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Why I love this rivalry


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Yesterday held so many possibilities for both AU/Bama. We all talked about the scenarios ad nauseum and knew that for us to have a realistic chance to win the West, Bama had to beat LSU.

Bama totally controlled it's own destiny and needed to focus on the Bengal Tigers and we needed to be pulling for them to squeek out a win somehow for us to have a chance at going back to Atlanta. Funny thing, though. Seemed like every time they went back to Game Day at the Capstone, one chant kept ringing above all others...."Auburn sucks.....Auburn sucks" :blink:

Wait, did I sleep through a week and today is actually the Iron Bowl? Check date on newspaper. Nope, it's the 12th and Bama IS playing LSU. Then what the hell are they doing hollering that over and over? Weird.

Then, the Bama/LSU game starts and my wife says, "So how are you going to pull for Bama? You've never actually done that before." I shrugged my shoulders, thinking I would probably have to take a shower after lowering myself to participate in such a filthy and vile undertaking. But, it had to be done.

Then it happened. Bama kicks one through the uprights and the scoreboard reads 3-0. NOOOOOOOOO! :o I fell to my knees, buried my face in my hands and cried, "What have I done?" After what seemed an eternity, I arose with a look that scared the dog and caused my spouse to proclaim out loud...."He's back, oh thank you Lord". I quickly became a kindred spirit with Stacy Searls and felt as one with the OC as our collective fists went through the grease board. It's time to get off your A$$es and kick some Bama butt. The West be damned on this day. It's time for the Mullet Nation to go down.

I'll become the biggest Hog/Reb fan in the coming weeks, but it simply is not in my makeup to wish that we make the SECCG at the risk of having to hear one more week of "We're back". Not even just one more week of it.

I love this rivalry.

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Yesterday held so many possibilities for both AU/Bama.  We all talked about the scenarios ad nauseum and knew that for us to have a realistic chance to win the West, Bama had to beat LSU.   

Bama totally controlled it's own destiny and needed to focus on the Bengal Tigers and we needed to be pulling for them to squeek out a win somehow for us to have a chance at going back to Atlanta.  Funny thing, though.  Seemed like every time they went back to Game Day at the Capstone, one chant kept ringing above all others...."Auburn sucks.....Auburn sucks" :blink:

Wait, did I sleep through a week and today is actually the Iron Bowl?  Check date on newspaper.  Nope, it's the 12th and Bama IS playing LSU.  Then what the hell are they doing hollering that over and over?  Weird.

Then, the Bama/LSU game starts and my wife says, "So how are you going to pull for Bama?  You've never actually done that before."  I shrugged my shoulders, thinking I would probably have to take a shower after lowering myself to participate in such a filthy and vile undertaking.  But, it had to be done.

Then it happened.  Bama kicks one through the uprights and the scoreboard reads 3-0.  NOOOOOOOOO! :o   I fell to my knees, buried my face in my hands and cried, "What have I done?"  After what seemed an eternity, I arose with a look that scared the dog and caused my spouse to proclaim out loud...."He's back, oh thank you Lord".  I quickly became a kindred spirit with Stacy Searls and felt as one with the OC as our collective fists went through the grease board.  It's time to get off your A$$es and kick some Bama butt.  The West be damned on this day.  It's time for the Mullet Nation to go down.

I'll become the biggest Hog/Reb fan in the coming weeks, but it simply is not in my makeup to wish that we make the SECCG at the risk of having to hear one more week of "We're back".  Not even just one more week of it.

I love this rivalry.


Not talking smack or anything, but what are you gonna do if Bama slips up and beats AU?

To be honest, AU will beat bama. They will beat them into the ground. You guys have a much better O and our D wont hold Irons to just a few yards. AU wins this one pretty easy I think. As for LSU losing. Not gonna happen.

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Yesterday held so many possibilities for both AU/Bama.  We all talked about the scenarios ad nauseum and knew that for us to have a realistic chance to win the West, Bama had to beat LSU.   

