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Extreme Deceptive Rhetoric


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Extreme Deceptive Rhetoric

Oct 11, 2005

by Herman Cain

Extreme deceptive rhetoric (EDR) is a tactic often employed by well known liberals to grab headlines and applause lines. Liberals enjoy speaking in EDR because speaking the truth about the issues and their positions usually causes them to lose support. EDR makes logical, grown-up debate on the issues impossible, which is exactly the liberals’ intent. This type of rhetoric promotes racial tension, class warfare and a public uneducated in basic economic literacy. Sadly, many of these stupid and inflammatory statements are not being made by stupid people.

Congressman Charles Rangle (D-NY) is a smart man. He must be because he has served in Congress for thirty-five years. But his recent remarks comparing President Bush with Bull Connor – an enduring symbol of racism and segregation – is divisive, has no basis in fact and is meant purely to scare blacks away from considering the Republican Party and its ideology. Some of Rangle’s constituents likely applauded this extreme and unsound comparison. Many people throughout the country, though, were insulted by his failed analogy, which assumed they are stupid enough to agree with it.

President Bush invited to his cabinet two Secretaries of State – Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice – who happen to be black. On his cabinet sits a black Secretary of Education, Rod Paige and a black Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Alphonso Jackson.

Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales are Hispanic. Labor Secretary Elaine Chao and Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta are Asian. Bush has approved more funding for historically black colleges than Bill Clinton – who author Toni Morrison dubbed our “first black president” – ever did. And Bush supports school choice and charter schools, as does the mayor of Washington , D.C. , who happens to be black, as a way for black kids and all kids to escape some of the public schools that have failed them.

But woe be to conservatives if we dare cite examples of success like Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and Rod Paige. Holding these men and women up as exemplars of achievement who overcame adversities and barriers always invokes the wrath of well known celebrities. One such celebrity, singer Henry Belafonte, rode his banana boat this summer from Hollywood to Atlanta for a voting rights demonstration. There he denigrated all blacks working in or at times gathering with the Bush Administration as “black tyrants.” Belafonte’s intent, of course, is to prevent blacks tired of singing his “Day-O!” refrain from leaving the Democratic plantation. The objective is to keep people from thinking for themselves.

Unfortunately, the EDR strategy works on far too many people. But, there is hope! Fortunately, EDR does not work on everybody.

A twenty-one-year-old black man named Yusef sent me an e-mail recently, saying that he had just read my latest book, “They Think You’re Stupid.” Here is the direct quote from Yusef’s e-mail to me:

“After reading the first chapter, I thought to myself, I’m ignorant. I grew up in a less than desirable rural area, and through the powers that be, i.e. my mother, I turned out literate, articulate, and on the path to being equipped for the changing world ahead. However, I had sadly mistaken my philosophies and personal views on politics, which I thought were based on fact. I am a rhetoric citizen and my mother, like most parents, was the rhetoric breeder.”

Yusef is not ignorant, because he can “connect the dots” when given the right information. Most people can.

But the race baiters, class warfare mongers and groupthink generals do not want people to have the right information. They want all people, not just blacks, to stay, as General Honore so eloquently puts it, stuck on stupid.

The recent controversy over Bill Bennetts’ argument ad absurdum statement is another example of those who pounce on any opportunity to fan the flames of extreme racial rhetoric to sustain the racial divide, and throw mud on anyone with a conservative political ideology. I know Bill Bennett, and he is not a racist. Bull Connor, the original George Wallace and Lester Maddox were racists and they were all Democrats. That’s an inconvenient fact of the past the spreaders of EDR would rather you did not know.

When more people get “unstuck on stupid” by looking at the facts of an argument instead of believing the breathless and bombastic rhetoric of the left we will be able to close our nation’s racial divide, education divide and economics divide. Closing these divides will make us a stronger nation and unify us around fighting the real enemy of blacks and whites and all Americans: namely, extreme Islamic terrorists. The terrorists don’t want to divide us; they want to kill all of us.

