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Understatement of the Year

Proud Tiger

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While waiting in a doctor's office last Friday, I picked up the November 2005 issue of Smithsonian magazine. An article called "35 Who made a Difference" caught my attention. One of the 35 was Bill Gates and was written by Jimmy Carter of all people. I almost laughed out loud when I read "Bill Gates has far surpassed anything I accomplished in engineering or business." Now that is a real understatment . Hell Jimmy you can write that about a lot of us. :big:

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While waiting in a doctor's office last Friday, I picked up the November 2005  issue of Smithsonian magazine. An article called "35 Who made a Difference" caught my attention. One of the 35 was Bill Gates and was written by Jimmy Carter of all people. I almost laughed out loud when I read "Bill Gates has far surpassed anything I accomplished in engineering or business." Now that is a real understatment . Hell  Jimmy you can write that about a lot of us. :big:


True, in the areas of engineering & business, Jimmy Carter may not have led the pack.

But in the areas of politics and humanity, not many others can claim being the governor of a state, President of the United States, Nobel laureate, internationally recognized humanitarian, and faithful example of a true Christian. [...who also happened to see a UFO and get attacked while fishing by a vicious bunny rabbit... :D ]

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internationally recognized humanitarian

I had the distinct displeasure of serving under JC while he was CinC while I was in the Navy. I can assure you Sir, he is under NO definition of the word currrently in use in any language a "humanitarian." The deplorable conditions he left enlisted people in for his term in office were beyond disgusting and reprehensible. Whatever you can say about him after he was tossed out of the White House, Carter was a complete failure while in the White House.

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While waiting in a doctor's office last Friday, I picked up the November 2005  issue of Smithsonian magazine. An article called "35 Who made a Difference" caught my attention. One of the 35 was Bill Gates and was written by Jimmy Carter of all people. I almost laughed out loud when I read "Bill Gates has far surpassed anything I accomplished in engineering or business." Now that is a real understatment . Hell  Jimmy you can write that about a lot of us. :big:


True, in the areas of engineering & business, Jimmy Carter may not have led the pack.

But in the areas of politics and humanity, not many others can claim being the governor of a state, President of the United States, Nobel laureate, internationally recognized humanitarian, and faithful example of a true Christian. [...who also happened to see a UFO and get attacked while fishing by a vicious bunny rabbit... :D ]


It doesn't do much for me that he held several offices. All I know is he is the worst President of my lifetime. Heck Ross Perot had to rescue our guys in Iran because Carter was so inept. I'm truly ashamed to say I voted for Carter. I should have voted for Billy. Admiral Rickover said it best of Carter's nuclear engineering capability.

He is a humantrian? Maybe but he also stabbed in the back the founder of Habitat for Humanity. And as a Christian all I see is huge hypocracy. But I will let God be the judge of that.

In sumary, I find little about Carter I like.

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internationally recognized humanitarian

I had the distinct displeasure of serving under JC while he was CinC while I was in the Navy. I can assure you Sir, he is under NO definition of the word currrently in use in any language a "humanitarian." The deplorable conditions he left enlisted people in for his term in office were beyond disgusting and reprehensible. Whatever you can say about him after he was tossed out of the White House, Carter was a complete failure while in the White House.


Amen! I came in initially during the early years of the Reagan presidency, and we were still reeling from the effects of Carter. It took Reagan many years to fix.

He can't seem to do anything but criticize America abroad now-a-days. A lot of his "international recognition" comes to him as a reward for his bad mouthing of America, IMO.

He is, without a doubt, America's worst ever President.

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I understand that Carter's performance as president was a disappointment to many people.

I'm just saying that getting elected to be state governor, getting elected President of the US (the most powerful person on the planet), being viewed by most people of the world as a humanitarian, and winning a Nobel Peace Prize are in themselves accomplishments that very few can put on their resumes. Few of us can claim to have accomplished just one or two of these things, much less all of them.

I respect anyone's right to their own opinion of how well he performed as president...or since, and to like or dislike him.

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Worst President hands down: Ulysses S. Grant

The only reason he was elected was because of the Civil War victory, and he showed his inferiority by doing absolutely nothing while in office. Well, unless you count not rebuilding the south or allowing carpet baggers exploit the entire population. Jimmy Carter, eh, bad president, but just like everyone else now a days, he thinks cause he has a voice he should use it to bad mouth. I have an internal mute button, and it works wonders.

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I would take one US Grant over two jimmy "I got teeth" carters any day of the week. At LEAST Grant was a warrior. :thumbsup:

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I was in the same service and same MOS as Carter. He is without a doubt the worst President of the 20th century. Only Hoover compares to Carter.

Carter bought a weapon system from the Brits, SeaSparrow. It was complete junk. Sole good purpose was to be a boat anchor someday. Extremely high maintennance. It was not weather friendly. It was an anti-missile missile. It only test fired correctly once, while stationary, in a calm sea, with no wind. The missile was so slow, that by the time it fired and missed there would be no second shot if it ever had been fired in combat. This piece of junk was so bad that we had to station a 24/7 watch on it or it fire off while no one was looking. Wasted space, wasted time, wasted manpower, wasted money. It was the penultimate boondoggle at the expense of surface puke safety. The surface pukes talked about stationing a boatswain's mate topside with tennis balls so that they actually have a chance. It was THAT bad.

We already had CIWS ready to go. An American made, cost effective, incredibly accurate, no wasted deck space, and available. Carter, brainiac that he is, chose SeaSparrow.

I could go on and on. Carter was/is a stuffed shirt moron. And the awards you site are just testimony to the fact that awards are like hemorrhoids, sooner or later every a$$ hole gets some.

BTW, noted humanitarians and UNCOHR members include these notables: . Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Libya, Rwanda, etc.

You get the drift here. being recognized ionternationally as a member of the UN Human Rights Counsel means you can be a complete failure at HR but still be recognized as a concil member. I hold Carter in the same light.

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I nominate Lyndon Johnson for the Worst President award.

The man was ethically challenged, far more so than Richard Nixon.

Not only did he escalate the Vietnam Conflict, but he did so without even discussing it with the American people. He cooked up the incident in the Tonkin Gulf as a pretext, and then did a botch job of fighting the war. Quite frankly, we could have won the war after the Tet Offensive (which was a complete rout of the NVA and the VietCong), but he did not. The American people had zero trust in the man by that point which explains why he's the only incumbent president in American history who couldn't even get re-nominated by his party.

Then let's consider his disastrous War On Poverty. It led to a permanent mushrooming of the Federal Bureaucracy and the ratcheting up of our taxes. It was a hodgepodge of ill-considered programs that actuallly accomplished very little to combat poverty. In fact, it can be argued that, with its resulting destruction of the inner city and retardation of economic growth, it led to more poverty. In the 1950s, the average tax burden in this country wwas 5%. As a direct result of LBJ, that burden now sits around 45%.

I didn't vote for Ronald Reagan in 1980. But now I thank God that the man came along and helped reverse at least part of the damage that buffoon caused. Slowly but surely, the inner cities are being reclaimed, and things are relatively safe again for people with investments. But it would have been very easy for the US to have slid into the abyss had LBJ's legacy continued to expand.

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