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Prothro's Injury...


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since Saturday...

I have broken an arm before and I must say it was the most painful thing I have ever experienced. I broke my collar bone and my shoulder after flipping over the front of my bike and hitting head first on the street...Both were very, very painful!

Prothro snapped his leg in half basically and he was pumping his fist in the air? My question is, how do you not feel that pain?

Anyone ever had this kind of injury?

All the prayers go out to Prothro for his recovery!

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Guest Tigrinum Major

I haven't had this type of injury, but I had a paramedic friend tell me on Sunday that he had seen just about the same thing about a week ago in a car wreck. the woman was complaining (very calmly) about how her foot hurt and when he looked at it, her ankle ws touching her calf.

He said that this type of injury, people go into some type of shock and the break doesn't hurt like you think it would for about 15 to 30 minutes.

When I had my unfortunate runin with the lawnmower this summer, it didn't hurt in the traditional sense of the word. It was more blind panic until I got to the hospital and then it started to hurt.

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I thought the same thing. The only thing I could think of was pure shock. I've ruptured my Achilles before and I got my butt up and got in my truck and drove home. Something my doctor was amazed by. He said that usually people lay there and writhe in pain and scream for a while. It hurt like a mother later, but he told me that it was probably my adrenaline that masked the pain.

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I broke the fibia and tibia bones in my left leg as the result of an untimely entanglement between myself (on a motorcycle) and a scraggly, motorcycle chasing mutt. It was a clean break of both bones, but they didn't penetrate the skin.

I recall coming to while laying on the road, looking down at my leg and noticing the toes on my left foot pointing left even while my leg was straight. I immediately knew something was wrong. All I felt was a dull prickly throb, kind of like when your foot or arm "goes to sleep". The immediate area of my leg that was broken felt like it had pressure on it, like someone was sitting on my leg. It didn't hurt, I just felt some pressure.

All through the ordeal, I never felt any real intense pain. The doctor at the emergency room in Pell City told my mom I was in shock or otherwise I would be screaming my head off. They put my leg in a air splint and loaded me into an ambulance for the ride to South Highlands Hospital in Birmingham (now the Alabama Sports Medicine Center) where Dr Lemak set my leg during surgery the next morning.

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A High School Friend of mine broke his ankle in the first quarter of a game vs a strong rival. He taped it up, remember this was back in the age of dinosaurs, and rushed for over 150 yards in the second half. He was in the emergency room late that night. He thought he had just twisted the ankle. Turns out, it was broken in three places and required surgery. If we could bottle that type of "stuff", we could make a fortune.

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I cut my finger on a piece of paper when I was cleaning out my desk a couple years ago and cried like a baby.

Oh, wait.

That probably doesn't belong in this thread.

Never mind.

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I think there is a shock that sets in, plus the adrenalin factor is going at the time. I had my lower lip nearly torn in half by an elbow during a basketball game once and only knew it when someone told me. I never felt anything until icing it in the lockerroom.

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I few years ago a marine was getting car jacked in Montgomery, the assailent shot the man in the face. The marine proceeded to spit out the bullet and beat the jacker unconcious. :o Adrenaline works wonders!

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years ago i broke my tibia just like prothro... i looked down and saw my foot up against my kneecap and the bone sticking out the side of my pants... i didnt feel any pain, i remember looking down and saying to myself "this cant be good"... i didnt feel any pain until i got to the hospital, atleast an hour later... but once that morphine kicked in, it was all good.... :big: the doctors said it was "shock"...

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I few years ago a marine was getting car jacked in Montgomery, the assailent shot the man in the face. The marine proceeded to spit out the bullet and beat the jacker unconcious.    :o     Adrenaline works wonders!


Note to Self: NEVER mess with a United States Marine...NEVER! :thumbsup:

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Unfortunately, I have actual experience on this very topic and I cringe every time I see a tape of someone breaking a bone (thanks DKW for removing those pix of Prothro's injury.) I first broke my leg/ankle at age 15 playing JV football the week before our 1st game, badly too -- compound fracture of tibia & fibula. For those that don't know, there are two bones in the lower leg: the tibia is the main weight-bearing bone, the fibula is the smaller one. If you break your tibia, there is no "taping it up" and going back into the game. You cannot bear any weight on it, period. The pain I felt was immediate but once my leg was stabilized and wasn't being moved around it was bearable. A shot of morphine at the ER helped some but it didn't block out the pain of having the orthopod set my leg. (Ouch!) I was in a full length cast for 3 months & then a knee-high walking cast for another 1.5 months. Went on to play in my HS spring game that year & start the next two years, btw (another story, another time -- glory days.)

