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"Rammer Jamma"


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Guest Tigrinum Major

I didn't know it only went back to 1980. Makes sense though, when you look at the "tune" to which it is set.

I still prefer the modified version of the cheer.

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I don't care what they say, it is as classless as cheers come. It may be classless when Auburn does it right back to them when we beat them, but it is human nature to rub stuff like that in people's faces when it backfires.

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maybe not saying it against USM was appropraite with the hurricane and all, but people get too worked up about this crap. go out and help somebody instead of putting your efforts toward wasteful gooooodness like this. i don't support anything to do with the university of hell, ahem, alabama, but my geeez. it's almost as looney as the the lady who doesn't like the pink football locker rooms. what school is that? i think it's an ausome idea.

sorry, vent #2 of the day. next thing you know some old lady won't like 'war damn eagle'. get a life people. :blink:

p.s. i like the modified version as well. especially singing it in tuscaloosa.

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The REALLY great thing is that Auburn has been able to perform this uat chant on our EVERY visit to tuscaloser! :big:

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Lets worry about the phrase "give em hell", while the stadium cheers bullsh*t after a bad call :rolleyes:

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I don't have any problem with the Rammer Jammer give 'em hell part. That is about the same as saying play as hard as you can.

I do have a problem with the We just beat the hell out of you part. That's classless and is rubbing in the opponents defeat.

When I was in school, it was "Flicker, flicker, yellowhammer, go to HELL ALAMBAMA" I like that one.

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I've said it before. I've walked out of the stadium with it blasting in my ears and I've yelled it right back at the top of my lungs after a victory.

Who cares? I would never have given it a second thought had this debate not started.

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Unlike some, I like UGA and they're probably my favorite "Other" SEC team. But, I don't mind saying there have been several times on AU/UGA gameday I've sung....

"Georgia, Georgia, how'd you like to bite my...." :big:

Sorry Link but hey, I was young and pumped up on Lee County Jungle Juice. :D

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1) It is the most classless.

2) With the majority of Bam fans being uneducated sidewalk fans, say 75% or more, it will stay.

3) Classless people do classless things.

4) Dont worry about it anymore. The national media laugh at them for it now and it reflects poorly on UAT, so who cares?

5) That cheer does more to show the real lack of class at Bama than 100 articles or 10000 posts on the Internet.

After the 1 point win at the Poulan-Weed-Eater-Independence-Losers (as Mal Moore called it) Bowl, Bama fans did the Rammer Jammer Cheer. The announcers were howling laughing at them for it. Iowa St Cyclones lost that game strictly because of a very bad place kicker that could not make 3 fgs or even a PAT.

That is certainly not "Beating the Hell Out" of anyone.

Now after the Florida Game, Hey, cheer it on.....

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