the people collectively in this movement and called them demonic, pedophiles, rapists, or murders.

That is the difference. 

Pub said that Democrats are demonic. His reasons why were pretty suspect, considering he also supports abortion and acknowledges that Republicans also support LGBT.

Another huge point on this. Roughly 80% of black people vote Democrat. Are you prepared to agree with him that 80% of black people are demons? I mean good grief man. 

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10 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

What Charles said is now many Republicans feel.  Do you think he is just making it up?  Look at Biden’s Sept 2, 2022 speech in from on Independence Hall in Philly where he calls MAGA Republicans an exteme thread to America.  In that speech he tried to soften the blow by saying he can work with many Repulicans accross the isle, but that rings hollow.

Just as hollow as his campaigning as the great unifier.

Do you not see the difference in saying MAGA is extreme and despising them like you would a demon, rapist, murderer, etc?

By all accounts, MAGA is an extreme thread in America. I don’t remember another group of people in my lifetime destroying the capital and trying to intimidate congress into not counting votes. Do you?

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8 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

What Charles said is now many Republicans feel.  Do you think he is just making it up?  

lol! He’s giving his opinion. He can have feelings all he likes. Most people feel things. It doesn’t mean it’s grounded in reality or proof. 

Based on your logic, anyone can go on the news and say candidate xyz despises half of Americans, and we would all have to believe it because that person felt it. 

He also said Biden’s view of the other side is far worse than Trump’s. In what reality is that true? I mean you could only cite one speech where he called MAGA extreme. Trump puts out hateful rhetoric towards Democrats almost every single day. The campaign literally put out a survey asking where people identify Democrat or American. 

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3 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

The MAGA movement is a movement hell bent on the destruction of democratic norms (such as the peaceful transition of power). The movement is also responsible for an insurrection on the capitol in an attempt to stop the counting of votes. 

Please show me where any MAGA supporter or demonstrator on Jan 6th 2021 was charged with insurrection?  Are you just believing the narrative set out by the Dems?  Don’t spend too much time on this as there were none.

9 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Not once has Biden ever singled out the people collectively in this movement and called them demonic, pedophiles, rapists, or murders.

That is the difference. 

What he did do is lump all Republicans as a threat to democracy and not what America stands for; that is much worse as most conservatives are not those demonic things.

14 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Another huge point on this. Roughly 80% of black people vote Democrat. Are you prepared to agree with him that 80% of black people are demons? I mean good grief man. 

I took Pub’s remark as the Democrat Party is demonic not the individual democrat.  I’m not getting into whether I agree or not.

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11 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Please show me where any MAGA supporter or demonstrator on Jan 6th 2021 was charged with insurrection?  Are you just believing the narrative set out by the Dems?  Don’t spend too much time on this as there were none.

What he did do is lump all Republicans as a threat to democracy and not what America stands for; that is much worse as most conservatives are not those demonic things.

I took Pub’s remark as the Democrat Party is demonic not the individual democrat.  I’m not getting into whether I agree or not.

Ok so we aren’t going to acknowledge the fact that in your mind, PUB calling the Democrats/The Democratic Party demonic is and Biden calling the “MAGA Trumpists”) extreme are the same thing? You’re prepared to die on that hill? Really? There are a lot of Republicans who aren’t MAGA Trumpists. PUG78 just said he wasn’t one. 

Everyone at this point who votes for Donald Trump could be considered a threat to democracy. He has expressed his distaste to democratic norms and neutrality and those people still support him. So it’s fair to say that they also despise democracy. 

PUB (a guy who isn’t even extreme enough to call himself MAGA) is calling people on the other side literal demons. And you can’t see why anyone would label MAGA republicans as extreme. That’s interesting.

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28 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

What Charles said is now many Republicans feel.  Do you think he is just making it up?  Look at Biden’s Sept 2, 2022 speech in from on Independence Hall in Philly where he calls MAGA Republicans an exteme thread to America.  In that speech he tried to soften the blow by saying he can work with many Repulicans accross the isle, but that rings hollow.

Just as hollow as his campaigning as the great unifier.

Hateful extremists really resent being called hateful extremists.

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21 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Do you not see the difference in saying MAGA is extreme and despising them like you would a demon, rapist, murderer, etc?

