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online college courses are illegal


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read the title of the nyt article: "for some athletes, courses with no classes"

1. in their own article they point out that more than 75% of the students were not athletes, therefore, title misleading

2. if class attendance is a mandatory for a college level class, then any online colleges are meaningless

3. while they pointed out the grade averages for players, they failed to mention the grades for non athletes, this is like the duke rape case where only lacrosse players were in the lineup, no matter what your not wrong. i'll bet the averages for the other 75% of students was higher than the players average, that is why they didn't mention it in the article because it would prove that their was no bias towards players

4. why no mention of other universities, didn't fit their agenda?

please note, the article isn't titled "grades without work" so apparently now the NYT feels it is their responsibility to determine what the requirements should be for college level courses. if anyone knows anybody who goes to columbia univ or harvard, etc, find out if there are ANY courses that do not require attendance. find out where the author went to school and see if they offer classes with similar standards. i wonder if the author ever got credit for a course that did not require attendance, if so, don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house. what a bunch of BS.

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