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FDR, get off the dime!


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WASHINGTON -- FDR, get off the dime!

That's the command from a handful of Southern California Republican congressmen involved in an effort to replace Franklin Delano Roosevelt's image on the dime with Ronald Reagan's.

Rep. Mark Souder, R-Ind., introduced the legislation that would boot the Democratic architect of the New Deal in the Great Depression from all future 10-cent coins to make way for the conservative icon.

Why honor the president who brought us out of a depression when we can honor the president whose policies have started us towards the next?

Reagan dime makes sense, backers say

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I'd say replace Washington, either on the dollar or the quarter.

Can't you just see the one-ups-manship coming? Everytime that a political party gains power, we'll see the other party's past presidents removed from coins to make room for the favorites of the new party in power. FDR should NOT be taken off of our nation's currency, whether they place Reagan on a piece of currency or not. I don't support NOT honoring Reagan but I also don't support removing the honor bestowed on FDR.

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I say forget about it altogether. Maybe in 50 years he will be seen as worthy. But IMO, It takes a bigger place in history, regardless of party affiliation.

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I say forget about it altogether. Maybe in 50 years he will be seen as worthy. But IMO, It takes a bigger place in history, regardless of party affiliation.

Hey, I like your new moniker, stirrer of pots. It'd probably fit me too, huh? ;)

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I agree that booting FDR is an absurd thing and a waste of time. I do disagree with the comment that Reagan lead us into the next depression. That was a pretty inaccurate statement there. The economy for Reagan was pretty dang good during the majority of the adminstration. Sometimes it is hard for any president to completely control the economy, democrat or republican. The real responsible party is congress, because they have to approve the president's budget.

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