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Think About This Scenario

Proud Tiger

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Everyone is assuming that USC and Texas will win out and play in the Rose Bowl for the MNC. Texas should win out. But what if Cal. should upset USC tomorrrow (they were the last team to beat them)? This would potentially leave a bigger mess than last year. I'm assuming bama ends up with at least one loss, so there could be a ton of teams ending up with one loss. In that case who goes and can't you hear the howls from the 5-6 teams just below the lucky one who will feel that they deserve to be the one there since they too have only one loss? This could end up a mess and be the demise of the BCS. Your thoughts?

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I think you have already seen the media (ESPN) start hyping Miami or Penn State as the one loss team if that scenario were to occur. All I heard last week was about how far and better Miami has come since their first game of the season. That being said, they may be the best one loss teams even though LSU would have to be given consideration if they won out. I think it has to be looked at as who really is playing the best at the end of the season. One loss at the first of the season is a lot different than one loss at the end of the season. -

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I would love to see that happen. Any type of controversy for the BCS is a good thing. It looks like that has to be the case this year for there to be any controversy, save for bama going undefeated :puke: That would be great for there to be several one loss teams. The way the computers do things who knows how those would end up!!! It would all depend on how those one loss teams opponets had fared through out the year, such as bama gets hurt points wise by UTs demise. Miami would need FSU to win out to finish 9-2, etc. etc. It would be a mess and I would love it.

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That would be sweet, especially if every team wound up with a loss. Never happen, but we can wish can't we? Then, what would happen? You'd hear all the talking heads trying to justify how Miami jumped everyone or USC had enough points to stay number 2, or Penn State clearly deserved the #1 slot....

Or OKLAHOMA did just enough... :big:

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