25 years later I broke the same leg/ankle while walking my dog. It had snowed up here recently and I stepped over a snow bank on the sidewalk that had frozen up and slid on the ice on the back side of the bank, tried to keep my balance as I was sliding & doing the splits at the same time. My foot came to a stop awkwardly and my weight behind it broke the leg -- this time even worse than before. Immediate & intense pain. I closed my eyes trying to bring it under control. After awhile, the pain became bearable again and I opened my eyes to look at my ankle thinking "maybe it was just a bad sprain." When I saw my foot pointing about 45 degrees off kilter I was able to self-diagnose even with my lack of formal medical training. Looking at the x-rays, the Doc at the hospital told me it shouldn't have shattered like it did. After I told him how I previously broke it he said, "Ohhhhh." Plate/pins/screws this time. I am here to tell you all, one does not heal as quickly at age 40 as one does at age 15. It was about 2 more years before I could stomp a beer can flat without experiencing any pain. (Regular testing but no written records -- you'll just have to take my word for it. :thumbsup: )

Bottom line: bone pain is excrutiating. Think of the force needed to break a bone, especially a big bone like the tibia. A "quick" break like Protho's still hurts like a mutha' but once the leg is stabilized, the pain can be tolerated.

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I broke the fibia and tibia bones in my left leg as the result of an untimely entanglement between myself (on a motorcycle) and a scraggly, motorcycle chasing mutt.


How did it turn out for the mutt?

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I broke the fibia and tibia bones in my left leg as the result of an untimely entanglement between myself (on a motorcycle) and a scraggly, motorcycle chasing mutt.


How did it turn out for the mutt?


A lot better than me and my bike. He made it through without a scratch. I remember looking around after gaining my wits and seeing him standing in the yard next to where I crashed.

I spent the first part of my recovery plotting revenge on that garbage scattering mongrel, but as time passed I got over it. It would have been a lot worse on me mentally had I been taken out by a cat. :D

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I never had a leg injury but several arms and wrist. Playing high school ball against Central Tusclaoosa I caught a pass and planted my arm on the ground to gain my balance. Then a lineman got blocked and landed on the back of my arm sending all the load to my forearm and wrist. I shattered the growth plates and had both bones sticking out of the skin around the wrist area. Plus my thumb was laying back on my arm. I recall the pain but the worst part was getting the air splint blown up which hurt like a mother. I was in my first cast after surgery and was out on the field about 8 weeks later to have my screws slip which required an additional surgery.

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Shock. I went in for a header one time, keeper came out and undercut me and flipped me. I got up and I had dislocated my hand, it was sitting on top of my ulna and my radius. I was about to reset it right there myself as it had no pain and people around me were freaking out. The ref happened to be a doctor and stopped me from doing it. Now about 10 minutes later that SOB hurt worse than anything I have ever felt on the way to the hospital. Like autiger6 I broke both my growth plates.

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When I was about 8 I broke my wrist and I couldn't stand the pain.During my jv's jamboree game this past spring on the second play of the game I hurt my knee and I was out only a few plays and then played the rest of the game.After the game was over I couldn't put any weight on my leg and the next day we found out that I had torn my MCL and the cartilige in my right knee but for some reason I didn't feel any pain during the game.

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I have never broken a bone of any kind, but I love woods1110 video of the fainting goats. This is a breed of goat that faints when alarmed. If this is connected to :au: football, I don't want to know about it, and apologize for bringing it up.

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A buddy of mine and I had this conversation Monday. He played in a softball league in Haleyville and encountered two seperate incidents in which guys broke their legs similar to Prothro's. He said the first time he saw it happen, the guy was screaming in agony. The guy it happenned to the second time sat there calmly and smoked a cigarette.

I broke both bones in my leg in a freak bicycle accident when I was 12. I don't recall much pain after it happened, but even after a shot of morphine, it hurt terribly when the ER doctor set it. This was 25 years ago, they did not do surgery. I have had no problems with it since, and I ran Track and Cross Country all through High School.

I guess everyones body reacts to trauma differently.

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