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I know John Gruden is a good coach but...


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Something I noticed in many losses this year in the NFL and College...

Clock Management... do these coaches need to start taking courses? I mean dang... Who the hell throws the ball in the middle of the field in the NFL in the final seconds of a game? Horrible... just horrible...

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i hate gruden. i hated that pass it 50 times offense he ran in oakland, and i hate that he won't get the ball to possession receivers (ala keyshaun last year and michael clayton this year). i think he's overrated, he won solely b/c of the defense dungy built, and i wish they'd fire him in tampa.

that said, i will keep pulling for the bucs b/c i love cadillac. one game missed by carnell, one game lost for the bucs. what a shock.

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Never have been crazy about gruden.

Never will be after his comments about overusing caddy last week. He basically said that carnells health wasn't as large of a concern as winning games was. Said it in as classless of a way as possible. He is truly full of himself and it has laways been evident by looking at that pathetic little scowl he wears 24/7.

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I like Gruden and his attitude.....he knows how to motivate players and get the message across.

If you want to talk about clock management, Georgia's Richt wrote the book on how to misuse the clock.

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motivate my butt. what's he done since tony dungy's team won the super bowl? if he's such a master motivator why didn't his raiders team make the super bowl until after he left? he reminds me more of noel mazzone than a great coach. mazzone looked like a genius when he had rufus french and deuce mccallister at ole miss and when he had cadillac at auburn his freshman year. then caddy gets hurt and i don't recall a first down the rest of the year. same goes for gruden.

he rode the back of a ding and dunk offense as far as he could take it. then he stepped into a defense that was built to win and brought his gimmick offense along with him. now? he's got cadillac or else he's going to lose. never thought much of gruden.

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I really wish I had the interview to play for you. He had a true poop eating grin on his face as he stressed more than once that cadillacs health was really not a big issue for him and winning was more important than being cautious with the caddy.

If I had been there, with the big guy upstairs as my witness, I'd have told him what a complete a$$ he was. An ignorant one at that.

mcguf, agree with you 100% on this one.

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I really wish I had the interview to play for you. He had a true poop eating grin on his face as he stressed more than once that cadillacs health was really not a big issue for him and winning was more important than being cautious with the caddy.

If I had been there, with the big guy upstairs as my witness, I'd have told him what a complete a$$ he was. An ignorant one at that.

mcguf, agree with you 100% on this one.


If I saw the video, I would probably be on the same page as you.

But cmon, surely alot of you can agree that Gruden can motivate his players. Compared to some of these "old" ball coaches, Gruden can at LEAST do that.

Im not too caught on his NFL coaching abilities, but I dont hate the guy...(havent seen that video either though),

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