Bama totally controlled it's own destiny and needed to focus on the Bengal Tigers and we needed to be pulling for them to squeek out a win somehow for us to have a chance at going back to Atlanta.  Funny thing, though.  Seemed like every time they went back to Game Day at the Capstone, one chant kept ringing above all others...."Auburn sucks.....Auburn sucks" :blink:

Wait, did I sleep through a week and today is actually the Iron Bowl?  Check date on newspaper.  Nope, it's the 12th and Bama IS playing LSU.  Then what the hell are they doing hollering that over and over?  Weird.

Then, the Bama/LSU game starts and my wife says, "So how are you going to pull for Bama?  You've never actually done that before."  I shrugged my shoulders, thinking I would probably have to take a shower after lowering myself to participate in such a filthy and vile undertaking.  But, it had to be done.

Then it happened.  Bama kicks one through the uprights and the scoreboard reads 3-0.  NOOOOOOOOO! :o   I fell to my knees, buried my face in my hands and cried, "What have I done?"  After what seemed an eternity, I arose with a look that scared the dog and caused my spouse to proclaim out loud...."He's back, oh thank you Lord".  I quickly became a kindred spirit with Stacy Searls and felt as one with the OC as our collective fists went through the grease board.  It's time to get off your A$$es and kick some Bama butt.  The West be damned on this day.  It's time for the Mullet Nation to go down.

I'll become the biggest Hog/Reb fan in the coming weeks, but it simply is not in my makeup to wish that we make the SECCG at the risk of having to hear one more week of "We're back".  Not even just one more week of it.

I love this rivalry.


I could never root for Alabama. From the day I was born I was never to root for Alabama. It's simply not in my blood. Damn the SEC Championship game, and Damn Alabama. Remember?:

"I'm a hell of a guy from the API, and I don't give a damn

I go to school to break the rules and flunk the damn exam

To hell with Alabama

To hell with LSU

If you don't like the song I sing to hell, to hell with you."


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Yesterday held so many possibilities for


I could never root for Alabama. From the day I was born I was never to root for Alabama. It's simply not in my blood. Damn the SEC Championship game, and Damn Alabama. Remember?:

"I'm a hell of a guy from the API, and I don't give a damn

I go to school to break the rules and flunk the damn exam

To hell with Alabama

To hell with LSU

If you don't like the song I sing to hell, to hell with you."



Is that a legit cheer, or did you make it up? I like it!

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Save the trash talking until AFTER this game. Any AU fan that watched the '84 game and any Bama fan that watched the '93 game knows this game ain't for those that believe in "conventional wisdom". Also, unless you're playing in the GAME yourself, you're @ the mercy of 18-22 year old kids in an in-state rivalry. There's a couple ways AU could be in the Sugar bowl and...parish the thought...Bama could still play for the MNC.

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Guest Tigrinum Major
I could never root for Alabama. From the day I was born I was never to root for Alabama. It's simply not in my blood. Damn the SEC Championship game, and Damn Alabama. Remember?:

"I'm a hell of a guy from the API, and I don't give a damn

I go to school to break the rules and flunk the damn exam

To hell with Alabama

To hell with LSU

If you don't like the song I sing to hell, to hell with you."



The post I never thought I would make:

"BF, I agree."

Hey esquire, heck of a post. I agree with you 100%. It looks like I will be at the game, sans ticket for the moment, but soaking up the atmosphere. I owe you a beer.

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I am reminded of a line from "The Longerst Yard.", the first one. (I have not even watched the remake.) "You mean we get to hit the guards?"

I love this game because, as an Auburn Man, it is the chance, once a year, to watch the Good Guys :au: hit the bad guys (uat) in the mouth. ;)

We get the chance to remind everyone why we are :au: and they can never be.

Sure, it is a game played by young men and our emotions mean very little. That's fine with me. I will simply cheer for the Good Guy's emotions and their play on the field. More importantly, this year's team has earned a ton of respect. We lost a multi million dollar backfield(unlike uat, our guys got their $$$ from NFL Owners) to the NFL and , in case you haven't noticed, Auburn is the #1 Offense in the SEC!