Sadly, too many of today’s liberal leaders want to lower the bar of political discourse and progress set so high by those who actually had ideas and dreams and made them realities. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. did not resort to EDR to stir up the worst feelings in people for a short-term political gain. He challenged our nation’s shortcomings with inspired leadership to bring out the best in people. That made all of us better and our nation even greater.


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Extreme Deceptive Rhetoric

Oct 11, 2005

by Herman Cain

Extreme deceptive rhetoric (EDR) is a tactic often employed by well known liberals to grab headlines and applause lines. Liberals enjoy speaking in EDR because speaking the truth about the issues and their positions usually causes them to lose support. EDR makes logical, grown-up debate on the issues impossible, which is exactly the liberals’ intent. This type of rhetoric promotes racial tension, class warfare and a public uneducated in basic economic literacy. Sadly, many of these stupid and inflammatory statements are not being made by stupid people.

Congressman Charles Rangle (D-NY) is a smart man. He must be because he has served in Congress for thirty-five years. But his recent remarks comparing President Bush with Bull Connor – an enduring symbol of racism and segregation – is divisive, has no basis in fact and is meant purely to scare blacks away from considering the Republican Party and its ideology. Some of Rangle’s constituents likely applauded this extreme and unsound comparison. Many people throughout the country, though, were insulted by his failed analogy, which assumed they are stupid enough to agree with it.

President Bush invited to his cabinet two Secretaries of State – Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice – who happen to be black. On his cabinet sits a black Secretary of Education, Rod Paige and a black Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Alphonso Jackson.

Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales are Hispanic. Labor Secretary Elaine Chao and Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta are Asian. Bush has approved more funding for historically black colleges than Bill Clinton – who author Toni Morrison dubbed our “first black president” – ever did. And Bush supports school choice and charter schools, as does the mayor of Washington , D.C. , who happens to be black, as a way for black kids and all kids to escape some of the public schools that have failed them.

But woe be to conservatives if we dare cite examples of success like Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and Rod Paige. Holding these men and women up as exemplars of achievement who overcame adversities and barriers always invokes the wrath of well known celebrities. One such celebrity, singer Henry Belafonte, rode his banana boat this summer from Hollywood to Atlanta for a voting rights demonstration. There he denigrated all blacks working in or at times gathering with the Bush Administration as “black tyrants.” Belafonte’s intent, of course, is to prevent blacks tired of singing his “Day-O!” refrain from leaving the Democratic plantation. The objective is to keep people from thinking for themselves.

Unfortunately, the EDR strategy works on far too many people. But, there is hope! Fortunately, EDR does not work on everybody.

A twenty-one-year-old black man named Yusef sent me an e-mail recently, saying that he had just read my latest book, “They Think You’re Stupid.” Here is the direct quote from Yusef’s e-mail to me:

“After reading the first chapter, I thought to myself, I’m ignorant. I grew up in a less than desirable rural area, and through the powers that be, i.e. my mother, I turned out literate, articulate, and on the path to being equipped for the changing world ahead. However, I had sadly mistaken my philosophies and personal views on politics, which I thought were based on fact. I am a rhetoric citizen and my mother, like most parents, was the rhetoric breeder.”

Yusef is not ignorant, because he can “connect the dots” when given the right information. Most people can.

But the race baiters, class warfare mongers and groupthink generals do not want people to have the right information. They want all people, not just blacks, to stay, as General Honore so eloquently puts it, stuck on stupid.

The recent controversy over Bill Bennetts’ argument ad absurdum statement is another example of those who pounce on any opportunity to fan the flames of extreme racial rhetoric to sustain the racial divide, and throw mud on anyone with a conservative political ideology. I know Bill Bennett, and he is not a racist. Bull Connor, the original George Wallace and Lester Maddox were racists and they were all Democrats. That’s an inconvenient fact of the past the spreaders of EDR would rather you did not know.