By all accounts, MAGA is an extreme thread in America? I don’t remember another group of people in my lifetime destroying the capital and trying to intimidate congress into not counting votes. Do you?

Here is an incident I didn’t know existed, but is similar to what happened on Jan 6th 2021;

February 13, 1861

A mob tried to break into the Capitol to disrupt the electoral vote count following the 1860 United States presidential election. Capitol security blocked their entry because they lacked proper credentials. Instead, the mob stood outside yelling insults at General Winfield Scott who headed the Capitol's security force. The mob's epithets included "Free state pimp!", "Old dotard!" and "Traitor to the state of his birth!" (Scott had been born in Virginia). Contemporaneous accounts described the crowd as "a caldron of inflammable material" intent upon "revolution"


Of course this incident was perpetrated by Democrats, but that is water under the bridge.

March 1, 1954

On October 30, 1950, under the leadership of Pedro Albizu Campos, the pro-independence Puerto Rican Nationalist Party launched a series of armed revolts around the island that were quickly suppressed. 28 people were killed and 49 people were wounded. Two days later, two party members attempted to assassinate President Harry S. Truman at the Blair House, resulting in the deaths of a policeman and one of the attackers. Hundreds of Nationalists were arrested.[29]

The Nationalists regrouped and launched another attack on March 1, 1954. Lolita Lebrón, Rafael Cancel Miranda, Andres Figueroa Cordero, and Irvin Flores Rodríguez went to the public gallery of the House of Representatives and unfurled a Puerto Rican flag, and then began shooting at members of Congress, who were debating an immigration bill. Five members were wounded, but all recovered. The victims were Alvin M. Bentley, Clifford Davis, Ben F. Jensen, George Hyde Fallon, and Kenneth A. Roberts. Bentley was shot in the chest and the other wounds were less severe.

The attackers were arrested, tried and convicted in federal court, and given long prison sentences. Cordero was released in 1978, and in 1979, President Jimmy Carter commuted the other sentences


Well, this seems to be serious doesn’t it?  Carter commuted the sentences????

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9 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Hateful extremists really resent being called hateful extremists.

So do child molesters and pedophiles resent being call such things.  Which are you?

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2 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Here is an incident I didn’t know existed, but is similar to what happened on Jan 6th 2021;

February 13, 1861

A mob tried to break into the Capitol to disrupt the electoral vote count following the 1860 United States presidential election. Capitol security blocked their entry because they lacked proper credentials. Instead, the mob stood outside yelling insults at General Winfield Scott who headed the Capitol's security force. The mob's epithets included "Free state pimp!", "Old dotard!" and "Traitor to the state of his birth!" (Scott had been born in Virginia). Contemporaneous accounts described the crowd as "a caldron of inflammable material" intent upon "revolution"


Of course this incident was perpetrated by Democrats, but that is water under the bridge.

March 1, 1954

On October 30, 1950, under the leadership of Pedro Albizu Campos, the pro-independence Puerto Rican Nationalist Party launched a series of armed revolts around the island that were quickly suppressed. 28 people were killed and 49 people were wounded. Two days later, two party members attempted to assassinate President Harry S. Truman at the Blair House, resulting in the deaths of a policeman and one of the attackers. Hundreds of Nationalists were arrested.[29]

The Nationalists regrouped and launched another attack on March 1, 1954. Lolita Lebrón, Rafael Cancel Miranda, Andres Figueroa Cordero, and Irvin Flores Rodríguez went to the public gallery of the House of Representatives and unfurled a Puerto Rican flag, and then began shooting at members of Congress, who were debating an immigration bill. Five members were wounded, but all recovered. The victims were Alvin M. Bentley, Clifford Davis, Ben F. Jensen, George Hyde Fallon, and Kenneth A. Roberts. Bentley was shot in the chest and the other wounds were less severe.

The attackers were arrested, tried and convicted in federal court, and given long prison sentences. Cordero was released in 1978, and in 1979, President Jimmy Carter commuted the other sentences


Well, this seems to be serious doesn’t it?  Carter commuted the sentences????

Those groups of people were extreme. And wrong.

That wasn’t hard. Right is right and wrong is wrong. 

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