Our defense has slipped up a bit lately, but, just how good do you have to be to keep uat out of the end zone? :rolleyes:

It is a great game because GREAT players make it great. I will be in Football Heaven next week to watch the Good Guys hang another loss on the bad guys.

I will be there to watch the Auburn Tigers. I could really care less who is lined up on the other side of the field. As always, I will be there to support OUR guys, The Good Guys. :au:

WAR :au: EAGLE & Death to all that is dark pink. :cheer:

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i thought all week about the 'politically correct' thing to do on the LSU/Bama game. when it came down to it, i just couldn't cheer for bama. i watched the game disgusted by both teams. i knew in the back of my head/heart that if i for some reason got my hopes up for a bama victory, they would just screw me over as they have many times before (however, not lately! :big: ) thus, i decided to watch in misery knowing i would lose either way. i will be a huge UM/ARK fan the next 2 weeks as well.

however, my disgust turned to utter and absolute joy about 4 hours later.


BEAT :ua: !

p.s. i love that little jingle was well. sweet.

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Yesterday held so many possibilities for both AU/Bama.  We all talked about the scenarios ad nauseum and knew that for us to have a realistic chance to win the West, Bama had to beat LSU.   

Bama totally controlled it's own destiny and needed to focus on the Bengal Tigers and we needed to be pulling for them to squeek out a win somehow for us to have a chance at going back to Atlanta.  Funny thing, though.  Seemed like every time they went back to Game Day at the Capstone, one chant kept ringing above all others...."Auburn sucks.....Auburn sucks" :blink:

Wait, did I sleep through a week and today is actually the Iron Bowl?  Check date on newspaper.  Nope, it's the 12th and Bama IS playing LSU.  Then what the hell are they doing hollering that over and over?  Weird.

Then, the Bama/LSU game starts and my wife says, "So how are you going to pull for Bama?  You've never actually done that before."  I shrugged my shoulders, thinking I would probably have to take a shower after lowering myself to participate in such a filthy and vile undertaking.  But, it had to be done.

Then it happened.  Bama kicks one through the uprights and the scoreboard reads 3-0.  NOOOOOOOOO! :o   I fell to my knees, buried my face in my hands and cried, "What have I done?"  After what seemed an eternity, I arose with a look that scared the dog and caused my spouse to proclaim out loud...."He's back, oh thank you Lord".  I quickly became a kindred spirit with Stacy Searls and felt as one with the OC as our collective fists went through the grease board.  It's time to get off your A$$es and kick some Bama butt.  The West be damned on this day.  It's time for the Mullet Nation to go down.

I'll become the biggest Hog/Reb fan in the coming weeks, but it simply is not in my makeup to wish that we make the SECCG at the risk of having to hear one more week of "We're back".  Not even just one more week of it.

I love this rivalry.


Esq ... SOLID. My wife isn't even a football fan but knows about the AU-uat rivalry through me. We were watching the AU-UGA pre-game broadcast where the announcers were spouting such nonsense such as: "all AU fans are cheering for uat today, blah blah SEC Championship game blah blah," and she immediately turns to me and asks, "You have to pull for uat?" I looked at her with a look of disgust on my face and said, "Honey, they're just announcers. If they knew WTH they were talking about they would be doing something else. And No. I will not be pulling for uat in anything. I hope LSU stomps a mudhole into them."

9 weeks was long enough -- thanks, geaux Tigers. I'm with Esq on being the biggest Hog/Rebel fan in the next couple of weeks. LSU will get lazy against 1 or both teams. WDE :au:

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I got so sick an tired of hearing announcer after announcer tell me yesterday that we were pulling for bammer. :angry: Maybe 20-30% of Auburn fans, and 50% of those root for them anyway "cause they are from Alabama" :rolleyes:

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The LSU-uat game is a good case in point for doing away with overtime. A tie would have put us a half game ahead of LSU and needing to beat bama for the West.

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I was pretty much nuetral I equally disliked both teams yesterday(UA/LSU) it's just a shame they both couldn't lose!