When more people get “unstuck on stupid” by looking at the facts of an argument instead of believing the breathless and bombastic rhetoric of the left we will be able to close our nation’s racial divide, education divide and economics divide. Closing these divides will make us a stronger nation and unify us around fighting the real enemy of blacks and whites and all Americans: namely, extreme Islamic terrorists. The terrorists don’t want to divide us; they want to kill all of us.

Sadly, too many of today’s liberal leaders want to lower the bar of political discourse and progress set so high by those who actually had ideas and dreams and made them realities. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. did not resort to EDR to stir up the worst feelings in people for a short-term political gain. He challenged our nation’s shortcomings with inspired leadership to bring out the best in people. That made all of us better and our nation even greater.



Based on the title, I thought this would be about the "Clean Skies Initiative."


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Extreme Deceptive Rhetoric

Oct 11, 2005

by Herman Cain

When more people get “unstuck on stupid” by looking at the facts of an argument instead of believing the breathless and bombastic rhetoric of the left we will be able to close our nation’s racial divide, education divide and economics divide. Closing these divides will make us a stronger nation and unify us around fighting the real enemy of blacks and whites and all Americans: namely, extreme Islamic terrorists. The terrorists don’t want to divide us; they want to kill all of us.



The last people in our political makeup to accomplish a reduction in the racial divide are republicans. Remember, republicans are selfish, greedy and racist; and originally the party of big government. Read your history.

The Republican Party was established as a party of big government and economic intervention. Their reputation as a party of limited government is of more recent vintage and stands on a flimsy foundation.

The Republican Party that emerged in the 1850s was an amalgamation of historical influences, third parties, and interest groups. One group that entered the Republican Party was the Free Soil Party, whose primary platform was free land and subsidies for farmers. In contrast, most Democrats favored selling off the public lands to finance government expenditures, keep tariff rates low, and prevent deficit spending.

Also joining the Republican Party in the 1850s were supporters of the Know Nothing Party. The Know Nothings were most concerned about immigrants coming into the country, competing against labor, and suppressing wages. They favored restrictive immigration and protective tariffs to keep wages high, while Democrats supported both immigration and free trade.

The Whig Party formed the core of the Republican Party with its economic platform consisting of protectionism for industry, a national bank and currency, a large national debt, and a larger federal government engaged in extensive public works.

Also joining the Republican ranks were the Prohibitionists and the Abolitionists. Members of the Republican Party generally shared an opposition to slavery and advocated policies of containment and colonization.

The ambitious economic agenda of the Republican Party had its roots in the economic platforms of Federalist icon Alexander Hamilton and Whig leader Henry Clay. They advocated protective tariffs for industry, a national bank, and plenty of public works and patronage. The flurry of new laws, regulations, and bureaucracies created by Lincoln and the Republican Party during the early 1860s foreshadowed Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal" for the volume, scope and questionable constitutionality of its legislative output.


The republican party is about taking care of their own, the corporations. It has never been about taking care of the people. I pose a question, how do you guys intend on paying for the current budget deficit?


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Based on the title, I thought this would be about the "Clean Skies Initiative."
TT, I guess from your reluctance to respond to the original post, you agree with Bush and his appointment record? Good!
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Nail, meet hammer!!!!

One observation, or question. Why do some folks have to quote the entire thread in order to add a one line retort? Do they think we can't follow the thread without their guidance?

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Nail, meet hammer!!!!

One observation, or question.  Why do some folks have to quote the entire thread in order to add a one line retort?  Do they think we can't follow the thread without their guidance?


Yes. Or even with it. ;)

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Typical libbie attitude of superiority; should have known.


Just based on my experience with this board. Many of the Right Wingers hear don't respond to what I write as if they never even read it. Call it what you will.

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Just based on my experience with this board. Many of the Right Wingers hear don't respond to what I write as if they never even read it. Call it what you will.

That sentence don't make a lick of sense no how. :roflol:

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"Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains."


So True Blue, do you think all Republicans under 30 have no heart?

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