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In order to forgo the pain of having to watch uat vs lsu, I went to Pensacola N.A.S. to watch the Blue Angels return home show. I had to go occupy my afternoon because I knew I could not wish the mullet nation a victory; no matter what the unlikelihood of Arky or Ole Mrs. beating lsu was. I kept thinking not many would have thought that S.C. could be the east representative at the start of the season, but if UGA doesn’t beat UK by some laps in complete ability then guess what they are. I want what’s best for Auburn, don’t get me wrong but I hate the bammer boobs. :big:

War Damn Eagle! Beat Bammer! :cheer:

GO Arky and Ole Piss!

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When LSU scored to tie the game, I yelled "YES," and my wife chimed in right behind me. I looked at her and had to remind her that AU is better off is Bammer wins!


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The thing I think I noticed in Athens was this.....

We went into the stadium while the corndog/ mullet game was still going on. Once I got my father seated I walked back out onto the concourse where UGA had pumped the feed for that game into the televisions on the concourse. While standing there with many other Auburn fans watching the end of the corndog/mullet game I realized this.....

The only Auburn people that I actually saw cheering for the mullets were Auburn folks who were younger and had not come up during the time when it was shoved in AU folks face by the mullets. This is understandable in my mind...I would prob be the same way if I were a little younger.

I for one am glad the mullets lost and it will suit me fine not to go to the championship game. We had our chance to control our own destiny and were not up to the task that particular evening.

This was by no means meant as a hit to the Auburn folks who actually pulled for the mullets. It is only my observation from standing on the concourse Saturday evening with many other Auburn folks watching the game.

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The Auburn and Alabama game is like the biggest rivalry in the SEC. Every year my Alabama fan friends become my enemies. :lol: Saturday's not even here yet and I can already feel the tension. :boxing::hammerin:

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well i'm one of the younger fans you talked about and while i can't speak for all of us i can assure you i was not pulling for bama. not even for a second. folks around me kept saying, "hey you want us to miss atlanta?" i just replied, "there are other ways to get there, and bama going undefeated is much worse than missing atlanta."

except for about 4 minutes in the second quarter, i just abstained from watching the game. i couldn't pretend bama's success excited me, but i really didn't want to cheer on something that would "hurt" auburn.

all i can say now: war damn eagle, beat bama, and hotty toddy!

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Yesterday held so many possibilities for both AU/Bama.  We all talked about the scenarios ad nauseum and knew that for us to have a realistic chance to win the West, Bama had to beat LSU.   

Bama totally controlled it's own destiny and needed to focus on the Bengal Tigers and we needed to be pulling for them to squeek out a win somehow for us to have a chance at going back to Atlanta.  Funny thing, though.  Seemed like every time they went back to Game Day at the Capstone, one chant kept ringing above all others...."Auburn sucks.....Auburn sucks" :blink:

Wait, did I sleep through a week and today is actually the Iron Bowl?  Check date on newspaper.  Nope, it's the 12th and Bama IS playing LSU.  Then what the hell are they doing hollering that over and over?  Weird.

Then, the Bama/LSU game starts and my wife says, "So how are you going to pull for Bama?  You've never actually done that before."  I shrugged my shoulders, thinking I would probably have to take a shower after lowering myself to participate in such a filthy and vile undertaking.  But, it had to be done.

Then it happened.  Bama kicks one through the uprights and the scoreboard reads 3-0.  NOOOOOOOOO! :o   I fell to my knees, buried my face in my hands and cried, "What have I done?"  After what seemed an eternity, I arose with a look that scared the dog and caused my spouse to proclaim out loud...."He's back, oh thank you Lord".  I quickly became a kindred spirit with Stacy Searls and felt as one with the OC as our collective fists went through the grease board.  It's time to get off your A$$es and kick some Bama butt.  The West be damned on this day.  It's time for the Mullet Nation to go down.

I'll become the biggest Hog/Reb fan in the coming weeks, but it simply is not in my makeup to wish that we make the SECCG at the risk of having to hear one more week of "We're back".  Not even just one more week of it.

I love this rivalry.


Glad to see you quickly came to your senses. I thought for awhile there I was gonna have to find a new attorney. As I said in another thread, I was so excited when LSU scored in OT that I tried to make a phone call (twice) on my TV remote :cheer:

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